Chapter 17 Do you want to change the black spot? Yang Mi's news!

"Sea fish, right, I heard that you said that Su Ming is not talented?"

"Can the Haiyu Public Relations Department change a group of people, it's actually black Su Ming is not talented, do you see? Su Ming wrote a song casually!".

"If you want me to say, in their eyes, only a girl like Fang Yue can be regarded as talented, hahahaha!"

"Don't say it, I suspect that after Su Ming signed with them before, he was treated unfairly, so no works have been hidden!"

"Definitely, eight or nine are not far from ten!".

"Brothers, this Chengdu is so good, is it really written by Su Ming?"

"Sure, didn't you watch the live broadcast? Ren Su Ming wrote it on the spot, and it took less than five minutes to write the whole process!"

"Write it in five minutes? Damn! It's outrageous! If you don't have talent, what does it mean to be talented?"

"It's not, and this song Su Ming actually gave it to a wandering singer casually

But don't say it, this wandering singer is also very good, if a company pushes it, it is estimated that it will become popular. "



The headquarters of Sea Fish Entertainment.

Looking at the fierce words about netizens on the Internet.

The high-level people are all extremely troubled.

They really didn't expect that an artist who had been abandoned by them a long time ago would be able to make these waves.

In fact, if it's just some netizens who are upset with Su Ming, it's okay.

But that's not all there is to speak out these days.

Many passers-by who have long watched their company's artists are unhappy.

There are also water army marketing accounts hired by hostile capitalists, and they are now all speaking out.

Su Ming was just the front piece of that domino.

For Sea Fish Entertainment.

Even if it was a collapsed house for a month, it was actually nothing.

It's a big deal, just come up with another one.

But if it was because of the Fang Yue incident, their company's reputation would become extremely bad.

After that, if they want to bring out new traffic stars, they will inevitably encounter great resistance.

Even some powerful artists may not consider joining because of bad reviews and too much awareness of their company.

Not an exaggeration.

This will even shake their foundations!

Public Relations Department of Sea Fish Entertainment.

"It's just an ordinary ballad, and I don't know what these netizens are doing in the high court?".

Minister Zhao Shan rubbed his temples violently, his face was ugly.

Because of Su Ming's matter, he has been busy these days.

He had already consulted with several ace composers in the company.

Their evaluation of this song "Chengdu" is actually not high.

In their words, it is "resonance-focused, and the completion is good, so that the average composer can easily write it".

To put it simply.

This song may sound quite good.

But the standard is really not high.

It's a pity that netizens don't understand music at all.

"Minister, what should I do about this? "

"Su Ming looks like he has ink in his stomach, isn't the direction of our black a little off?"

"Do you want to change it?".

A head of the public relations department looked at Zhao Shan at this time, with a sad face.

Zhao Shan exhaled deeply and said lightly: "This matter is not a big problem, I will let a few ace composers of our company speak later, and you can ask the public relations department to hire a few marketing accounts to echo it." "

"Su Ming, this kid does have something in his stomach, but it should be limited to that. "

"Fang Yue will go to "Tomorrow's Superstar" to be a judge after a while. "

"Tomorrow's Superstar? What kind of show is this?".

"It's "Tomorrow's Son", because the sponsor of this show has changed temporarily, and now it has been renamed "Tomorrow's Superstar". "

"Wow, I see. "

"Well, now the company is ready to arrange an ace composer to make a song for him, and he will sing it on the show when the time comes, even if Su Ming really has something, it is impossible to reach the level of an ace composer, and this "Chengdu" will be lost


"The marketing number is Hei Su Ming's side, change it a little, and bring it to Fang Yue's talent to crush Su Ming. "

"When Fang Yue's new song becomes popular, there will be nothing to do with Su Ming. "

"OK, I know what to do. "


With the operation of the Sea Fish Public Relations Department.


The two ace composers who are quite prestigious in the entertainment industry and in front of the public also published microwaves and commented on Su Ming's "Chengdu".

