Chapter 171 What about this set of dolls?

"This song is written...!"

The other end.

At this time, Liu Yuan, the judge of the Golden Melody Awards, was completely filled with a touch of horror on his face.

Listen to this "Nocturne".

There was really a storm in his heart.

Obviously, Su Ming's "Nocturne" did not have a tiger's head, but maintained a super high standard throughout the whole process!

Even the standard exceeded his expectations.

The perfect fusion of classical style, popular style, and rap seems to be the only ghost Su Ming has done at present.

How many years.

He finally heard another good song that made his eyes light up and couldn't help but clap his hands!

Judged by his level.

This "Nocturne" can definitely sweep ninety percent of domestic music awards, including the Golden Melody Awards!

No way, this song is so top!

As for Su Ming, he can only use a sentence of "demon" to describe it.

It seems that today's young composers are not only not green, but even better than the blue, "Ninety-Nine-Three"!

And Su Ming's level is like this.

Then there will be a Meng Meiqi later!

Come to think of this.

This dog is completely gone.

While continuing to watch the live broadcast, he pulled the dog home and went straight to the rattan chair.


"Fugui shut up, don't make noise for me to watch the show!"


"Sister Mi, this "Nocturne" is also so well written!

"yes, the lyrics are good!"

"Indeed, but Sister Mi, you said, Su Ming won't really have the experience of losing his lover, right, are you his second term?"

"How do I know? Phew, I haven't started talking to him yet, poor mouth!"

At this time.

Yang Mirebana was also conquered by Su Ming's "Nocturne".

This wave is really not in vain.

Su Ming directly threw a king to them and blew it up.

According to the current situation, maybe Jiahang doesn't need to help Su Ming swipe a little vote, and Su Ming can win, right?


"When the dove no longer symbolizes peace

I was finally reminded

The square is fed with vultures

I use nice rhymes

Describe the love that has been plundered. "

The other end.

Su Ming's singing has come to an end.

And as Su Ming's last lyrics fell.

Everyone at the scene stood up for the first time and applauded Su Ming, and the applause was like thunder.

Some viewers were even so excited that they even slapped their hands red, and they were still shooting wildly.

There were even people shouting to sing it again.

No way.

They really think that Su Ming's song is top!

And this loud applause can be heard even by listening to it with your ears.

This is definitely the loudest applause to date!

And this duration, that is also the longest.

Shen Tao stood beside Su Ming for five or six minutes, and Su Ming also bowed and thanked him, and the applause continued.

That is, the camera can't see the backstage.

Because the backstage guests, directors, and staff, they were all applauding Su Ming.

And I don't know if it's the audience's hands that are swollen.

It was Su Ming who motioned for everyone to stop, and it worked.

The applause finally stopped slowly.

When the host Shen Tao saw this, he quickly controlled the rhythm of the scene.

"It seems that our Su Ming's "Nocturne", everyone likes it very much!"

"Although the final decibel number has not been given on the display, I guess that "Nocturne" has already rushed to the first place. "

Shen Tao shook his head and smiled, with a slight hint of excitement in his tone.

"I have to say, this nocturne is really well written, then I want to ask us Su Ming a question. "

"Su Ming, where did you get the inspiration for writing this song?"

At this time, Shen Tao couldn't help but ask a question.

This question was not arranged in the script, but he wanted to ask it himself.

Of course, in fact, many viewers and composers in front of the screen are also a little curious about this question.

can write the grief after the loss of a lover so realistically. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

What did Su Ming go through?

And Su Ming also quickly answered this question, "The inspiration came from a Q&A website, which has a lot of stories that others have just made, and I wrote it after seeing a rather poignant story." "

Su Ming's face was not red, his heart was not beating, and he made up an answer.


This song was written by King Zhou Tianwang in his previous life, how does he know where the inspiration is?

Anyway, just make up one.

And heard Su Ming's answer.

Shen Tao and everyone at the scene, even the barrage were a little crying and laughing.

What the heck?

That's it?

Didn't you just say that inspiration comes from life?

Co-author Su Ming's life is to go to the forum to see the life that others have just made?

Doesn't this set of babies be put aside?

And at the end of the day.

Isn't it Su Ming, your kid is talented?

When others read the story, the most they can do is comment on it.

Su Ming read the story, good guy, the whole song "Nocturne" came out!

"I see, that story should be really well written, I'll have to see it another day. "

Shen Tao grinned, and immediately took Su Ming's words and threw a stalk along the way, which immediately amused the audience at the scene, and the laughter continued.

"Then the decibel number of our Su Ming's "Nocturne" is also out, and I guessed correctly, it's really the first, and this number feels difficult to surpass!"

"It seems that the pressure on the next players is not too small. "

"Then please ask Su Ming to go down first, our next guest who is going to appear is probably not waiting now..."

As the number of decibels of nocturne was revealed on the sound measurement display, Shen Tao then followed the process and invited Su Ming down first, and by the way, he also began to pave the way for the next guest to appear.......

And wait for Su Ming to return to the backstage.

He was greeted with another round of applause.

The words of praise are simply inaudible.

These guests, who are also quite famous in the circle, are now all fans!

Of course.

Except for Meng Meiqi.


And the other end.

With Su Ming's singing ended.

Liu Yuan shared the video of Su Ming singing "Nocturne" just now to a small group of him.

Everyone in this small group is taken out, and they are all prestigious and semi-retired old-timers in the entertainment industry.

Many of them are even like Liu Yuan, who have been selected as judges for the Golden Melody Awards all year round.

"All the members, look at this video, you just found a very good young man!"

"Young people? It can't be a little fresh meat, right? Then I don't look at it, it's all some men and women, compared to when we were young, they don't look like men at all. "

"Isn't it, Lao Liu, don't share this kind of nonsense, to put it bluntly, now that the capital has fully entered, how many young people can be found in the circle?"

"That's it, I'm too lazy to look at it, I might as well water my flowers and plants with this spare time. "


Liu Yuan originally wanted these old guys who didn't surf the Internet like him to see Su Ming's "Nocturne" against the sky

I didn't expect it.

These old people actually have the same prejudices as him before, and they don't like the young people of today.

This really made Liu Yuan a little 0.1 crying and laughing.

Immediately, Liu Yuan sent another message.

He definitely wants these old people to listen to this "Nocturne"!

"All the members, really take a look, the quality of this song written by this young man can rank among the top three among all the award-winning works of the Golden Melody Awards, I really don't lie to you!"

"It's really fake, Lao Liu, your cowhide feels a little blown. "

"It's just that the first three are here, and I don't believe that today's young creators can write good songs of that level. "

"I don't believe it either, let me take a look, if Lao Liu sees me, I will run to your house and kick your house to bless!"

"I'll take a look at it too, and I'll kick it when the time comes. "



After he sent this news, the effect was still there.

Everyone in the group clicked on this video about Su Ming one after another.

And this does not know if you don't look at it.

I was shocked when I saw it.

About five or six minutes passed.

The painting style in the group suddenly came to a 180-degree change!.

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