Chapter 181 Farm Female Fans, Paparazzi Good Brothers!

This time, the one who drew it is still a female fan.

"Brother Su Ming, is it really you?

"Brother Su Ming, today I brought my parents here to canvass for you!"


Just added.

This female fan is just as excited as the previous Chaoyue Jinmark.

Su Ming's reply to a message, the other party has already sent more than a dozen.

This is true, which makes Su Ming cry and laugh.

Yang Mi, who was watching Su Ming reply to the news from the side, looked at this female fan and called Brother Su Ming one bite at a time, and couldn't help but shout Brother Su Ming with some yin and yang weirdness.

This simply gave Su Ming goosebumps when he shouted.

It's outrageous!

What's wrong with Boss Yang?

Yang Mi didn't have any illness, but she was a little sour.

What a leprechaun!

This one is called by Su Ming's brother!

But of course, it's also sour with a joke.

After all, she has always had a good impression of Su Ming's female fans, whether it was Xiaoying before or Yingying at the "330" time before, she liked it very much.

And quickly.

After a burst of communication from Su Ming.

Su Ming learned the general situation of this female fan.

The female fan's name is Xiaolan, and she is currently studying in college in the magic capital, and she will be in her senior year next year.

The family lives in the suburbs of the magic capital, and his parents are farmers, running a small farm, raising some pigs, cows, chickens, ducks and other poultry.

Because it is relatively close to home, Xiaolan will go back to help every weekend.

Naturally, there were no surprises this time.

Therefore, the meeting place agreed with Su Ming was set on Xiaolan's farm.

Originally, Xiaolan didn't want Su Ming to come to the farm, after all, there was a lot of work on the farm, and she was afraid that Su Ming would be tired.

But Su Ming insisted, so it could only be Su Ming.

Su Ming's idea is also very simple, this can't delay the work of the fans' families because of him.

This is just the right time to go to the farm to help the fans work, and by the way, to relax and relax, which is equivalent to going to the farmhouse.

And Yang Mi is also looking forward to going to the farm!

Since he followed Su Ming to the countryside a few times.

Yang Mi is very yearning for the countryside.

Compared with the depression in the city, it is better to live a slow life in the village.

"Okay, then Sister Mi, you get up early tomorrow, let's leave early, I'll go back to take a bath and sleep first, and then go back and talk to these old-timers a little by the way." "

After dealing with the fans, Su Ming couldn't help but stretch and look at Yang Mi, who had been relying on him just now.

Now he was too tired and needed to go back and lie down.

And there are also Liu Yuan's old-timers.

Today's vote can be won, and naturally the help of these old-timers is indispensable.

The prestige of these old-timers has just been added.

It stands to reason that I have to thank a hand.

And hearing Su Ming's words, Yang Mi naturally had nothing to say.

After all, there is no reason to stop Su Ming at the moment.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow!"

Looking at Su Mingyuan's back, Yang Mi's eyes were full of reluctance.


This temptation didn't lead to anything!

She was dressed like this, but Su Ming didn't open up!

It's outrageous!

simply, in the end, she could only borrow the slope to get off the donkey and go with Su Ming to meet the fans, anyway, as long as she could stay with Su Ming.

But not to mention, she is quite looking forward to this trip tomorrow.

I can go to the farm and take a walk and look at the chickens, ducks, pigs, cows and other ingredients... Phew, small animals, can really relax a lot.


Let's talk about Su Ming's side.

When Su Ming returned home and took a shower, the first thing he did was to reply to the news of Liu Yuan and these old artists.

I have to say.

These old artists talk about the same thing.

is a meal of praise for his songs, as well as praise for his genius, the person who will carry the top in the music world in the future, can you meet and have a meal together, can you have the opportunity to cooperate together in the future, and make some works and so on.

For these simple requests, Su Ming accepted them all and agreed to them all.

Rubbing rice, by the way, to engage in cooperation, this is simply not too easy.

After all, although Jiahang has been thriving now, it is inevitable that the connections of these old artists may be needed in the future.

