Chapter 173 That's it?

And when I heard that Meng Meiqi actually brought an original new song.

This can't help but surprise the field and the barrage.

It seems that Meng Meiqi is really prepared.


Whether it is someone who wants to see Meng Meiqi's jokes, or a melon-eating netizen, or someone who really thinks that Meng Meiqi has strength, his eyes are all looking at Meng Meiqi tightly, and the expectation on his face has become a little stronger.

Of course.

This is the most anticipated, naturally the Golden Melody Award judges led by Liu Yuan.

Su Ming's "Nocturne" is so awesome.

Meng Meiqi: This shouldn't be any worse, right?

"Something is wrong, I feel like something is going to happen, Meng Meiqi looks a little nervous. "

"I also think she seems to be shaking a little when I saw her holding the microphone just now. "

"I guess I was nervous by Su Ming's "Nocturne" before, I hope she won't make too many mistakes!"

"If it's a real mistake, let's win by swiping the ticket, I guess public opinion will blow up by then, right?"


On the other hand, the planning department and public relations department of Lehua Entertainment are also paying attention to Meng Meiqi, who is about to sing.

And from their point of view.

Meng Meiqi's state doesn't seem to be very good.

Looks a little nervous.

And obviously.

And just as they judged.

Meng Meiqi is indeed nervous in her heart, and there are constantly things in her mind, such as "What if I sing badly?" and "What should I do if the company gives up on her"... And so on a whole bunch of ideas popping up.

And I can't be nervous.


The prelude was already slowly sounding.

Not to mention.

After all, it's a song written by Qu's father.

Just listening to the prelude, there is still something.

However, after the prelude fell, Meng Meiqi spoke.

The level of the whole song immediately began to collapse a little.

The first problem that came to light was the unsteady breath.

And because this song is a song of singing and dancing.

Meng Meiqi was singing, and she had already begun to jump.

This caused the already unstable breath to become even more unstable, and even some pitches were sung crookedly.

The speed of the song, which was already visible to the naked eye, began to crumble.

That's exactly the same level she showed on that talent show a year ago.

Translated, it is, relying on the defense!

But even so, Meng Meiqi on the stage became more and more confident the more he sang.

Because from her point of view.

My performance in this wave is okay, and I have already taken out my usual level!

But the more she sings, the more she feels wrong.

Why did the audience in this audience actually start to wrinkle.

Aren't you good at it?

In fact, from the audience's point of view, the melody of this song is still okay, but I don't know why, it was sung in Meng Meiqi's mouth, and then looked at Meng Meiqi's slightly embarrassing solo dance solo on stage.

It always sounds very stinging.

If you really want to use one word to describe it, it has to be described by "relying on the answer".

This is not to mention compared with Su Ming.

Compared with any other guest who has been on the stage, there is a big gap!

Looking at Meng Meiqi's performance, that is, the quality of the song itself is okay, and the others are all second- and third-rate standards!

That's it, do you want to touch porcelain Su Ming?

And Meng Meiqi saw the expressions of the audience, she was originally quite confident, and began to sing more and more empty.

This song is also completely going to collapse.

Fortunately, Meng Meiqi didn't let the whole paragraph collapse, even if she knew that she didn't want to do it, she sang it hard.

And look at this scene.

The planning department and operation department of Lehua Entertainment are all numb.

I'm really afraid of something.

Meng Meiqi really dropped the chain!

And at this time, the barrage, the atmosphere is very lively.

"Poof!hahaha! That's it?"

"What kind of thing is this singing? Just touch porcelain Su Ming, hard Su Ming?"

"Hahaha, this singing and dancing is too outrageous, isn't it! Ah Kun has to shake his head when he sees it, right?"

"You little black man, please bring your keyboard for the trial!"

"Hahahaha, on singing and dancing, my soul sister throws this eighteen streets!"

"Don't insult people's hearts, okay?

