Chapter 18: Master, Do You Believe in Love?

The other end.

At this time, the magic capital was in a villa.

"I didn't expect Su Ming, this guy to wander around casually, and actually meet a good seedling!".

"It's true, but don't say it, the song that was sung in Chengdu just now is really good!".

Yang Mi and Reba were leaning on the sofa at this time, nibbling on apples while watching Su Ming's live broadcast.

That's right.

Since the end of the press conference, the two have been watching the live broadcast of Su Ming and others.

It started with Su Ming taking the paparazzi to the Internet café Wuhei.

The laughter between the two barely stopped.

Let's be honest.

Su Ming's interaction with these paparazzi is really much better than variety shows.

Later, when I saw Su Ming casually write a song "Chengdu" to Zhao Lei.

As the boss, Yang Mi is happy and angry.

The good thing is that this song is really good, very good, and has attracted great attention on the Internet, and it is likely to be popular.

The angry thing is that he can write a song in five minutes, but he didn't write it for his own artist, but he wrote it for a wandering singer he hadn't seen before!

The fertilizer and water are all flowing into the fields of outsiders!

She just didn't do anything.

simply signed this Zhao Lei.

"Sister Mi, Su Ming's comments on the Internet are unexpectedly good. "

"If Su Ming can really cooperate with the company, I think it is completely stable to become a top stream!".

"Why don't you take my suggestion, sacrifice it for our company, and go and show Su Ming a beauty trick later." "

Reba brushed her chin and microwaved, and then smiled at Yang Mi.

Yang Mi nodded in agreement.

But when the last sentence is heard.

Yang Miqiao's face flushed, and her big hand was raised.

With a snap, it hit Reba's big white leg.

The painful Reba hissed and snorted.

"Sister Mi, I'm joking, you're so ruthless, you don't pity you at all! I don't love you anymore!".

"Let you be poor! you have to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, you go to Su Ming, and by the way, you can also show your beauty tricks!".

"If you don't love me, then love Su Ming!".

"Don't, Sister Mi, I'll say it casually!".


The two sisters immediately got tired of talking together.

However, while arguing, Yang Mi couldn't help but feel sorry again in her heart.

Su Ming, this is obviously such a good top seedling.

Why don't you want to be popular?

At this time, she couldn't help but think of the condition that Su Ming had said before.

Su Ming is really talented.

However, Su Ming's talent temporarily displayed was not enough for her to make that choice.

If only Su Ming could really have the level of Daddy Qu.

She actually really wanted to gamble on Su Ming!

After all, no one wants things in the company to be held back by others.

But this is obviously almost impossible.

There are not many existences of Qu Dad's level in the whole Xia Kingdom, and most of them are over forty or fifty years old.

Su Ming is young, at most he is at a first-class level, and he is still too far away from Qu Dad.

Of course, it is already very strong to be able to reach the top class at this age.


And on the other end.

Su Ming looked at the message sent by Yang Mi.

Immediately, I reacted.

It seems that Yang Mi should watch the live broadcast.

I have to say that Zhao Lei is indeed a good seedling, and Jiahang signed him, which is basically a sure win.

As for Zhao Leijia not joining, there is a high probability that it will definitely be added.

After all, it's a problem for Zhao Lei to even be alive now.

Sure enough.

When Su Ming told Zhao Lei the news.

Zhao Lei almost jumped up excitedly.

"Brother Ming, I am willing to join Jiahang!".

"Also, I've been thinking about it for a long time, I really can't just accept this song "Chengdu". "

"In this way, after I sign a contract with Jiahang, let the company give you all the copyright fees for this song, and I only need the permission to sing. "

"Brother Ming, you must not refuse this, if you refuse again, it means that you look down on me Zhao Lei. "

Zhao Lei looked at Su Ming with a grateful face and said.

Because he has been familiar with Su Ming a lot, he doesn't call Su Ming Teacher Su anymore, but calls him brother.

To be honest, as a musician, he knows the importance of copyright to musicians.

Before, Su Ming said to send him, but he couldn't say anything.

It's all because he really can't afford it.

But that's no longer the case.

An entertainment company is going to sign him, which means that he can make money.

He really can't ask for this song in vain!

Su Ming couldn't cry a little, since Zhao Lei said so, then he was really not easy to refuse, so he could only nod.

And after talking to Zhao Lei about signing the contract.

Su Ming began to say goodbye to the paparazzi and the customers he had just met at the stall.

It's only past nine o'clock, but there's no way.

His biological clock has arrived.

Since the swing is rotten.

He went to bed around eleven o'clock every day, and got up at half past six the next day to walk with the masters.

When the time came, he was sleepy.

It's past nine o'clock now, and when I rush back, I'll take a shower again, and it's almost eleven o'clock.

Of course, this biological clock is one thing.

On the other hand, he really couldn't drink anymore, and now he was even a little drunk.

Drink it again, and he'll probably have to lie down here.

"Brother Ming, let's send you, we have a car!".

"Yes, yes, we have a car, and we just happened to be on the way. "

"That's it, Brother Ming, you drank too much, it's not safe to go back alone. "

Before leaving, the paparazzi and Zhao Lei were enthusiastic about Su Ming.

Su Ming is a black line.

These paparazzi themselves were drunk one by one and couldn't stand on their feet, and they gave him away?

As for Zhao Lei, he still hasn't finished singing the songs ordered by customers.

He'd better honestly call a flute.

Then, Su Ming shook Chi Xiaoyun, who was blushing and in a daze, to wake up.

Chi Xiaoyun is also a little dazed now, and the live broadcast room is a little unstable.


Su Ming could only consider sending Chi Xiaoyun home first.

After all, this is my own fan, and I still have to ensure its safety.

And as Su Ming left the barbecue stall with Chi Xiaoyun.

The barrage began to be a little reluctant.

"Isn't it, I'm only going back at nine o'clock? I haven't seen enough!"

"That's it, continue to brag with these paparazzi and the guys on the stalls!".

"Happy times are short-lived. "

"If you don't understand, just ask, will there be a live broadcast tomorrow?"

"Can you add time to brushing Huazi?".

"Add a hammer, they don't watch the live broadcast room at all. "


Watch it down for a day.

The live broadcast effect is obviously excellent, so much so that the barrage is a little unsatisfied.

When Su Ming was helping Chi Xiaoyun take the live broadcast room, he glanced at the barrage.

However, at this time, he was drunk, and Su Ming couldn't see what was written.

Turn on your phone and take a taxi casually.

Su Ming stood on the side of the road with Chi Xiaoyun and waited for the car.

It didn't take a while.

Su Ming's taxi had already arrived.

Just as the two were about to get into the car.

Su Ming suddenly found that there seemed to be two customers in the car.

Su Ming scratched his head and looked at his phone, as if he had accidentally clicked on the carpool.

Helplessly, my head was really a little drowsy, and I didn't bother to fight again, so I went up.

Sitting in the car, Su Ming and Chi Xiaoyun directly drooped on the seat.

At this time, there happened to be a love song in the car.

Su Ming didn't know if he was drunk or what, so the ghost sent a sentence.

"Master, do you believe in love?".

The master was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly shouted.

"Two hundred haha on the cart!".


The barrage that was still reluctant.

All of a sudden, the style of painting began to change abruptly.

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to rush immediately(Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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