Chapter 180 Sister Honey, you want to go out in the middle of the night to make quick money?

"Call all the operations department and the planning department!"

"I want to see which pig's brain made the decision to spend such a large amount of money by swiping tickets?"

"Also, I don't think Meng Meiqi needs to stay in Lehua! and then let the legal department jam her contract, if she doesn't get the lost money back, she won't want to eat a full meal in this life~!"

"By the way, Su Ming's future is very impressive, you can find a time in the next few days to see if you can reconcile with him in private, see if you can make a good relationship, and it's okay to spend some money. "


The other end.

There was a roar from the chairman's office at this moment.

Everyone who passed by was so frightened by this voice that they couldn't help but tremble.

That's right.

The chairman of Lehua Entertainment saw that the company had lost a huge amount of money in vain, and he also offended some old-timers in the circle, but he was still praised as an artist who did not enter the stream.

This really him off half to death.

It's only been a long time since I took care of the company's affairs, and I just made such a mess!

And between his casual words, he basically arranged the second half of Meng Meiqi's life clearly.

The capitalists are like this.

At the same time, under his decision-making, he was even trying to find a way to arrange reconciliation between Lehua Entertainment and Su Ming.

No way.

There are no permanent enemies, only eternal interests.

Now Su Ming said that the traffic strength and network he has shown are high.

This is enough to shake the circle!

If only I could have a good relationship with Su Ming.

Su Mingyi was happy and willing to take his artists to have a topic, or go out for a walk.

Then the traffic of his artists has risen, and it is like a joke!

And not to mention Lehua.

Nowadays, many entertainment companies in the circle are all thinking about it!

Desperately packaging and hype, it feels like it is not as good as having a relationship with Su Ming!


Su Ming seems to have become the most fragrant fragrant dumpling in the circle now!

And this naturally led to the fact that the prestige of the Ministry of Commerce and Yang Mi was about to be blown up.

There's no way, there are too many people who want to add Su Ming's contact information.

"Tut-tut, Sister Mi, your future husband is too sought-after now!"

"I don't see that many female celebrities have come to our Ministry of Commerce, and they want to find Su Ming, so many little goblins, you are under a lot of pressure!"

"Why don't I also go and seduce Su Ming, in the future, one three or five will be yours, and two four or six will be mine, together on Sunday!

In the villa.

Reba looked at the news from the Ministry of Commerce that Yang Mi kept sending on his prestige, hooked his big white legs, and joked to Yang Mi.

"What's wrong with the stake-up, don't be too normal for the man I like to be sought-after?!"

"As for these little goblins, do they have better faces than me, or are they in better shapes than me?

"You still want to seduce Su Ming, hmph!

Yang Mi's face in front of Reba is getting thicker and thicker now, she is not shy anymore, and she directly begins to swear sovereignty!

Of course.

In fact, she is still a fawn in her heart.

Nervous to death!

Isn't it fragrant for these little goblins to order male models?

Why are you looking for Su Ming?

And she said that there was no pressure, but the pressure in her heart was too great.

Su Ming's talent is getting more and more outrageous, his popularity is getting higher and higher, and his connections are even more needless to say, almost all of them are far beyond her.

Su Ming is improving.

But what about her?

She seems to be the same as before, she is still just an ordinary first-line top female star, the boss of Jiahang.

To be honest, I've been a strong woman for so long.

It's the first time I've felt it.

I will not be worthy of any man, I will have a sense of urgency, and I want to have Su Ming's sense of urgency soon.

And hearing Yang Mi's words, Reba's face was extremely exciting.

It's rare!

Yang Mi actually strongly declared her sovereignty over Su Ming and began to protect her food!

It seems that Yang Mi really can't wait!

It's just a pity.

Su Ming, this stinky boy, really can't get in oil and salt!


After the two girls fought for a while, Reba went back first.

And Yang Mi looked at the news of the Ministry of Commerce, and her face became serious.

At present, there are so many brands, entertainment companies and insiders looking for Su Ming, which is a considerable resource.

If you push it all, the loss will be too great.

So he immediately called Su Ming over.

This must be called over to discuss!

Incidentally...... Test Su Ming again!


And Su Ming, who had just finished recording the show, was dragged to the villa before he even entered the door of his own house, and his mental head could be said to be a little sluggish.

