Chapter 176 Su Ming's terrifying heat, fucking swipe the ticket!

This poll is out.

The scene suddenly became lively.

Less than five minutes after the post, the votes of both sides reached the million level, and this data still skyrocketed at a very terrifying rate.

Especially Su Ming.

Su Ming's votes, that was almost increasing in multiples.

In just ten minutes, Su Ming's votes far exceeded Meng Meiqi's by dozens of times, and came to a terrifying 30 million!

The difference in the number of votes is really extremely large.

But a few more minutes passed.

Meng Meiqi's votes have suddenly skyrocketed.

The number of votes is directly about to catch up with Su Ming.

At the same time, the discussion about this voting post was also successful in coming to the first place in the hot search.

"Chong Chong Chong! The big guy will go up again, and put Su Ming's ticket a little higher!"

"it! This Meng Meiqi is hanging, why did the votes catch up all at once?"

"It's outrageous! More than 20 million votes at once!"

"Tut-tut, this money ability is really awesome! Brothers, go get more people to come and vote!"

"Six-five-zero" "I don't even pretend to be a ticket swipe, it's really funny, but if it goes on like this, Su Ming won't really lose, right?"

"If Su Ming loses, then I can only say that the capital is really awesome!"

"Indeed, if Meng Meiqi's level can win against Su Ming, then the internal entertainment is really over! Anyway, don't talk about it, I have already voted for Su Ming!"

"If you don't understand, just ask, who are these two people? What? This Su Ming is the one who wrote "Eliminate Sorrow"? Then I have to give a wave!"

"Damn! Su Ming is actually the one who wrote "Once You", I'll vote for it too!"


At this time.

With the number of votes of Meng Meiqi and Su Ming, the two are constantly refreshed.

The comments were a bit boiling.

And the most talked about it is naturally about Meng Meiqi's strange skyrocketing votes.

Clear-eyed people actually know what's going on.

But they can't control it, at most, they just say a few words about Meng Meiqi and capital, and then find more people around to vote for Su Ming.

And that's just such a move.

Su Ming's votes suddenly skyrocketed again, and in just a few minutes, he doubled Meng Meiqi's and came to a terrifying 60 million!

With such outrageous voting numbers, even if you look at all the voting posts in the history of microwave, you can rank in the top five.


The official backstage of microwave, the department responsible for supervising the data of the platform, is now a bit of a sensation.

"it, why are there so many new users registered today? Could it be that a top class has collapsed?"

"Damn! Why did this suddenly add more than two million new registered users? They are all real users! Usually it will increase by one or two thousand a day at most, could it be because of Su Ming and Meng Meiqi's vote?"

"It's outrageous, is it so fierce?"

"It seems that they are all coming for Su Ming, it seems that Lehua has to pay a lot of price if she wants to win. "

"One thing to say, Su Ming's popularity is really high! He has such a large number of fans, I feel that those top performers are a lot worse than him!"


Nowadays, the staff of the entire department is blowing up.

These newly registered users, who are all real people, have come so many at once, and they are still growing, which is outrageous!

And after a little analysis, it can be analyzed that this is most likely to vote for Su Ming!

As for swiping tickets, they naturally knew that Meng Meiqi was swiping.

But this kind of thing, it's basically just turning a blind eye, anyway, they can make money.

Let her brush it.

Let's talk about the number of votes.

With this number of votes, Su Ming is almost 100 million, almost twice as many as Meng Meiqi!

At the same time, this number of votes is basically the highest in the history of microwave voting.

And the other end.

Today's Lehua can be said to be busy.

"Damn! Su Ming has brushed this too, right? This number of votes is too outrageous!"

"How can Su Ming have so many forced tickets, if it goes on like this, our budget feels a little unbearable!"

"Damn! If Su Ming's ticket hadn't been swiped, it would have been really terrifying!"

"No, no, Su Ming's increase in votes is a bit too outrageous, we must notify the leaders as soon as possible, we want to win or lose this budget, the difficulty is a bit too high!"

"Yes, I'll go and inform the leader!"


In the face of Su Ming's outrageous votes.