And most importantly.

When the time comes, if you get acquainted with these old artists, you can even pull them to go fishing.

A few more fishing friends, all of whom know music, is a beautiful thing!

And after talking to these old artists.

Su Ming just began to reply to other people's messages. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Now he has too much news on his prestige.

For a while, he couldn't recover at all.

Don't mention Han Hong, Yi Xun and the like.

Like Wang Quan, fans in the circle, that's really a lot of horses!

And looking back, Su Ming also saw the news sent by the paparazzi not long ago.

"Brother Ming, I have already brought all the seven aunts and eight aunts to vote for you, I took my milk and mobile phone to vote for you, do you see if I am enough brother!"

"Damn, Meng Meiqi's ticket is too outrageous! Brother Ming, why don't I dig up Meng Meiqi's black material for you?"

"Brother Ming, why did they even come to canvass for you with the judges of the Golden Melody Awards, this is too good!"

"Brother Ming, win! This vote is really outrageous! Brother Ming, don't you apply for a Guinness?"

"Brother Ming, what are the arrangements for tomorrow, I can be your driver!"

"Brother Ming, where are you going to go with the fans tomorrow? My car is ready!"

"Brother Ming, what are you going to do with the fans tomorrow, do you need me to help with the work?



The paparazzi are quite enthusiastic.

Looking at these news, Su Ming's heart was full of warmth0.......

not only canvassed for him, but also prepared to help him dig up Meng Meiqi's black material, and even rushed to be his driver, what a pure good brother!

This enthusiasm almost made him a little embarrassed!

How can anyone keep them as drivers?

He's so inhuman.

After shaking his head.

Su Ming directly replied to the paparazzi who were going to be drivers.

[Tomorrow morning at eight o'clock, come quickly!]


Let's talk about microwaves at this time.

As Su Ming opened the mic, Meng Meiqi and Lehua Entertainment were silent.

The turmoil about Su Ming and Meng Meiqi on the hot search has really come to a new height.

But of course, this is also the last wave of heat.

Because Meng Meiqi has now been completely abandoned by Lehua.

Even the godfather behind it was found out by the board of directors, and even Lehua was rectified from top to bottom.


Inside a bar in the magic capital.

Meng Meiqi was being dragged by the little sisters to drink.

Seeing that Meng Meiqi was down, the little sister didn't say anything on the surface, and even comforted her, but she was very happy in her heart.

As long as Meng Meiqi can't become a big star and can't soar, then they are still best friends!

"Meiqi, let's open a little, don't we just can't go to the showbiz, and in the future, we can mix with our sisters, and we can still mix!"

"That's it, come to Meiqi, let's have a drink! Fuck Su Ming!"

"Yes, yes, fuck Su Ming! What kind of ability is it to find those old guys?


At this moment, the little sisters were drinking wine while comforting Meng Meiqi, and scolded Su Ming by the way.

And when Meng Meiqi heard this, she felt unspeakably uncomfortable.

Damn, can you stop mentioning Su Ming?

Provoking Su Ming was the stupidest decision she had ever made!3.9

As for these little sisters, they also slapped her on the back, saying that Su Ming was more capable than her, she just listened casually and didn't bother to refute.

Now that she has lost everything, and she still owes Lehua a fart Gu Zai, she can't even have this little friend, right?

Take a sip of spirits.

Meng Meiqi looked up at the gorgeous lights above, and couldn't say what was bitter in her heart, damn, now I feel that even wine is bitter!

And just as her gaze wandered, he suddenly noticed a figure on the booth not far away.

That's the flower dust language that came here to buy drunk!

What a coincidence!

Looking at Hua Chenyu, a burst of anger suddenly arose in her heart.

If it weren't for the fire that this flower and dust whispered first, as for the current end?

In the next second, Meng Meiqi picked up the wine bottle and went towards Huachenyu.

"What are you going to do?"

"Chess, you are calm!"

"Don't play chess!"


With the sound of the bottle shattering.

The bar was suddenly a mess.

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