Chapter 177: The Old Artists Can't Stand It!

"All the members, go to the microwave for me and help Su Ming vote!

"Lao Liu, what do you mean, what vote?"

"Microwave to vote for Su Ming, is he doing some kind of activity?"

"Lao Liu, you send the voting link, although I don't know what happened, but I have to vote for him, Su Ming is really a genius! In addition to this "Nocturne", the quality of the other songs is also very good!"

"I also listened to it just now, Su Ming's other songs are really good!Lao Liu, why don't you send the link directly to the group, I'll vote for it too, but by the way, Lao Liu, what is this vote for?"


As soon as Liu Yuan's news was issued, it immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the group.

But many apparently don't know exactly what's going on.

But anyway, they still recognize Su Ming very much, so even if they don't know what the situation is, they still have to vote for a wave of 07.

And quickly.

Liu Yuan just roughly explained the ins and outs in the group.

After learning about the situation, the small group, which was originally quite calm, suddenly became completely fried!

"What? It's too unscrupulous to swipe tickets now!"

"Why is this woman compared to Su Ming? It's still "Nocturne"!"

"I can't stand it, these entertainment companies really don't even want face for hype! I'm going to microwave to canvass for Su Ming!"

"Damn, I'm going to go to the clockwork microwave to canvass for Su Ming!"

"Take me one!"


Same with Yoo Moto.


After learning that Meng Meiqi won Su Ming by swiping the ticket.

The old Dengs in the group are all a little unbearable.

Now they have a great appreciation for Su Ming, and as for their impression of Meng Meiqi, it is simply a piece of.

If Meng Meiqi won against Su Ming, then they really couldn't bear it.

And so.

One by one, they all turned on the microwaves that had not been used for a long time, ready to canvass for Su Ming.

When Liu Yuan saw this scene, he couldn't help but slap his forehead.

That's right!

How did he forget that he still had the hand of microwave canvassing?!

It's been a long time since I've used a microwave, and I'm a little confused!

"Damn! This wave is really bloody, and so much budget has been approved!"

"Indeed, this budget is really ruthless! Now maybe there is a real chance to win, you see, Su Ming's vote growth rate has slowed down. "

"One thing to say, after putting so much budget in, I feel that even if we win, our company will lose, Meng Meiqi is not a material that can resist the beam!"

"Tut-tut, if this budget is for me to sign a bunch of powerful newcomers, the cost performance can be directly full!"

"Harm, don't mention it, anyway, when the time comes, it's a loss, just don't divide the pot on us. "

"I'm really curious, which leader Meng Meiqi is on, won't he be the vice president?"


Today's Lehua Entertainment Public Relations Department Planning Department, the tense atmosphere just now seems to be relaxed again.

Now the top has given another big budget.

In their estimations.

There is a high probability that Su Ming can be won.

But this also makes them feel a little emotional.

For the sake of a Meng Meiqi, as for it?

The leader behind Meng Meiqi is too hard!


In fact, it is not as hard as they imagined.

At present, this batch of budgets is already the maximum that this "godfather" can control.

If this doesn't kill Su Ming.

That's really not going to work.

And if this wave goes on, the music will be blown up!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Sister Mi, what does the ticket company say?"

"It's not a big problem, with the current vote gap, we can make up all of them in the last five minutes before the deadline. "

At this time, Reba Yangmi also started to act.

At the moment, we are keeping an eye on the changes in the number of votes.

As soon as there is a situation where the gap is too large, they will be ready to do it.

Basically, they weren't too worried, and the odds were great.


That's when it happened.

Liu Yuan and other former hardcore figures in the circle have all released microwaves.

[Judge Zeng Yi]: I listened to Su Ming's "Nocturne" not long ago, and I personally think that the level of "Nocturne" will crush the one named Meng Meiqi, I hope everyone will vote for Su Ming!

[Singer Wang Ling]: Su Ming is the most talented young generation I have seen in recent years, and this "Nocturne" also has the quality of the Golden Melody Award, I hope everyone votes for Su Ming, so that more people can see his talent!

[Artist Li Can]: The first time I heard Su Ming's "Nocturne", it was really a bit shocking, and there was finally a person in the music world who could carry the crown, and he must not be allowed to lose to that person, otherwise it would be too humiliating, everyone voted for Su Ming!

[Judge Zhao Wu]: If Su Ming loses to an artist of this level, then I really don't know what to say, I hope everyone votes for Su Ming!

[Judge Liu Yuan]: "Nocturne" is awesome! Everyone votes for Su Ming together!


Because it is not microwave all year round, and it does not operate.

These old artists don't have many microwave fans.

So it was just released and didn't attract the attention of more than 510 people.

But the quality of their fans is high!

There are a lot of artists in the circle who have received their kindness among the fans.

Seeing that they had never used a microwave for many years, they actually sent a microwave to Su Ming to canvass for votes, and these artists knew what to do.



It didn't take long.

A large number of artists that Qiqi began to retweet their microwaves.

Although many of them didn't even know Su Ming.

But when forwarding, it will also be accompanied by a sentence praising Su Ming, and at the same time, Su Ming will be given a ticket.

Emotional intelligence is really full.

And with the retweets of these artists.

The popularity of this vote seems to have risen a notch again.

Many melon-eating netizens who don't know the truth are all under this public opinion, and they have begun to follow the trend and vote for Su Ming.


Liu Yuan, these old artists, have a very high opinion of Su Ming and canvassing for Su Ming, which is gradually discovered by more people.

It didn't take long for it to be on the hot search.

And the traffic of the hot search is skewed.

The microwave of these old artists directly reached the top of the hot search! .

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