Chapter 19 The driver master debuts, the phoenix combination

"Poof, is Su Ming drunk?"

"Su Ming's question is good!".

"God, do you believe in love?".

"Hahahaha, the driver's master's reaction is not only that he doesn't believe in love, but he doesn't seem to believe in Su Ming very much. "

"No, Su Ming is really going to vomit, it's really fun to vomit!"

"It's so funny, if it weren't for the fact that the live broadcast room is now in Chi Xiaoyun's hands, I would even suspect that Su Ming is working on the effect of the show!".

"If this is really the effect of the show, Su Ming should really go to participate in the variety show, absolutely amazing! By the way, you have to bring the driver master, otherwise there will be no such effect." "


This master spit out two hundred in one sentence.

This god's reply directly made the barrage unbearable.

Even the passengers who carpooled with Su Ming on the side couldn't help laughing.

Su Ming looked confused, and said again: "Master, did you cross over?"

Master's reply is exactly the same as the one in the short video in his previous life?!

He almost vomited after watching that video clip.

But when I hear it here, it feels very intimate, and I have the illusion that I haven't crossed yet.

Master: ???

Passenger: ???

Barrage: ???

Compared to the question just now.

The question that Su Ming is asking now really caught everyone off guard.

This is a bit too abrupt.


The barrage was like laughter again.

Even the master couldn't help but laugh out loud

"That's right, I crossed the road just now. "

"Young man, you've drunk too much, hey, I'll give you a bag, don't spit in my car. "

Hearing Master's words, Su Ming patted his dizzy head and staggered to take the bag.

It seems that he is overthinking.

How can anyone who has crossed over and is still working as a flute driver?

But he's really a little drunk right now.

I can't stop this mouthful.

I'm going to throw up later.

"If you really want to vomit, tell me in advance so that I can be prepared. "

The female passenger who carpooled on the side looked at Su Ming, a little crying and laughing.

Su Ming turned his head to look.

The female passenger in front of her directly startled Su Ming.

"Phoenix Combo?!".

Su Ming looked at the woman in front of him, his eyes widened.

Isn't this Lingzhen?

Raised his eyes and looked at the man in the front seat again.

Isn't this the Zeng Yi who was mistakenly thought to be only Yo Yo Yo?

This taxi can actually meet the Phoenix combination!

That's a coincidence, isn't it?

Lingchun on the side heard Su Ming's words, and she was completely confused.

"Which singing group are you talking about, young man?"

"Although I also sing, I also have a group, but it's not called the Phoenix Group, we are called the Cool Guy Group. "

"Did you recognize the wrong person?"

Ling Zhen looked at Su Ming in front of her with a smile on her face

I have to say that Su Ming's handsome face, coupled with her half-drunk appearance, is really cute in her opinion.

However, what Su Ming said, she really didn't understand.

What phoenix combination?

She hadn't heard of it.

Maybe it's a combination of other entertainment circles.

And before Su Ming could speak.

The driver who can speak well took over the conversation.

"Oh, little girl, I didn't expect you to still sing?".

"And the combination?".

"Is the other partner also a girl?".

"Also, girls are more popular these days

The two girls bouncing on the stage are more eye-catching, if it is a man and a woman, then it will be a good one. "

"You say yes, lad. "

"By the way, she's singing, you should be her assistant, right?"

"What kind of songs do they usually sing?"

The driver was talking, and he couldn't help but talk to Zeng Yi of the co-pilot.

At this time, Zeng Yi was undoubtedly a little like a fish in his throat.

How can I tell the driver that he is another person in the group?

Ling Chun in the back row almost laughed.

"Ahem, that, master. "

"Actually, I'm the other person in that group, not her assistant. "

"Strictly speaking, she's my employee. "

Zeng Yi coughed, squeezed out a smile, and said stubbornly.

As soon as these words came out.

The driver's eyes widened, he staggered, and almost didn't step on the brakes to death.

Why didn't you say it earlier?

Ling Chun and Chi Xiaoyun in the back row couldn't help laughing directly at this moment.

Even Su Ming couldn't help laughing.

It seems that even in this parallel world.

Teacher Zeng Yi is still so easy to be ignored and admit mistakes.

I remember that there was a well-known joke in my previous life.

"The Phoenix group is singing, why does that man get old and make trouble?".

It seems that in this life, there is a high probability that this period will still be staged on Zeng Yi.

And at this time.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was also full of laughter.

"Hahahaha, this master is too funny, I suggest he make his debut directly!".

"I just want to ask, what was the co-pilot's mental journey when he listened to the master just now?"

"Poof, I can't laugh anymore, I want to know what the driver is thinking more than the co-pilot!".

"Hahahaha, why does Su Ming have a show to watch when he plays the flute? Isn't this more fragrant than a variety show?".

"yes, the show is too dense!".

"Life is really full of talents, Master is so funny!".

"By the way, what kind of combination do these carpoolers say?

"Cool guys, I've never heard of this combination

But it sounds quite earthy, and the phoenix combination that Su Ming said just now is quite good. "


Let's talk about the car.

With Zeng Yi's opening.

There was only the laughter of Ling Chun Chi Xiaoyun and Su Ming in the whole car.

Maybe it's because he knows that the driver is embarrassed.

Zeng Yi was also the first to open the conversation: "Master, in fact, you don't have to feel embarrassed, our group will be disbanded in a few days, and she should be in another female group." "

When the master heard this, he laughed a little, and then stopped talking.

You can still chat, young man.

Isn't that more embarrassing?

It was as if he had lost the conversation.

Fortunately, at this moment, Su Ming gave a step down.

"Master, give me some dynamic pure music!".

"Today I'm happy, I'm going to sing!".

Master immediately replied loudly: "Okay! I'll give you something!"

This young man gave embarrassment, and he had to rely on another young man to pick it up.

The group is about to disband.

Are you still happy about this?

But it doesn't matter, anyway, the embarrassment has been given to Su Ming now, and it has nothing to do with him!

And Su Ming didn't care at all at this time whether he said the wrong thing.

He had drunk too much now, and he was confused, and he was really happy.

Now there's the Phoenix group here.

There are some songs, he just wants to sing!


Under the operation of the driver's master.

A melody is extremely cheerful, and at the same time there is a very dynamic accompaniment.

And with the rhythm together, there is also Su Ming.

The already handsome face, coupled with this slightly playful and exaggerated action, instantly has a very contrasting sense of joy.

The next second.

The more cheerful and dynamic singing voice was sung from Su Ming's mouth.

"The end of the world is my love

Flowers are blooming at the foot of the green hills

What kind of rhythm is the most swaying and the most

What kind of singing is the most cheerful


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