It's outrageous!

As soon as he got off work, he was called to Yang Mi to work overtime.

Is this the life of a special person?

And he hasn't added the prestige of his fans yet, so he has made an appointment to meet tomorrow.

"Sister honey, open the door!"

"It's coming!"

As soon as the door opened, Su Ming saw Yang Mi wearing a burgundy dress that perfectly outlined her figure.

A pair of foul big white legs stood in front of Su Ming's eyes.

At the same time, Yang Mi still turned sideways, with three points of shyness, four points of coldness, and three points of return to the yuan... Phew!

"Come in. "

Yang Mi spoke softly, her face full of daughterishness.

Boss Yang who looks like this, who is really confused!

Of course. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Su Ming is different.

Looking at Yang Mi's strange appearance and the way she spoke softly, Su Ming's goosebumps were about to rise.

What is this?

Wearing a skirt at night, the real girls are chirping, ready to go out to be a technician?

"Ahem, Sister Mi, isn't our company very good lately? It's all down to Sister Mi, you're going to make a quick buck?"

Su Ming looked at Yang Mi seriously and very deliberately, from top to bottom, and couldn't help but fold his arms and speak, his face pretending to be solemn.


Yang Mi obviously didn't react at the first time.

And when she reacted, her face immediately turned red.

At the same time, it is even more infuriating!

I'm seducing you!

Can't you see it?!

God makes quick money!

If you can talk, can you talk more?

"Su Ming, don't force me to beat you!"

Yang Mi raised her fist, her eyes with a shallow murderous aura.

When Su Ming saw this, he couldn't help but smile on his face.

That's the right taste

In the next second, Su Ming directly grabbed it.

"Sister Mi, I'm here to work overtime, you're going to beat me?"

"It hurts, it hurts, Su Ming, you let go, it hurts me!"

"Then you have to apologize!"

"I was wrong, I was wrong, ah!"

"Damn, Sister Mi, you don't talk about martial arts, and you bite people!"


The two of them had a fight.

The atmosphere seemed to be back to normal.

And wait for the fight to end.

Naturally, we also started to talk about business.

Su Ming looked at the news from the Ministry of Commerce and Yang Mi in private chat.

After some selection, Su Ming added some old artists such as Liu Yuan and some people with higher levels, and basically pushed everything else.

As for what kind of endorsement it is, the show invites.

These are naturally even more pushed.

He wants to spend time on himself and his fans now.

And the most important thing is that he is not short of this endorsement appearance fee at all.

Wait for Jiahang to grow slowly in the later period.

Endorsements, programs, all kinds of bizarre business, absolutely indispensable.

When the time comes, the artists under it will directly accept all the orders, and they don't need him to do anything at all.

He just needs to silently mess around and keep the company running.

The show, he will be on it when he wants to, and then he will play.

And for Su Ming's decision.

Although Yang Mi felt a little pity, she also chose to respect Su Ming.

After all, it doesn't seem like it's okay to be disrespectful.

Su Ming didn't listen to her at all!

And after talking about it.

Yang Mi chatted with Su Ming about today.

There is one thing to say, Yang Mi can really talk, just talk hard!

chatted directly for more than an hour, Su Ming couldn't leave if he wanted to, and it really made Su Ming a little nervous.

"Sister Mi, it's not early this day, we are lonely men and widows, it's not suitable to stay together, why don't I go first, I'm sleepy." "

"How much is this? What's the night? What's wrong with the lonely man and widow, let's just talk normally. "

"Sister Mi, don't make trouble, I'm so sleepy!"

"Talk to me for another half hour!"

"I can't do it, I can't bear it. "

"Alright then, then I'll ask one last question, you'll see the fans tomorrow... Can you take me there?"


Hear the back head.

Yang Mi finally saw the poor dagger.

After hearing this, Su Ming couldn't cry or laugh for a while.


If you want to follow, just say it.

It's such a big bend!

And looking at Yang Mi's stunned appearance, Su Ming shook his head.

Why, is it difficult to refuse?

"Okay, but I haven't added fans yet, I'll add it first, and see where I gather tomorrow. "

Su Ming waved his hand, lowered his head and turned on the microwave, and began to ask the fans for prestige.

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