Chapter 159: Is the budget for ticket swiping enough? The show is about to start

And after the decision to sing "Nocturne".

Su Ming also immediately turned on the microwave.

Now that Meng Meiqi has already played the war book.

How can there be any reason not to respond?

And so.

A new microwave was sent out soon.

[Singer Meng Meiqi, I have your mother! ] 】

[Return me to the right seat? Strong words, reversing black and white is really played by you, and fools can see who you are scolding! 】

[It's better than voting, okay, I accept it!] If my votes are not as high as yours, I will apologize to you, and by the way, I will go to your Lehua company to be a cleaner for a month, and clean the toilet every day!

But if your votes are not as high as mine, then please apologize to me and my fans, and by the way, come to my Jiahang as a cleaner for a month, do you dare?

By the way, before agreeing, please discuss with the company to see if the budget for swiping tickets is enough? 】

And this microwave was launched.

It is surprising that public opinion has exploded again.

"! Su Ming's response came so quickly! "

"It's too fast!"

"Hahahaha! Su Ming is awesome! I just like Su Ming's fragrant mouth and straight energy! "

"Su Ming is so hard! Singer Meng Meiqi, replied quickly, do you dare to agree? "

"Singer Meng Meiqi, yes, dare not agree, don't pretend to be dead!"

"I'm really laughing, Meng Meiqi really wants to compete with Su Ming, I'm really confused, I can't figure out how many catties and taels I have!"

"Hahahaha, it's okay to be a public cleaner! Su Ming's wave is too big to play! "

"It's not, and Su Ming understands online voting, can you look at the budget for swiping votes?! Anyway, I don't care, this wave must vote for Su Ming! "

"Me too, this wave I want to brainlessly swipe Su Ming's tickets! (Manual Doghead)"

"It's done! This wave must make this kind of brainless eighteenth-line artist pay the price, see if she brushes more, or we vote more! "

"Ahem, I'm a pure passerby, I kind of want to vote for Su Ming, not because of anything else, mainly because I want to see a female star go to be a cleaner, I haven't seen it before."

"I'm also a passerby, is this cleaning serious? Can I stream while cleaning? It's better to live stream the part about cleaning the men's bathroom, I can pay for it! "


"This Sakura netizen, please calm down, it's tearing up now, isn't that anything."


At this time.

With this wave of Su Ming's response.

Fans and melon-eating netizens are all boiling.

Su Ming is still as tough as ever!

This wave is really a good show.

As for Su Ming's response, Meng Mei's chess side also responded to the battle for the first time.

[Su Ming himself, what is there not to dare? See you on the show!

Also, don't say yes, I don't bother to swipe tickets! 】

There's no room for maneuver right now, just face!

The only thing that gives Lehua a bit of a headache now is.

Now rushing to this public opinion situation.

I feel like I have to spend a lot of money on swiping tickets.

If you can't win if you really swipe the ticket, then it's really a blood loss!

And with Meng Meiqi's response.

Public opinion can be said to have reached its peak.

The comments at the bottom are that they have skyrocketed to the millions.

"! Su Ming, this guy is so arrogant! "

"Who do you look down on?"

Meng Meiqi looked at Su Ming's microwave at this time, and her expression was really a little ugly.

It's as if she has to swipe her ticket to win!

Is her strength much worse than Su Ming's?

But she's tough on the surface.

But the more she thought about it, the more she felt a little weak.

It seems that her strength is indeed somewhat worse than Su Ming.

If she loses, the company won't really let her go to Jiahang to work as a cleaner for a month, right?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a sense of pressure.

You'll have to practice really hard for a few days!


And with the bets of Su Ming and Meng Mei Chess Fang.

This public opinion seems to have come to an end.

At present, the eyes of netizens are focused on the show "Who is the King of Singers" and the voting of the follow-up songs of the two.

are all looking forward to it.

In the end, Su Ming used his strength to crush Meng Meiqi on the show, or Meng Meiqi was crushed by Su Ming.

Of course.

The main event, of course, is in voting.

With the level of Meng Meiqi, Lehua is almost about to swipe the ticket.

If Su Ming always upholds fairness, he doesn't engage in votes, and only relies on netizens to vote. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

To be honest, the outcome is really a bit suspenseful.

In case Su Ming loses.

That's a lot of fun.

And for this scene.

The program team of "Who is the King of Singers" is really happy.

This wave of traffic is really going to make money!

And to be honest, it's really right to invite Meng Meiqi to their show!

Who would have thought that Meng Meiqi would be able to make such a sassy operation?


And this time in the blink of an eye.

A few days passed.

It's Thursday.

There is only one day left before "Who is the King of Singers" starts.

In these days.

Public opinion on the microwave has really stopped a lot.

Whether it was Meng Meiqi or Su Ming, neither spoke again.

The anger of netizens has also disappeared a lot.

But everybody knows,

It's just the calm before the storm.

Let's talk about Su Ming.

Su Ming is in a good mood now, and he has not been affected by the bet with Meng Meiqi at all.

"Damn! This is a high-class stone man! "

"Sister Mi, can you do something? Let you jungle, not let you only jungle! "


In the office, Su Mingzheng and Yang Mi are in a double row.

Su Ming originally wanted to practice as a clown.

As a result, when I met a high-grade stone man who was suspected of being a bully brother, it was really a headache.

And Yang Mi chose a jungler position, and was killed by wild monsters many times, not to mention, it was really only a jungler.

If it weren't for the other three teammates, they would have pulled the paparazzi.

It is estimated that Yang Mi has been sprayed numb by her teammates.

But in fact, they don't need to make a move, and now they are being sprayed by Su Ming.

Fighting, the eyes of the scolded are red.

"Well, I'll stop playing for now, take care of the company's affairs, you guys can play."

Finally got up to the crystal explosion on the other side, Yang Mi couldn't resist it, her eyes were red, and she turned her head and walked out of the office.

Su Ming didn't pay attention to Yang Mi's situation, so he continued to open the next handful.

And in the process of queuing.

Su Ming also remembered the matter of smoking fans.

Today is already Thursday, and I have to send a wave of lottery microwaves in advance.

There is one thing to say.

Compared with the show "Who is the King of Singers", he is more looking forward to getting along with the next fan.

"Stinky Su Ming! Stinky Su Ming! "

Back in the office, Yang Mi thought about the picture of Su Ming scolding him just now, and the more she thought about it, the more aggrieved she became.

"Sister Mi, what's wrong with you, Su Ming bullied you?"

As soon as Reba entered the office, he noticed that Yang Mi was wrong at a glance, and hurriedly stepped forward to care.

After the two daughters talked.

Soon it was time to scold Su Ming angrily.

And when he finished scolding Su Ming, this anger also disappeared.

The next step is to enter Reba's advice again.

"Sister Mi, why don't you find a time to go to the playground with Su Ming, I heard that the playground can feel the most in love."

"Really? Then I'll try! "

"By the way, Sister Mi, the "Who is the King of Singers" program will start tomorrow, just in case, should we also contact the ticket swipe, in case you lose, the situation is not very good for Su Ming."

"You don't have to worry about this, I've been prepared, don't brush it for the time being, let's see how much Su Ming can do by relying on netizens, it's not enough for us to go on again, by the way, don't tell Su Ming about this."

"Don't worry! I promise to keep my mouth shut! Harm, Su Ming is really in the blessing and doesn't know the blessing, with a woman like Sister Mi supporting you behind, I really don't know how many lifetimes of blessing I have cultivated. "

"If you can talk, talk more!".

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