Chapter 20 I couldn't help but want to shake together, Su Ming vomited!

Not to mention.

Su Ming sang this song as soon as he sang it.

Lingchun and the others in the car were also a little infected all of a sudden.

I haven't heard this song yet, though.

But it sounds really good.

And there is an urge that people can't help but want to shake with Su Ming.

"The crooked river comes from heaven

Flowing to the sea of thousands of purples and thousands of reds

Hot ballads are what we look forward to

Walking and singing along the way is the most comfortable

If we want to sing, we must sing the most heartily

You are the most beautiful cloud in my sky


Su Ming shook and sang at this time.

It can be said that there is no skill in singing, and it is purely a high-spirited singing.

But nevertheless.

This terrifying contagion couldn't help but make Ling Zhen and Zeng Yi on the side shake while nodding.

Even Zeng Yi, who had been engaged in rap, shouted from time to time.

Chi Xiaoyun, who originally wanted to be reserved, also shook up.

Like Su Ming, Chi Xiaoyun's cute appearance and this somewhat ghostly rhythm also have a sense of contrasting joy.

Leaning against Su Ming is a double joy!

"Sounds good!".

Lingzhen cheered, applauded, and applauded to the beat.

"The boy sings so well!".

"I feel more energetic when I drive!"

The driver also cheered, and his originally loose body immediately became sharp.

The spacious avenue is hard to give him the feeling of opening a mountain in the autumn.

If it weren't for the traffic police ahead, he would have drifted high and low!

"You are the most beautiful cloud in my heart

Fill it with a glass of wine for you to stay

Always sing the most dazzling national style

It is the most beautiful gesture in the whole sky

Yo la la




I hear the sound of your heart

Ascend to the stage of the sky


Su Ming continued to sing, and the more he sang, the more he sang.

The people in the car also shook more and more.

The red light is on.

The driver also shook with Su Ming.

If the cars behind them hadn't been able to hear the singing, they might have thought that the cars were doing something unsightly.

And at this time, the live broadcast room was already completely high.

"What kind of song is Su Ming singing, it's really amazing!".

"Hahaha, this song has a strong sense of rhythm! But they shake it like this, aren't they really afraid that the traffic police uncle will come over?"

"I really like Su Ming's down-to-earth energy, he looks so handsome, but he doesn't care about image management at all, hahaha!"

"It's not, you can go to the idol faction, but you chose the local style!".

"Help! What kind of style is the earth? The founder can't be Su Ming, right?"

"Brothers, isn't anyone looking at Xiaoyun? Xiaoyun is so cute!

"Damn, it's outrageous! What kind of song is this, I want to shake it when I hear it! It's really brainwashing!".

"Hmm, you're still listening to the song, I'm already shaking!".

"Hahahaha, I actually thought this song was quite earthy at first, but after hearing it, I couldn't help but move. "

"Yo yo I know! The end of the world is my love..."

"Hey, let me interject, doesn't anyone really know what song this is?".

"It's probably Su Ming's original, I didn't recognize it when I heard the song just now. "

"Original song? really fake, this song is too different from Chengdu just now, the style is too different!".

"Damn, is it an original song? don't tell me this song is his freestyle, just sing it."

"Is the editing team there? Within an hour, I'm going to see this ghost animal video on the broken station!".



It hasn't been long since the live broadcast room was here.

There was already a new situation in the car.

Su Ming, who was still singing, suddenly stopped suddenly.

The next second.

As soon as the screen in the live broadcast room fell, Su Ming disappeared directly into the live broadcast room.


The sound of vomiting was instantaneous.

That's right.

Su Ming vomited!

And immediately after.

Chi Xiaoyun on the side also vomited.

"it, it, these two people really vomited!".

"Hahahaha, I'm laughing crazy! Su Ming really doesn't care about his image at all? He's a star!".

"It's worthy of being a female fan, the idol vomited, and the female fan also vomited with him, he deserved Su Ming to draw it!".

"I can't laugh anymore, I really want to see the driver's expression now, does anyone care about the camera?".

"The driver is absolutely numb now!".

The live broadcast room is simply crazy.

Not only did the barrage explode, but the gifts also exploded.

The effect of this show is really stronger than those big anchors who play scripts!

But just when everyone thought that this was already the biggest show effect.

"You are the most beautiful cloud in my heart

Fill it with a glass of wine for you to stay

Always sing the most dazzling national style

It's the most beautiful gesture in the whole sky!".

That's right.

Su Ming, who had just finished spitting, shouted loudly, and actually finished singing the last paragraph.


The barrage directly ushered in the climax of tonight.

The number of people in the live broadcast room is also approaching three million!

And inside the car at this time.

It also ushered in a long-lost tranquility.

Of course.

This tranquility was soon broken by the driver's master.

"You two didn't vomit in my car, did you?"

"It's four hundred dollars on the cart!".

The driver drove the car, while looking in the rearview mirror, ten meters and three turns.

"It's okay, Master, they both spit out their bags. "

Ling Zhen looked at the two who vomited, and she was already laughing from ear to ear.

She is a prairie native, with a heroic and free personality, and she usually plays crazy.

It was the first time she'd seen someone crazier than her.

And after vomiting.

Su Ming and the others also sobered up a lot.

As a girl, Chi Xiaoyun vomited in public, and she inevitably felt a little embarrassed.

And thinking that he was still live broadcasting, he was holding his red face with his hands at the moment, and he couldn't wait to find a crack in the ground to get into.

Su Ming was okay, not only did he feel nothing.

even picked up the live broadcast room, used the live broadcast room as a mirror, looked at the bloodshot in his eyes, blew his nose, and adjusted his hairstyle.

The barrage seems to be occupied by a screen full of question marks at the moment.

And Su Ming felt that the barrage was an eyesore, so he simply swiped left and directly blocked the barrage.

"It's still live. "

"I'll get you the live broadcast room. "

Lingchun on the side saw that Su Ming's one-handed operation was not very convenient, and couldn't help but enthusiastically help Su Ming pick up the live broadcast room.


Lingchun also looked at the live broadcast room with some curiosity.

In her eyes, Su Ming and Chi Xiaoyun should be a couple who are anchors.

Judging from the appearance of the two of them and the effect of the live broadcast just now.

There must be 18,000 people in the live broadcast room, right?

ps;Ask for flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly passes, small tips!

It's really unmotivating to write without data!

The pace of the plot is slower now, but it will speed up soon.

Let's set a rule for adding more.

Tomorrow guarantees five chapters.

Today, if there is one more than one thousand flowers, one more will be added, three hundred more evaluation votes will be added, and one more will be added to five monthly passes or five people will be rewarded.

If the data doesn't reach it, I don't say it.

read books on Friday and have fun!Charge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

to rush immediately(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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