Chapter 172 There is another one like Su Ming? Meng Meiqi came to power!

"Classical, pop, rap, and these near-perfect melodic lyrics, I'll go!

"It's really good! It can perfectly blend these three discordant styles, and the person who wrote this song is really a genius!"

"No wonder Lao Liu has such a high evaluation, the quality of this song is indeed very good!"

"! This lyrics, this melody, this artistic conception, absolutely amazing! Lao Liu, are you sure this song was written by this young man?"

"I just finished reading it, and there is something really written about this song!"

"There is indeed something! This old and spicy solid level of composition, I don't feel like seven or eight years of precipitation, it's difficult to do this, Lao Liu, I also want to ask, is this song really written by a young man who sings this song?"

"[Liu Yuan]: Of course he wrote it, and don't look at this one, I also listened to his other songs, and they are basically all high-quality products!"

"The quality of the other songs is also very high? Lao Liu, what's his name? I'll search for it!"

"Lao Liu, can you contact him? I want to get to know him!"

"Me too! I want to get to know each other!"

"Tut-tut, I really didn't expect that, in this environment, there can be such a talented young man, our new generation of music scene, finally someone can carry the banner! Phew, it's rich! Why is it wrong again..."

"What are you talking about?


At this time.

After listening to this "Nocturne" sung by Su Ming.

This small group can be said to have exploded.

Many perennial divers have been blown out, and a few sentences have been made.

And compared to the disdain just now.

Now this group of old Deng is all shocked, and they are touting "Nocturne".

At the same time, they all asked Liu Yuan about Su Ming's situation and even his contact information.

Looking at this situation, Liu Yuan really smiled from ear to ear, and his heart was a little dark.

Aren't they all quite disgusting just now?

How did this happen now?

In previous years, when the Golden Melody Awards were selected, the discussion was not so intense

However, he had a headache for these people's requests for Su Ming's contact information.

Because he himself is not good, right?

But if there is a chance, I really have to move the relationship and find someone to ask for Su Ming's contact information.

And looking at the group's more and more praise for this "Nocturne", Liu Yuan sent another message.

"Ahem, there will be a genius newcomer competing with this Su Ming in a while.

Those of you who are anxious to listen to Su Ming's other songs, I suggest you wait, it is estimated that this next genius newcomer can also bring surprises, by the way, this other genius newcomer is called Meng Meiqi, it should be her turn soon. "

Liu Yuan smiled at the corner of his mouth.

There is also a Meng Meiqi here, what is the hurry?

And saw Liu Yuan's words.

The group is undoubtedly frying again.

"Damn, there is another genius like Su Ming?"

"What's the situation, so many excellent creators have appeared all of a sudden, could it be that we have been closed for too long, and the music scene has changed?"

"The music scene is finally hopeful!"

"Meng Meiqi, right, I'll take a look, by the way, Lao Liu, this show is called?"

"I'm going to take a look, Meng Meiqi, this name sounds like a girl, I'm looking forward to it!"



After listening to Su Ming's explosive "Nocturne".

I heard that there is also a newcomer who is about the same level as Su Ming.

This directly pulled up the sense of expectation of these old people in the group.

There is another one like Su Ming, so you have to see it!

If you can surpass this "Nocturne", then you will earn it when you see it!

And as Liu Yuan finished posting the link to the live broadcast room in the group.

The old Dengna in the group all clicked in one after another.

On the other hand, the "Who is the King of Singers" program team will not think of it at all.

Their show will attract so many hardcore figures in the music industry to watch.

Meng Meiqi is also completely unthinkable.

's performance can attract the attention of so many big people.


Back to the stage.

With the end of Su Ming's singing just now.

The next few guests are really a headache for singing.

The audience was all applauded in response, and there wasn't even much expression on their faces.

This is a hammer!

But they also admit it, who let Su Ming be in front of them?

And quickly.

It ended with a guest singing.

The show is coming to an end.

Right now, only the last guest is left who has not taken the stage to sing.

Naturally, this man is no one else.

It's really Meng Meiqi!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Thank you very much for the song that Mr. Fang Ming sang to us just now, his decibel count is also very high, but it's a pity that he only ranks sixth..."

"So now, only the last guest of our show has not appeared. "

"I'm sure a lot of people can't wait now. "

"Then I won't talk nonsense, let's applaud and welcome, Meng Meiqi!"

With Shen Tao's report.

Meng Meiqi is about to make a shining debut.

Not to mention.

Hearing that Meng Meiqi was finally going on stage, the audience's emotions suddenly rose.

Meng Meiqi made such a big move in the microwave before.

They really expect Meng Meiqi to come up with a level later?!

Of course.

If they had been eating the melons with the microwave throughout the whole process, they naturally didn't think that Meng Meiqi could bring any surprises in terms of strength, they were all looking forward to whether Meng Meiqi would overturn later.

And today's barrage, that is the same expectation.

"Damn! It's finally Meng Meiqi's turn to play, I don't know how strong she is?"

"Poof, tell a joke, Meng Meiqi has strength. "

"Hahahaha, Meng Meiqi is pure and pure to touch porcelain Su Ming, does anyone really think she has any strength?"

"No, no, no one is really looking forward to Meng Meiqi's performance later, right?

"I'm looking forward to Meng Meiqi overturning, hahahaha!"

"I'm the same!"

"I don't understand, why did she touch Su Ming, don't talk about anything else, just the "Nocturne" just now, she can't write it in her life!"

"But no, I feel that Su Ming's "Nocturne" can be a god! I really want to listen to it more!"

"When this Meng Meiqi is finished, it is estimated that the online voting on the other end of the microwave will be opened, I have to hurry to the next microwave, and I must vote for Su Ming!"

"I'm the same!"


And in the background at this time.

After hearing Shen Tao's report, Meng Meiqi couldn't help but exhale deeply, and her heart began to comfort herself constantly.

"Godfather will do it!"

"Godfather will do it!"

"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous!"


After listening to Su Ming's nocturne.

Meng Meiqi completely recognized her own level in her heart.

That's really not comparable to Su Ming!

Even if she is holding a song by her father now, her heart is very empty.

Su Ming's song is much better than the song in her hand,

And Su Ming's singing skills also threw her more than a dozen streets.

The song is stronger than her, and the singing skills are better than her, how can this be tough?

It's so empty in my heart!

But now it is useless to think more, there is no turning back from the bow, this wave must be hard-headed!

Now it seems that we can only count on Lehua.

And quickly.

With Meng Meiqi slowly walked onto the stage.

There was a burst of applause from the audience.

However, compared to the previous Su Ming, this applause can really be described as "weak".

But Meng Meiqi doesn't care about this kind of detail now.

Because her mind is full of the melody of "Nocturne" now!

Damn it.

How could Su Ming come up with such a great song?

After exhaling deeply and putting aside the melody of "Nocturne" in her mind, Meng Meiqi did not hesitate any longer, and after bowing slightly to the audience, she picked up the microphone and spoke.

"Hello everyone, I'm Meng Meiqi, and what I'm going to sing today is also a new song, the song is called..."

Meng Meiqi is not dragging his feet at all.

After introducing myself a little bit on stage, I was ready to sing.

You're going to have to face it anyway.

, it!.

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