Even some singers have spoken under the leadership of the two ace composers.

[Composer Wang Bo]: "Someone @ I listen to "Chengdu", I can only say so-so. "

[Composer Li Hua]: "The completion of "Chengdu" is okay, but it is difficult for me to shine, if I have to evaluate it, I can only give four points out of ten out of ten. "

[Singer Zhang Qiang]: ""Chengdu" is indeed a good song, but the level is still relatively rough, let me tell you the truth, don't spray if you don't like it." "

[Singer Zhao Meng]: "I speak more straightforwardly, this is just an ordinary song, what is there to brag?"


Out of recognition of these people.

When I saw these people speak out.

Netizens touted "Chengdu" and Su Ming.

All of a sudden, it slowly dropped a lot.

After all, they don't believe the words of those little fresh meat and their fans.

But it is still more trusting for professionals

However, although the sound of blowing Su Ming was less.

But everyone's love for this "Chengdu" and Su Ming's extreme love for the people have not dropped at all.

On the contrary, it is because of the evaluation of these big Vs.

Su Ming also has this song "Chengdu", and the topic degree has directly increased to a level.

Of course, at the same time as these big Vs speak.

Some marketing accounts about Hei Suming have also appeared one after another.

By the way, it also hinted at Fang Yue's new song soon.

There are also a lot of comments below these marketing accounts.

However, most of them are fan-controlled comments and do not have too much value.

"It's all to blame on this Shabi Sumin. "

"Wait for my new song to be released, see if you can still dance!".

"Don't you want to become popular? I won't let you become popular!"

Sea Fish Entertainment is in a singing room.

Fang Yue gritted her teeth while watching the news on the hot search.

Originally, according to the normal situation, at this time, he would have already driven a luxury car to the villas of those fox friends and dog friends to have a party to pick up girls.

As a result, because Su Ming questioned him for lip-syncing at the previous concert, he said the wrong thing at the press conference.

Now I am forced by the company to come over and practice vocal music.

After a day of practice, my throat was about to smoke.

But in a way, he was a blessing in disguise.

In order to continue to keep him in the flow.

The company specially asked an ace composer in the company to write a song for him, and both the lyrics and the song were signed by him.

This would be almost impossible if it were normal!

The reason why he was able to sign his name on the songs he released before was mainly because they were basically written by some first- and second-rate composers, and the company spent money to buy them out.

can be at the level of an ace composer or even a Qu father, and it is almost impossible for people to give up their signatures.

The company also paid a lot of money to convince this time.

Now there is an ace composer who has opened the way for him.

As long as you improve your singing skills a little, it will be easy to crush a Su Ming!


Whether it was Haiyu Entertainment or Fang Yue, when they targeted Su Ming, they were all considering that Su Ming wanted to take advantage of Fang Yue's momentum to become popular.


Su Ming didn't think about it so much at all.

And Su Ming at this time didn't know at all.

Such a song in Chengdu that I wrote casually caused such a big storm on the Internet.


barbecue stands.

"Brother Liu, Brother Li, happy today, let's go again!".

"Xiao Ming, I really didn't expect that I would be able to drink with celebrities in my life. "

"That's it, and I see, with your conditions, you will definitely be able to catch fire in the future!"


Su Ming was chatting with everyone in the stall at this time, and he was slightly drunk.

The paparazzi on the side are basically about to fall.

Even Chi Xiaoyun, who didn't drink much, was happy and accidentally drank a few more glasses, leaning against Su Ming's side at the moment, his eyes were a little confused.

And Zhao Lei is still singing hard.

Su Ming looked at his phone, it was not too early, and it was almost time to go back.

Just when he was about to wake up Chi Xiaoyun on the side.

I immediately received a message from Yang Mi on my phone.

"Su Ming, you give the contact information of Zhao Lei to Sister Li in the signing department, and by the way, ask Zhao Lei if she is willing to join Jiahang. "

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