Chapter 174 Ninety percent chance of winning, the show is over and ready to vote!

"Hahaha! Sister Mi, look at the barrage, I'm dying of laughter!"

"I feel like we don't have to swipe tickets for Su Ming, this Meng Meiqi is too outrageous!"

And the barrage they don't pay attention to what Meng Meiqi is singing, they are all paying attention to her figure. "

At this time, Reba looked at the barrage of complaints in the live broadcast room, and the whole person laughed forward and backwards.

Yang Mi on the side couldn't help but smile and shake her head.

There is one thing to say.

Meng Meiqi's performance is indeed a bit of a comedian.

At this level, how can you compare with Su Ming?

As for swiping tickets.

She doesn't plan to brush it for a while.

Right now, it's okay.

Let's take a look at the actual votes.

If she can't do it, she'll think about it.

And the eyes return to the stage.

Meng Meiqi on the stage is now more and more panicked the more she dances, and the more she sings, the more empty she becomes.

The treble is already starting to deform.

She's a little lost now.

Every second she spent on this stage was an ordeal for her.

But the good thing is.

The torment didn't last long. 717

After a while, she had already finished singing.

And as her last lyrics fell.

There was also a round of applause from the audience.

Of course, this applause is a little perfunctory.

"Okay, thank you for the great show!"

"As our only singing and dancing show this time, I see that the audience all like it very much!"


Seeing this, Shen Tao immediately came to power.

Although he also knew that Meng Meiqi's performance was average, as the host, he still couldn't say "what you sang is really a piece of", and he still had to praise it.

And Meng Meiqi listened to Shen Tao's praise, which was like a thorn in the back.

Please, don't boast!

The applause is only so much, and the audience still likes it?

She felt a little bit of a lost yin and yang weirdness.

But of course, she didn't pay much attention to this detail, and now her heart was already a mess.

Sing it like this.

Is the company still swiping this ticket?

Can a goddad resist stress?

If she loses, she won't really go to Jiahang to be a cleaner (ahbc) for a month, right?

Also, what should she do in the future of the entertainment industry?

And all kinds of doubts and confusion were all pulled back to reality by Shen Tao's next question.

"Meiqi, we have a question for you. "

"We all know that you and Su Ming had some minor frictions before, and there was also a voting event. "

"So you also heard Su Ming's singing just now, what are your chances of winning for yourself?"

Shen Tao was smiling and kind throughout the whole time.

But when it fell on Meng Meiqi's ears, it was extremely harsh.

Isn't this a pot that shouldn't be mentioned?

And as soon as Shen Tao's question came out.

The audience and the barrage were all happy, and their faces were full of looks.

It has to be the program team that will do things!

That's the right question!

Let's talk about Meng Meiqi, since Shen Tao asked.

How could she not answer?

"I have a good chance of winning, I should be able to win 90%!"

Meng Meiqi stiffened her head and pretended to be calm.

Before, Su Ming said on the stage that she relied on the defense, even if the show is smashed now, I don't know if the company will continue to brush her, but this momentum can't be lost.

And as soon as she said this.

The barrage suddenly didn't stop.

"Poofhahahaha! Ninety percent, she doesn't believe it herself, right?"

"Look at her weak heart, I'm almost dying of laughter!"

"This is a real clown! There is still a ninety percent chance of winning when she sings like this, how crooked is her aesthetic?" (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu novel network!)

"Hahahaha, I really didn't expect this sentence to have a ninety percent chance of winning, I can only say six!"

"I think it's because her company's money for swiping votes is ready to say this, big guys, hurry up and take their places, go to the microwave to vote for Su Ming!"

"I've turned on the microwave and I'm always waiting to vote!"

"I'm the same!"


But not only did the barrage not stop.

At this time, the guests in the backstage were also a little unrestrained, and laughed out loud.

If you don't swipe the ticket.

They can guarantee that Meng Meiqi has no chance of winning.

And Su Ming didn't care about Meng Meiqi's answer.

He wants to see how many votes Lehua can swipe later!

"The company is really optimistic about Meng Meiqi, and she still has to insist on brushing!"

"It seems that the leadership behind this Meng Meiqi can speak!"

"Let's not talk about this, let's hurry up, what does the ticket company say, are you ready?"

"All of them are connected, and as soon as the voting column comes out, the votes can be swiped in at any time. "

"What does the microwave official say, and how long will it take to open the poll?"

"This should take about half an hour, it needs to be reviewed over there. "


The other end.

Lehua Entertainment's planning department and public relations department are now starting to get busy.

That's right.

Even if Meng Meiqi dropped the chain.

This ticket still has to be swiped!

Back to the show.

After Shen Tao asked this wave of sharp questions, he was sleek and let Meng Meiqi go down first.

This can't be asked any more questions.

After asking, Meng Meiqi estimated that she couldn't hold back.

And with the ouster of Meng Meiqi.

This show is also officially coming to an end.

The subsequent process is to mention the ranking on the decibel list, there is no accident, the top five are all Su Ming's songs, and the first one undoubtedly belongs to Su Ming.

After mentioning the decibel list, it was the turn of all the guests to come to the stage, and Shen Tao would take the link to say a word of support for public welfare.

All in all.

This is garbage time.

Most of the audience in the live broadcast room no longer watch this part.

The originally huge popularity, in just a few minutes, ushered in many halves, and the data can be described as shocking.

And after these viewers leave the live broadcast room.

The first thing I did was turn on the microwave.

Next is the turn of Su Ming and Meng Meiqi's voting.

After all, this is the link that everyone pays the most attention to before the show starts.

In terms of most people's current thoughts, in a word, this vote must be given to Su Ming!

But for the time being, this poll post hasn't been opened yet.

Therefore, the audience who came out of the live broadcast room could only discuss a wave of Su Ming's amazing performance on the show on the microwave.

Under such terrifying heat.

It's just a moment's work.

Su Ming directly topped the hot search!.

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