Chapter 182 Set off on the farm, kill pigs, and have a wedding feast!

In the blink of an eye, it was already the next morning.

Early in the morning.

Su Ming had already finished breakfast and walked around the community for a while.

Walking the corner, Su Ming also glanced at the microwave.

On today's microwave, the discussion about him and the songs he wrote is still very high, and there are a bunch of entries on the hot search.

Especially "Ten Years" and "Nocturne".

These two songs can be said to have aroused countless discussions among netizens.

Even arguing about which of these two songs is more awesome post, the comments have come to more than 100,000.

It's terrifying!

By the way, speaking of "Nocturne", he will have to find a time to go to the studio to record it again in a few days.

Yesterday evening, Liu Yuan said that they hoped to let him launch "Nocturne" as soon as possible, so that he could participate in the Golden Melody Awards at the end of the year.

The Golden Melody Award is a very important award in the music world, and Su Ming is naturally very willing to participate.

As for whether you can get it.

In his opinion, there is a high probability that there will not be too much suspense.

And even if it's not "Nocturne", it is estimated that it is one of his other songs.

After traveling through one game and seeing the music level of two worlds, he still has this confidence.

And it's worth mentioning.

In addition to him on the hot search, Meng Meiqi also has several hot searches now, and it is still a hot search that has nothing to do with him 07.

I took a general look.

It seems that there was a disturbance in the bar, and the flower dust was beaten, and the two sides had a conflict.

He didn't look at the specific situation carefully.

It's probably a dog-eat-dog drama, and maybe it's hype, but he doesn't bother to pay attention to it anyway.

Time flies.

It's already half-past seven.

After Su Ming changed his clothes to go out, he came directly to the door of Yang Mi's house.

"Sister Mi, open the door, get up!"

After ringing the doorbell and knocking on the door for a while, Yang Mi finally opened the door sleepily.

At this time, Yang Mi was wearing a slightly thin pajamas,

Lazily rubbed his half-squinted eyes, looked at Su Ming, and made a glutinous little milk sound,

"I'm up, you wait for me, put on makeup and go. "

Looking at Yang Mi's appearance, Su Ming couldn't help but shake his head helplessly.

Yang Mi, why does this have to be half a beat slower every time?

But it can't be helped.

What can I do if I can't get out of bed?

I can only wait.

Could it be that she ran to Yang Mi and dragged her up on the bed?

is waiting for Yang Mi's makeup.

Su Ming also communicated with the ministers of the company about the general situation of the company recently.

At present, it seems that the popularity of its artists and the appearance fee have been raised to a higher level.

According to these ministers.

Since yesterday, these artists have received a lot of notices, and the appearance fee can be said to be forced to increase.

Because if you don't improve it, a show with a little strength will have to be invited, which will tire the artists to death.

And for this change, this credit is naturally due to Su Ming.

Because since yesterday, Su Ming rejected that bunch of business.

These programs and brands are looking at people like Mao Buyi and Wang Xinxin who have a close relationship with Su Ming.

In the words of those brands and programs, it is: curves rub heat!

Please don't come to Su Ming.

It's always okay to ask a wave of Su Ming's side, right?

When the time comes, I waited for the show, and let them connect with Mai Suming.

It's not too cool to rub this heat!

As for these careful thoughts, Su Ming could naturally see to some extent, but he didn't care at all.

Connect with its artists, how big is this?


Su Ming also learned about making movies.

At present, the only thing that is being filmed under Jiahang is still only one "Charlotte Troubles".

Looking at the situation given by Shen Teng, it seems that he will be able to call it a day in a few weeks, and the shooting will be completed in advance

That being the case.

This is just enough to set the release schedule of "Charlotte's Troubles" in the summer.

Although it seems that the competition in the summer file is quite fierce now, it doesn't matter much.

In Su Ming's judgment, the quality of "Charlotte's Troubles", no matter what period it is released, the probability of hitting the street is extremely low.

And it's honest.

For Jiahang and Happy Twist, this may still be a good thing.

If you can break out of the encirclement in such a fiercely competitive market, you will become a box office dark horse.

That fame can be regarded as completely outstanding!

...... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


It's eight o'clock.

This time, Yang Mi cleaned up quite quickly, and it only took half an hour.

And the other end.

The paparazzi have arrived, too.

In fact, there were only three or four of Su Ming's notices, but there were seven or eight of them.

In this regard, Su Ming is really a little helpless.

It's all here.

It's not going to drive you away, is it?

And if we wait any longer, I guess there will be more to come.

And so.

Including Yang Mi Su Ming, there were about ten people in the group, and they were heading towards Xiaolan's farm.

And in the car.

Su Ming also posted a live broadcast preview on the microwave as before.

[Today, I went to the fan's farm to help work, so stay tuned!]

As soon as this microwave is emitted.

It can be said that it immediately appeared on the hot search.

The comments rushed directly to nearly a million!


"I finally sent it, I thought Su Ming had forgotten it. "

"Damn, didn't you say the exact time?"

"Damn, you're going to the farm this time?"

"Farms, do we have farms?"

"I'm going to help the fan's farm, I think it's going to be interesting this time!"

"Poof! Ask, will you bring the big injustice of Da Mi Mi with you this time? Hahahaha!"

"Hahahaha, you should ask Su Ming if he will take the paparazzi!"

"it, will the paparazzi go?"

"I hope to bring Da Mi Mi with me, I really like Su Ming to use Da Mi Mi as a link to interact, go to the farm, this can't let Da Mi Mi shovel a wave of cow dung?"

"Hahaha, Da Mimi: I thank you!"


"Let's not talk about the live broadcast first, Su Ming himself, haven't you watched the hot search of Meng Meiqi and the archmage, they are in the game, I heard that Meng Meiqi's hair has been taken by the archmage!"

"Poof! I heard that the two of them were picking each other's hair at the bar, and the archmage was slightly inferior, and I 813 was almost numb with laughter!"

"This thing feels like it's just being hyped up, and the two pasty coffees are really unscrupulous for the heat!"

"Don't be embarrassed, it's really not hype, I was at the scene, and the archmage's teeth flew one!"

"I was also at the scene, and before the archmage mantra was finished, he was kicked down by Meng Meiqi, who did not speak martial arts, and his nosebleed splashed Meng Meiqi's face, and the picture was extremely cruel!"

"Add one on the spot! I saw that it was Meng Meiqi who used the Da Luo spell in one hand, directly shattering the primordial spirit that the archmage hit, and then the archmage beheaded three corpses on the spot..."

"Hahahaha, the more you make it up, the more outrageous it becomes!


"I'm new, is this Su Ming who I voted for yesterday? I'm going to help the fan's farm? Isn't he a star?"

"I'm also new here, is this sure to be the Su Ming who sang "Nocturne"?

"Do his old fans know what time this Su Ming is live broadcasting? I want to see it!"

"I'm the same!"



Whether it's an old fan, a new fan, or a pure passerby.

Now they are all looking forward to Su Ming's broadcast.

It can be said that all kinds of discussions are endless.

And the other end.

At this time, it was in a small farm on the outskirts of the magic capital.

"Xiaolan, are your friends coming later?

"yes, it seems like it's almost ten. "

"That's okay, it just so happens that I want to kill a pig at noon today, and help Uncle Wang's family next door for a wedding banquet, and then take them to the wedding banquet together, and I won't make another table at home." "

"Uh-huh. "。

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