Chapter 158: Pay attention to quality! Than voting?

Hua Chenyu obviously didn't expect it.

Su Ming actually did such a great job this time!

Obviously, he just stirred up public opinion at the beginning.

It's not him who scolds Su Ming's fans, as for bringing him with him?

And it actually cut off the whole interest.

If this is the case, as long as Su Ming is not cold for a day, he will get colder and colder.

Originally, the current resources have been reduced to third- and fourth-tier artists

As a result, Su Ming came to such a hand.

That's about to fall into the eighteenth line!

"Damn! You're damned! "

Hua Chenyu continued to slam the wine on the table, a burst of impotent rage.

He hates!

But helplessly, he couldn't kill Su Ming!

Even he regretted it a little.

I really shouldn't mess with Su Ming again!

Su Ming is simply a madman!

And seeing Hua Chen's words like this, Meng Meiqi and the little sisters on the side were all frightened and scurrying around.

Some of them even slipped away.

"Hey, my ancestor, you can be regarded as answering the phone, where are you now?"

"Why is it so noisy, you won't run to the bar, will you?"

"No, no, Sister Wang, I went out to the mall, I didn't go to the bar, what is the situation now?"


The other end.

Meng Meiqi, who came to the toilet, answered the agent's phone and hurriedly began to understand the situation.

Wait for the agent to tell her the ins and outs of the matter.

Meng Meiqi's face darkened.

And she guessed right just now, Su Ming really came to an end!

not only scolded her by name, but also scolded Lehua, and cut off her interests.

Several brands that were originally going to talk to her about cooperation came over overnight, saying that they wouldn't talk about it for now.

As a result, Lehua lost a lot of resources at once.

And this is all related to the microwave she just sent.

"Okay, Sister Wang, I'll go home and attend the meeting now!"

"Hurry up, high-level now, you're really, why do you have that kind of microwave for no reason? It was supposed to be a good situation, alas..."

Hang up the phone.

Meng Meiqi hurriedly rushed out and prepared to go home, feeling anxious and angry.

What's in a hurry is that now this mess is now, and she doesn't know how to clean it up.

The angry thing is that she really shouldn't have listened to Huachenyu and the nonsense of these little sisters just now!

Pass by the booth.

Looking at Hua Chenyu, who was still angry, Meng Meiqi glared fiercely, and rushed out of the bar without looking back.

A bad friend like Huachenyu really shouldn't be made!


"Sister Mi, Sister Mi, look at the microwave, Su Ming is on the hot search again!"

"Su Ming, this... Forget it, make a phone call, let the operation make a voice on the official blog, support Su Ming, cut it, we are not afraid! "

At this time, Yang Mi was in the villa.

Rebana also noticed Su Ming's movement on the microwave.

After informing Yang Mi, Yang Mi's reaction was first startled, and then she quickly shook her head and eased up.

Su Ming's reaction looked a little excessive.

But it's reasonable to think about, and there's nothing too wrong with it.

And it's also very Sumin!


"Director, director, look at the microwave soon, Su Ming has spoken!"

"What? Su Ming: This... Is this a tear on the face? "

"Yes! Now this public opinion is about to explode! "

"Old Xue Ziqi and Han Hong Yi Xun, they all seem to have praised Su Ming's microwave!"

"Holy! It's a mess now! "

"I feel like Lehua is a little out of the way!"

Blue Channel's "Who is the King of Singers" program group.

Now that's blowing up.

They didn't expect it to be true.

Su Ming actually scolded directly!

And the most important thing is that the guests of Lao Xue Ziqi are actually praising Su Ming, as if they have already begun to stand in line!

And this is also all of a sudden expansion of public opinion again.

Obviously, their show hasn't started yet.

But it seems to have already begun!

"Notify the operation department, and quickly send a few more microwaves to promote our program, this traffic can rub a little bit!"

The director hurriedly arranged a new task at this time.

Now this public opinion flow has reached its peak, as the organizer, this traffic has to rub a little bit, although there is a high probability of being scolded, but it doesn't matter, the traffic is really fragrant!

And when the show officially starts, I really don't know how popular it will be!


Let's talk about Lehua's side.

The online meeting was in full swing.

Departments are thinking about how to deal with this unexpected situation.

After discussing for a long time, I still haven't come up with a better plan.

