Chapter 178 The energy of the old artists, the music is blown up!

"Damn! Damn! Zeng Yi, this old-timer is actually canvassing for Su Ming! How long has it been since he sent a microwave?"

Several judges of the Golden Melody Awards are canvassing for Su Ming, what's the situation?"

"Damn! Wang Ling! Wang Ling is actually canvassing for Su Ming, he is my dad's favorite singer of their generation, from the national team!"

"Wang Ling actually said that "Nocturne" has a Golden Melody Award level, I rub it, and the evaluation is too high!"

"It's not just high, this one is the best, one is the most talented, it's the first time I've seen some old artists have such a high opinion of a young artist, I can only say, Su Ming is awesome!"

"This is really so awesome! Who is this artist named Su Ming, who can actually invite so many old artists to canvass for him? This hype is a bit outrageous, let these old artists speak out, this appearance fee must not be a sky-high price?"

"Hype? Unlikely, these are all old artists with both virtue and art, and they won't do such things for money, right?"

"Poof! The one who said the hype definitely didn't know Su Ming, Su Ming's strength and current traffic still need to be hyped up with a hammer?

"Who the hell is this Su Ming? I feel like there should be something, where is the voting link? I'm going to follow the VC!"

"I don't know who Su Ming is, but this name sounds a little familiar, since the old artists are so recognized, then I'll vote for it too!"


At this time.

After seeing Liu Yuan and others speak for Su Ming.

It really shook a large number of netizens.

These old artists only appear in the public eye on very formal, very important occasions.

But now he is actually canvassing for Su Ming.

This is a bit outrageous.

And the most important thing is that these old artists have such a high evaluation of "Nocturne" and Su Ming!

In the impression of netizens.

This is the first time they have commented on a young generation of artists!

And soon,

After the old artists made a move.

The huge waves caused by this suddenly turned into Su Ming's votes.

In less than ten minutes.

Su Ming's votes have started to skyrocket wildly!

Meng Meiqi, who had been slightly ahead of Su Ming, seemed to be a little unable to keep up with this vote at the moment.

Later, Meng Meiqi's votes were completely weak, and Su Ming was far behind.

I have to say that the energy of the old artists is really a bit outrageous!

"Why did Su Ming's votes suddenly rise so much, Sister Mi, did the company still start brushing it?...... Damn! How could these Golden Melody Award judges and some old artists know about Su Ming? And they are still canvassing for Su Ming.~!"

"I don't know, I guess I just watched the show. "

"Damn! Then Su Ming is too strong, these people are too demanding! Now they are all blowing Su Ming!"


At this time.

Reba Yangmi's side also exploded, and the second daughter's face was full of shock.

They didn't expect that these people would actually make a move!

This is the oldest of the seniors!

At the moment, if you follow this situation, it seems that there is no need to swipe tickets at all!

"it, it, Lao Wang, have you seen the microwave, those old guys are actually canvassing for Su Ming!"

"It's really rare, the requirements of these people are higher than the other, and now they are blowing Su Ming as vigorously as we do!"

"I said the song 'Nocturne' was awesome! Look, blow up these old guys too!"

"Lao Wang, you still have a discerning eye, this Su Ming's strength is really strong! Not surprisingly, Su Ming must be the winner of this year's Golden Melody Award!"

"If Lao Song sees this situation, he will probably regret his death, right? Who can't provoke you, you have to provoke Su Ming?"

"Harm, don't mention Lao Song, Lao Song heard that after he went inside, he was educated, but it's miserable, by the way, the prison guards and some of the good brothers inside heard that they are all fans of Su Ming!"

"Lao Song is Su Ming's little black man! don't mention him, okay?"


In Wang Quan's small group, Qu Dad was also taken aback by the voices of these old artists.

These old guys microwave in unison, I don't know how long ago the last time was.

And Wang Quan, who is Su Ming's blow for the first time, can now be said to be extremely excited.

He's not wrong!

Now even these Golden Melody Award winners are blowing Su Ming!

I just wanted to ask.

Who else?!!


"Fuck, how deep is Su Ming's shitty network, and can even these people come out and help him speak?"