"Show me a smile, at first I listened to the prelude, and I thought I had misunderstood her, but now it's okay. "

"Hahahaha! I'm the same! The prelude is actually quite good, but after the later singing, it's not very good, and it feels like a pig with a pig's nose and an elephant in garlic. "

"I'm actually thinking, Su Ming's votes won't be as good as her later, right?"

"At this level, if Su Ming's vote loses to her later, I think everyone here is responsible!"

"Help! Can she sing faster, I can't listen to it anymore, in fact, the song is very good, but this person can't do it, if you sing it by another person, you should still be able to listen to it." "

"I'm a pure passerby, I heard that this Meng Meiqi is still the first to make her debut in the draft, what kind of little deflated show is it, she can be the first in this way?"

"I can't bear it, I won't watch it, I'll go to the microwave to squat and vote first. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I slipped away too!"

"Ahem, in fact, it doesn't seem to be completely useless, at least her legs are quite white, and she jumps very sensitively, and she can rush a little!"

"Poof! my brother is too stable, isn't it?, but don't say it, her figure is really okay, don't talk about it, I'll tidy up the paper on the bed..."




For Meng Meiqi's wave of performances.

The barrage is already a little unbearable.,Spit that's overwhelming.。。

Even with Meng Meiqi's singing, the popularity of this live broadcast room is also flying.

This terrifying data change is really anxious The director and staff in the background are sweating profusely.

It's outrageous!

This man fell too fast!

The only thing that can be congratulated is that Meng Meiqi is the last guest to perform, even if the popularity collapses, the impact will not be too great.

And the other end.

watched Meng Meiqi's rough performance.

Liu Yuan's small group has already exploded.

"'Lao Liu, what do you mean?' is what you said about a genius newcomer who is about the same as Su Ming?"

"Damn, we were all shaken by Lao Liu, this level is still a genius?

"The song is actually barely okay, this person's level is too poor, Lao Liu, are you deliberately teasing us?

"If you don't watch it, don't watch it, what's the difference between this level and those trainees who have come out of the capital assembly line? It's really blind to this song, I listened to Su Ming's other songs. "

"Lao Liu, you're a little unkind, you're still a genius newcomer, it's a waste of my time, I also listen to Su Ming's other songs, remember to give me some prestige when the time comes"



After watching Meng Meiqi's performance.

The old Dengs in the group all felt that they were in a big position.

Start a meal of Aitliuyuan.

What about the other genius newcomer who is similar to Su Ming's strength?

That's it?

And look at the news in the group and Meng Meiqi who is still bouncing on the stage.

Liu Yuan's face was dark.

How did he know that Meng Meiqi's strength was so watery?

However, it seems that Meng Meiqi cannot be blamed for this. (Wang Zhaohao)

After all, he unilaterally felt that Meng Meiqi's strength was about the same as Su Ming's.

"What's going on? The strength is so poor, why is there so much barrage brushing her?"

Liu Yuan frowned and lifted his cheeks, a little unable to figure it out.

If it's not about the same strength, then the barrage is a hammer?

Could it be that there is a contradiction between Su Ming and Meng Meiqi?

So immediately, he just quit the live broadcast room and searched on the Internet.

And this search.

He basically understood the ins and outs of the matter.

Co-authored this Meng Meiqi is a rubbing Su Ming's popularity and touching porcelain?

There is really a contradiction between the two!

What an outrageous!

If he had known that this was the case, he would never have recommended Meng Meiqi in the group.

This wave is really humiliating and embarrassing.


The more I thought about it, the more angry I became, Liu Yuan, who had never talked about the quintessence of the country, couldn't help but burst into foul language.

"There is also a whole vote, I must vote for Su Ming this time!"

Suddenly, Liu Yuan immediately opened the app store and started microwaving.

He hadn't used the microwave for a long time.

But he was angry with Meng Mei's chess, he had to go and give Su Ming a vote! .

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