After Meng Meiqi joined the meeting, the company's senior management directly suspended the discussion.

faced Meng Meiqi with three consecutive questions, and then scolded even more. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Being scolded under the gaze of so many colleagues, Meng Meiqi's face was really ugly, and she couldn't wait to find a crack in the ground to get into.

It was a 180-degree change from the treatment she had suffered during the day today.

At the same time, she is also angry!

His strength is not much weaker than Su Ming, it's just that Su Ming's popularity is high, so Su Ming casually sent a few microwaves, whether it was online or at the company, all of them were spraying her!

If one day she becomes the top class, this account will definitely have to be recovered!

And what's even more infuriating, it's Hua Chenyu and those bad friends, if you don't go to the bar today and don't listen to their nonsense, how can you make these moths?

And after the high-level scolded Meng Meiqi.

The meeting also continued.

The top priority now is to see if we can save a wave of Meng Meiqi.

After all, in order to build momentum for Meng Meiqi in the past few days, he has burned a lot of money in the company.

Although the current situation is very bad, if it can be handled well, it may be able to bottom out and rebound, and it will be a complete black and red success, or at least stop loss in time.

The meeting lasted for a full hour.

Eventually, the solution came out.

The solution is very hard-working, and it's also very simple and crude.

That is to break the jar and break it, and Su Ming is tough.

Anyway, now Su Ming didn't leave them much leeway.

Then it's straight to the front.

And so quickly.

The operation department used Meng Meiqi's microwave account to publish a microwave.

[Su Ming deity, please pay attention to your quality! 】

[I didn't want to occupy public resources, but public opinion is a bit too big now, so I'll respond one last time.]

Regarding the scolding, I didn't name Su Ming's fans, he wanted to sit in the right seat, and I couldn't help it.

But put this aside for now, since Su Ming has already named me, they are all artists, and it doesn't mean anything to spray, and the show speaks with strength! 】

[There are no judges for this show, so when the time comes, when the time comes, you can organize an online vote to see who can have a higher number of votes, if I win, please apologize to me! ] 】

After the microwave is finished.

The operation department hurriedly contacted the major ticket companies and began to discuss the price.


For Meng Meiqi's strength, Lehua is very forced.

So in the end, the winner or loser was deliberately determined on the online voting.

There is room for online voting.

As long as you spend money crazily, when the time comes, you will put the tickets on the top, as long as the number of votes is not too disparity, then you will not lose your share.

And even if netizens see that it is a ticket swipe, it is fine.

After a while, most of the memories of the Internet have dissipated.

At that time, with the help of this number of votes, Meng Meiqi can still be used to blow.

Anyway, at least, Meng Meiqi will not be cold on the spot, and if she can't get it right, she can earn more.

Of course.

The premise is that Su Ming's votes are not exaggerated by his wife, otherwise with such a high number of votes, the funds may not be able to withstand it.

But be optimistic.

As long as Meng Meiqi can really show a little strength, it is estimated that she can also attract many netizens to vote for her.

It is completely okay to maintain the follow-up heat to the second and third lines.

In general, it can be regarded as earned.

And this move against the company.

Meng Meiqi was really moved in her heart.

Unexpectedly, the company did not give up on her, but finally chose to believe in her strength!

It seems that her strength is really good!

Damn, just Su Ming, it's done!

Let's talk about the other end.

With Meng Meiqi's public relations microwave.

The comments at the bottom seem to have rushed to hundreds of thousands in a very short period of time, and they are still soaring at a rapid pace.

After a while, this also directly hit the forefront of the hot search.

There are no accidents, most of them are all doubts, anger, and even some people predicted the operation of swiping tickets.

But even if it is predicted to swipe the ticket, there seems to be no way.

Because there is no strict control of the relevant parties at present.

Let's talk about Su Ming.

Su Ming, who was already preparing to sleep, saw Meng Meiqi's response to the microwave.

I really laughed a little angrily.

Say that he has no quality, say that he forcibly substitutes himself?

It's really a strong argument!

And it's really better than the strength, and it's also set an online brush... The rules of voting are determined by winning or losing.

Isn't this pure delivery?

Since you want to engage in this hand.

Then he can only sing some golden songs that will make people want to vote.

It's time to take Nocturne out for a walk!

He wants to see how much money Lehua has to swipe tickets!.

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