Everyone in Lehua Entertainment really felt a tingling scalp.

As they had envisioned.

The budget approved before, not to mention that it can be easily won, at least there is no big problem in winning it.

But looking at it now, Su Ming's outrageous number of votes, even if the budget is all spent, it will not be enough!

They even seriously suspected that Su Ming was also swiping tickets!

On the other side, the leaders of Lehua are actually paying attention to this vote.

Looking at the current situation, his face was a little unpleasant, and he even held an emergency meeting for this purpose.

That Meng Meiqi's "good brother", his face was already a little dark.

He never expected that Su's votes could be so high!

Now the budget for swiping tickets is already overspending, and if it goes on, even if it wins, it is estimated that it will be difficult to earn it back by relying on some follow-up popularity of Meng Meiqi

But here's the thing.

It's been so much now.

If you give up halfway, won't you have lost all your efforts?

"Sister Mi, our company has already swiped the ticket for Su Ming?" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Not yet. "

"! That is to say, these are all normal people who voted? This has broken the microwave voting record!"

"yes, I don't really need our help. "

At this time, Reba was also startled when she looked at Su Ming's votes.

Yang Mi on the side was even more shocked.

Su Ming's current votes are really amazing.

Because voting is not the same as watching a live broadcast or watching a show, generally speaking, many viewers watch the show and want them to spend time doing something else, which can be said to be very difficult0.......

Su Ming's current votes are somewhat unbelievable.


Let's talk about the backstage of "Who is the King of Singers" at this time.

As the show ends.

The guests began to leave one after another.

Su Ming is now in the car going home.

Looking at the difference in the number of votes on the microwave, Su Ming couldn't help but shake his head again and again.

Lehua can't do this ticket.

That's it?

That's it?

I thought that Lehua was going to do a big wave, but it didn't seem to be much.

But looking at his votes again, Su Ming couldn't help but shrug his shoulders.

His current votes are indeed quite outrageous.

It is estimated that Lehua has given up.

It's a pity that I didn't let Lehua have a real blood loss.

"It's over, it's over, Su Ming also swiped the ticket, why does he have so many tickets? shouldn't it!"

Some people are happy, some people are worried, Meng Meiqi on the other end looked at the number of votes, and there was a cold sweat behind her.

Her tickets are so high.

As a result, Su Ming was actually several times more than hers!

She really seriously suspected that Su Ming had also swiped the ticket!

But it doesn't matter, the important thing is that she is going to lose!

Can you win?

In her mind, she couldn't help but think of her godfather's four big words again.

Damn, it seems that you can't win?


Just when she was about to panic and become an ant on a hot pan.

Her votes are surprisingly surprising again.

This surge is extremely outrageous, not only making up for the gap between him and Su Ming before, but even surpassing it a little bit!

That's right.

Lehua's final decision is to grit her teeth and continue to brush!

Seeing this scene, Meng Meiqi was so excited that she almost burst into tears.

Godfather is awesome!

"That's what makes it interesting. "

Su Ming also saw the change in Meng Mei's chess votes now, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but show a smile.

This wave of brushes up, Lehua has invested a lot of money!0.5

Lehua is really hard enough!

And with Meng Meiqi's votes skyrocketing again.

Netizens exploded.

The remarks accusing Meng Meiqi of swiping votes are overwhelming.

Yang Mireba's side, it is already a little ready to move.

If that's the case.

They really have to brush it a little bit!

And on the other end.

Looking at the voting post and all kinds of remarks on the microwave, Liu Yuan, the judge of the Golden Melody Awards, really couldn't stand it.

He just dragged his wife and several children to vote for Su Ming.

It stands to reason that with Su Ming's votes just now, he is basically a sure winner.

Suddenly, such a hand came.

Meng Meiqi's ticket swiping is too obvious!

For this kind of capitalized stuff, he didn't really want to care.

But when he thought of Su Ming taking the amazing "Nocturne", the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

If "Nocturne" loses.

He really can't accept it!

So, Liu Yuan directly opened the small group.

He has to pull a few more people to vote for Su Ming!.

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