At this time, in a villa in the magic capital, Hua Chenyu, who was almost completely out of breath, was using wine to dispel his sorrows.

Originally, he wanted to watch a wave of Lehua and crush Su Ming with capital.

As a result, such a bunch of people suddenly exploded, and directly helped Su Ming to reverse.

This makes him angry!

Angry to the depths, the Huachenyu wine bottle was thrown violently, and the glass ballast shattered directly to the ground.


Why can Su Ming mix so well and the relationship network can be so deep?

Forget about the people who catch up with the administration.

Even these old artists have taken a ride!

On the other hand, he has now become a fourth- or fifth-tier leftover artist!

"Damn!" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Hua Chenyu looked up to the sky and roared, scolding angrily.

With a small step, he stepped directly on the glass ballast, grinning in pain, and screamed on the spot, as if he was singing on stage.


And on the other end.

From top to bottom, all departments and senior leaders of Lehua Entertainment are a little nervous.

"What's the situation? Why did these old guys in the music world also run out to canvass for Su Ming?"

"Are Jiahang so willing to invest money? Or do these old guys really appreciate Su Ming?"

"Damn, our budget is out again, this is the top rhythm to lose!"

"Hurry up! There are still twenty minutes left for this voting post to close, hurry up and notify the leader to see if you want to continue to increase the budget, now Su Ming is already a big step ahead of us!"

"Damn! I have a bad feeling!"


The public relations department of the planning department of Lehua Entertainment opened n degrees, and it became a pot of porridge again!

Obviously, the old artists' moves, that was a surprise to them, almost instantly exhausted the budget again.

I can only ask the leader to help again.

And at this time.

The faces of the leaders of Lehua Entertainment were already dark, and they were anxious.

The leader of Meng Meiqi's "'godfather" listened to the discussion of everyone in the conference room, and it was even more like sitting on pins and needles.

This Nima, this is outrageous!

Why did even these old guys come to canvass for Su Ming?

So how will this battle be fought?

If it weren't for his tough attitude just now, he wouldn't have increased it a long time ago.

In this situation, no matter how tough his attitude is, it will be difficult to pass it again.

Brush it down again.

That's going to be a complete blood explosion!

And most importantly, if you continue to fight, you will further offend these old guys!

For the sake of Meng Meiqi, to offend these old guys.

No matter how much he liked to think about it, it would not have been possible to make such a decision.


After a period of deliberation at the meeting, the idea of continuing to swipe votes was directly rejected.

Wait for the meeting to end.

The faces of the leaders of Lehua can be said to be very ugly, and they have already begun to scold their mothers in their hearts.

After swiping so many votes, it doesn't matter if you don't win.

I also offended these old guys a little.

If you offend these old guys, let alone squeeze the residual value of Meng Meiqi in the future, I am afraid that Meng Meiqi will be directly banned by a certain range in the circle!

After all, their network is too big!

In general, this wave is really a loss!

And the initiator of all this is Meng Meiqi (Li De's), and the "godfather" leader!

Of course, in fact, there is a flower dust language!

If Meng Meiqi is allowed to carry out the initial plan, Su Ming and Yi Xun will be licked.

Maybe it will be completely different from what it is now!

But it's just a pity, so what's the if?

Let's talk about Meng Meiqi.

Now if you want to say who pays the most attention to microwaves and voting, it can only be Meng Meiqi.

At this moment, watching so many old artists canvassing for Su Ming and Su Ming's terrifying votes.

Meng Meiqi's eyes were red.

This is outrageous!

Can you really win?

Seeing that her ticket is rising more and more slowly, Meng Meiqi's heart is beating faster and faster, the company won't really give up on her, right?

In a hurry, she hurriedly sent a message to her godfather again, hoping that her godfather would raise another hand.

And this rape

The godfather's reply was obviously a little too concise, only one word.

"Get out!"

That's right.

She, the leader of her godfather, has just been severely criticized by the board of directors, which is really uncomfortable.

As a result, Meng Meiqi suddenly sent a handful of news, and the anger came up directly.

Damn it.

It's all because of this!.

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