Chapter 21 is the first person to catch up with the audience and sign a contract with the Phoenix Group

On such a platform as a comic.

There are 18,000 people in the live broadcast room, which can be regarded as a big anchor.

"Hey, are you two still anchors?".

"There are still so many people in the live broadcast room?18,000?".

"Am I going to be famous?".

"I'm on TV?!".

Hearing Lingchen's words, the driver in the front row couldn't help but look in the rearview mirror and said with a smile.

He also thought that Su Mingchi Xiaoyun was using his mobile phone to read the lyrics of the song just now.

I didn't expect it to be live.


The next second.

Lingchun screamed, almost not letting the driver brake to death.

"No, how many zeros are there?".

"Ten million, one hundred thousand, one hundred... , 3.17 million people online at the same time?!".

Lingchun stared at the number of people online displayed on the live broadcast room, her face was full of disbelief, and her phone almost fell off.

As soon as these words came out.

Zeng Yi: ???

Su Ming: ???

Chi Xiaoyun: ???

Driver: ???

For a moment, the entire car fell into a dead silence that had never been seen before.

"What? more than three million people, little girl, you read that right?"

"The big star live broadcast doesn't have this number, right?"

The driver couldn't help but ask, with a hint of doubt and trembling in his tone.

As your own live broadcast room.

Chi Xiaoyun also hurriedly took the live broadcast room at this time.

Take a close look at the numbers above.



Chi Xiaoyun couldn't help but gasp, his small mouth opened directly into a figure 0, and he immediately turned his head to look at Su Ming on the side

"That's more than three million!".

"Brother Su Ming, are we on fire?"

"No, are you going to fire again?".

As soon as this remark came out.

The driver's body was shocked, and his driving movements were slightly deformed.

More than 3 million people?

Isn't the picture of him shaking with this group of young people just now going to be passed out?

If this was seen by his old friends, wouldn't he die on the spot?

Su Ming on the side was also shocked at this time.

He's also a little numb.

More than three million people watched the live broadcast.

How idle are they?

But think about it a little, this wave of traffic is estimated to have come up because of Fang Yue.

Not a big problem.

It's good to wait for this gust of wind.

And it's only more than 3 million.

Compared with the number of his audience in his previous life, it is simply not worth mentioning.

It's just a small scene, and it's not a medium scene.

"Poof! I cried up brothers, these two guys finally watched the live broadcast room!".

"I have to rely on the passer-by, or I don't think they will watch it on the air!".

"Hahaha! Look at Xiaoyun's shock, is there a lot of three million people?"

"You see, how did the driver suddenly become polite and gentle?"

"Hahahaha, the driver is probably thinking in his heart,

These two old six, so many people in the live broadcast room, can spit it out in public, can they do anything?".

"No, no, no, I think the driver is thinking about how many points he deducted on this part of the road just now, hahahaha!".

"Look at the scary, fast loading robot!".

"I, robot, number 10086!".

"No, did they close the barrage?!".


The live broadcast room is already very lively.

Barrage gifts keep floating on the screen.

Such a scene can be said to be a shocking sight for Chi Xiaoyun.

I've been an anchor for so long.

It was the first time that there were so many people in the live broadcast room.

And at a cursory glance, there are quite a few gifts.

It is estimated that there are at least hundreds of thousands!

The scariest thing is.

Originally, she only had more than 300,000 fans.

Now the fans have come to the terrible 3.4 million!

directly became a big Internet celebrity!

Of course, she also knew that the reason why there were so many people was because of Su Ming!

As Su Ming's true love fan, she wanted to cry when she saw that Su Ming was already showing signs of exploding.


As a party to the case, Su Ming had already recovered his indifference at this time, and there was almost no fluctuation in his heart.

I saw Su Ming take over the live broadcast room and slowly speak to the camera.

"Don't watch the children who are still going to school in the live broadcast room, have you finished writing the paper? What time is this? Be careful of being late tomorrow."

