Chapter 175 is a sensation on the whole network, and voting begins!

[Su Ming's new song "Nocturne"!]

[Su Ming Yixun "Ten Years"]

[Su Ming Han Hong "There are so many people in this world"]

【Meng Meiqi Su Ming Online Voting】


At this time.

The entry with Su Ming is already on the hot search list.

Among them, Su Ming's "Nocturne" directly appeared on the hot search~ No. 1.

And under these hot searches, the comment is like - it has exploded.

"I'll go!Is this Su Ming's hot search?Why are so many of them all about him?"

"Indeed, it's outrageous, isn't this Su Ming a new little fresh meat?

"It's really ruthless, even Han Hong Yixun has been tied together and hyped, rich is a cow!"

"Poof! You don't know Su Ming?"

"Ahem, let's just say, is there a possibility, this is not hype?"


"Su Ming's song is also written so well! It sounds so moving, the picture sense is too strong, and I feel that I have seen many ordinary heroes who silently pay for the society. "

"Yes, and the most important thing is that Teacher Han Hong sings well! I want to cry when I look at it!"

"Damn, I'm already in tears! What kind of show is this, I want to go see the full version!"

"Harm, Teacher Han Hong has really paid too much for public welfare, I actually joked about her version of the doll before, I'm really not a person!"



"A star like Teacher Han Hong is the star we need to chase!"

"Yes, and Su Ming, Su Ming has also started to do public welfare now, and I will never hack him in my life!"


"Fuck, this song "Ten Years", Yi Xun really sang it to my heart! Did he peep at me before writing this song?"

Ten years ago, you and I didn't know each other, and ten years later we became the most familiar strangers, damn, my first love and I are like this!"

"This song really makes me think of my ex-girlfriend, but it's a pity, the bride price is 688,000, and the dowry is back to two quilts, and my family can't take it out, and I can't get angry, so I can't go to the end. "

"This song sounds so uncomfortable, I've been talking to my partner for ten years, and I'll forget it if it's green, but she ran away with the local tyrant a few days ago, damn!"

"I'm sorry, brother, tell me more!"

"One thing to say, Yi Xun is still amazing, I haven't released a new song for so long, and it's a high-quality product, this "Ten Years" is so well written... What? This song was written by Su Ming?"

"I'll go! This song was also written by Su Ming, this is too outrageous, isn't it?"


"it! it! This prelude is really awesome!"

"Damn! This rap! Su Ming's song is too good! It's outrageous, how did he write it?"

"Damn! This "Nocturne" is too awesome! This melody sounds really good, it feels so advanced!"

"Yes! Su Ming's opening of his mouth, I was numb, this rap is too top-notch,"

"This word is also awesome! The whole article reveals despair and numbness everywhere, to be honest, did Su Ming ever kill his ex-girlfriend?"

"Poofhahahaha! Brother, if you can talk more, it's okay to have a dead ex-girlfriend? Haven't you listened to Su Ming's interview? This is the inspiration for people to watch people make up stories from the Internet!"

"Tut-tut, Su Ming's creative ability is really awesome! Is there a professional person to analyze the level of this song?"

"I've been playing music for seven or eight years, and Su Ming's "Nocturne", I can only describe it as awesome! It's awesome! I feel like I can win the Golden Melody Award for a few years!"

"Damn! The Golden Melody Award is okay, is this song of such a high level?"


"What the hell, what is Meng Meiqi singing about?"

"What the hell is voting? Can you tell me about it because you're young? I haven't eaten this melon!"

"It's outrageous! Meng Meiqi's level still touches Su Ming's? It still has a ninety percent chance of winning, it really makes me laugh! Where is the voting place? I have to go and give Su Ming a vote!"

"Damn! This Meng Meiqi is too arrogant, ninety percent of the chance of winning, this is clearly going to swipe the vote! I also want to vote for Su Ming, if Su Ming loses to her, my conscience will hurt!"

"Dude, send me a link, I want to vote too! This wave definitely wants Su Ming to win!"

"Poof! I just mentioned that Su Ming wrote "The Most Dazzling National Style", and my grandmother said that she wanted to vote for Su Ming!"

I just told my mother that Su Ming sang "Listen to Mom", and she immediately started canvassing in the family group, hahaha!"

"Chong Chong Chong, this wave must vote for Su Ming!"


At this time.

Su Ming's songs have caused a sensation among netizens.

Especially "Ten Years" and "Nocturne".

"Ten Years" focuses on resonance, and "Nocturne" focuses on awesomeness. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Both songs have received a lot of popularity.

And the final point of all this traffic is definitely set on the vote on Su Ming and Meng Meiqi.

Whether you have eaten melons before or have not eaten melons, you just learned from the hot search, after hearing Meng Meiqi's sentence "ninety percent chance of winning", they all thought about voting for Su Ming.

Even more outrageous, even family members have to come to vote for Su Ming.

And on the other end.

Lehua Entertainment and Jiahang are also focused on voting.

Especially Lehua.

This wave of voting is so crucial!

If you don't get a result from Meng Meiqi, you will lose a lot!

"Sister Mi, I'm so nervous, when will this vote start?"

"I don't know how hard Lehua brushed over there, we have to be ready at all times. "

Reba was constantly refreshing the voting column at the moment, and her face was a little worried.

Meng Meiqi's performance just now is worth fishing, but when it comes to voting, it still needs to be paid attention to.

"It should be soon, I've been paying attention to it with the operation department, let's not brush it for the time being, let's take a look at the situation first." "

Yang Mi on the side is now also sitting upright, with a serious face.

Although the current trend of public opinion is biased towards Su Ming, the specific result is still a little difficult to say.

After all, in the face of capital, a large number of people is not necessarily useful, unless there are enough people.

And back to the show.

After the end of the last garbage time.

"Who is the King of Singers" is also the final ending.

With the cut off of the live screen.

Su Ming and other guests all went to the backstage one after another.

After Su Ming finished, he also turned on the microwave for the first time.

He also attaches great importance to this wave of voting.

However, the point he values is not what will happen if he loses to Meng Meiqi.

Instead, I am paying attention to how much Lehua will brush?

Since the whole Meng Meiqi came to disgust him, then this level has to make Le Hua burst out with a wave of blood!

"Su Ming, don't worry, we'll canvass for you!"

"Yes, I'll send a microwave later to canvass for you!"

"That's it, you can sing this song "Ten Years" for me, this microwave of canvassing, I have to give it to you!"


At this time.

Seeing Su Ming's nervous appearance, Lao Xue Ziqi, Yi Xun Han Hong and others who came out with Su Ming thought that Su Ming was worried about the issue of voting, and they spoke one after another.

As for the enthusiasm of several people, Su Ming couldn't help but wave his hand, and directly refused with a smile.

Several people are singing his songs, and their positions are obvious, and they don't need to send any more microwaves at all.

On the other hand, who is also concerned about the issue of microwave voting, there is Meng Meiqi not far away.

Meng Meiqi was really panicked now, and hurriedly asked about his godfather.

"Don't worry, you can win!"

looked at the four words sent by the godfather.

Meng Meiqi's hanging heart was suddenly put down.

And at the same time.

On the microwave, the voting post at this time seems to have already begun!.

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