"Don't watch it if you want to go to work tomorrow, have you finished writing the PPT? Have you completed the task arranged by the dog boss? Life is so stressful, don't waste time watching my live broadcast. "

"Don't watch it if you're idle, find something that can improve yourself, and watch less live broadcasts. "

"Hey, there are also Fang Yue's fans who are also watching, don't watch it, watch my live broadcast carefully, and your brain has grown again. "

Su Ming preached, and his attitude was extremely serious.

It's like a homeroom teacher who reasoned with people when he was a child.

I didn't think about it.

Su Ming said so.

The number of people in the live broadcast room not only did not drop, but actually rose again, and the gifts were also smashed.

With such a scene, Su Ming's face was about to twist into twist.

To be honest, he didn't want the people in the live broadcast room to stop watching it from the bottom of his heart.

On the one hand, he does feel that these people are wasting their time watching his live broadcast.

On the other hand, he really doesn't want to be angry!

If he didn't show his attitude, Yang Mi would probably think that he was stirring up his popularity in the live broadcast, and then arranged the company to hype him up, and then he would enter the entertainment industry again.

He didn't want to be so tired.


He could only throw the live broadcast room to Chi Xiaoyun on the side.

At this time, Chi Xiaoyun and Ling Zhen Zeng Yi and others on the side were already dumbfounded.

Shouldn't others be happy when they watch so many people in the live broadcast room?

Why is Su Ming still driving people away?

The barrage is now somewhat dumbfounded.

"Help! Su Ming is driving us away?".

"Poof, I said that there are indeed a few papers left unfinished!".

"Damn, how does Su Ming know that the task given to me by my dog boss hasn't been completed?

"Dog Su Ming! Actually hacked my brother again! Chicken... The sisters are going to microwave him!".

"Upstairs, you're showing your chicken feet!".

"Hahaha, but don't say it, Su Ming's attitude seems to really care about us. "

"yes, it's the first time I've seen a star who doesn't want us to watch his live broadcast!".

"Su Ming is really down-to-earth, and he also knows that our life is stressful, so we have to change to other stars, and it is estimated that as soon as the little yellow car was on, the family shouted."

"Brothers, I've been a fan of Su Mingquan!".



Su Ming's current performance seems to be more and more contrary to the star in everyone's impression.

There were even a few moments when they felt that Su Ming was like a good buddy in life.

In the words of the barrage.

It's just too down-to-earth!

"You are the Su Ming who is on the hot search?".

"I said it was a little familiar, like I had seen it last night. "

"It's so lucky to be able to meet a star!".

At this time, Zeng Yiling had already recognized Su Ming, and her face was full of surprise.

The two really didn't expect that they would be able to meet a star by playing the flute.

"Well, I'm that Su Ming, but I'm not a star, at most I'm a literary and artistic worker. "

"By the way, did you two just say that your group was going to disband?".

Su Ming didn't have anything to hide, so he spoke calmly, and then asked about the two about the combination.

As the god of square dancing in the previous life, the god of the CRBT era, and the god of pop songs in the minds of the middle-aged and elderly generation.

The Phoenix Group is such a popular group, how can it be so mixed up in this parallel world that it is about to disband?

"Harm, our two groups have been in the group for four or five years, and there has been no improvement, I participated in a show a few days ago, and I didn't even pass the audition. "

"So after discussing it, we don't plan to form a group, we are really not suitable. "

Ling Zhen sighed, her face full of melancholy.

Su Ming frowned.

"Have you ever thought that there is something wrong with your style, and what songs do you usually sing?".

Zeng Yi also frowned: "It's more lyrical, this one is more popular." "

Follow the direction of the times, there should be no problem.

When Su Ming heard this, he really looked sad.

No wonder there is no improvement.

Why not let the Phoenix Legend sing it, it's a little sweet, can he be popular?


Su Ming ignored the two of them, but directly dialed a phone call.

"Hey, Sister Mi. "

"Can you sign two more people from the company?"

"Yes, just these two in the live broadcast room, the cool guy combination. "

"After signing it, change the combination to the Phoenix combination, the cool guy is too ugly. "

"Yes, okay, I'll talk to them. "


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to rush immediately(Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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