Chapter 184 Arrived, Is This Called a Small Farm?


Looking at the farm gate in the distance, the group couldn't help frowning slightly.

"Brother Ming, is this here, why does it feel wrong?"

"Yes, Brother Ming, didn't you say it's a small farm?

"That's right, if you check it again, it always feels like it's a mistake, isn't it somewhere next to it?"


Looking at the gate of this farm from afar.

The paparazzi were all a little confused, and the speed of the car couldn't help but decrease, and their eyes were full of doubts.

Didn't Su Ming say that it was a small farm?

Just looking at this gate, this farm feels completely unrelated to "small"!

Let's be honest.

Even Su Ming was a little confused.

So I hurriedly contacted Xiaolan on prestige.

A few seconds later, she received a positive reply from Xiaolan.

That's right, this is it!

After learning this information, the paparazzi couldn't help but gasp.

The fans are too modest this time, right?

Nima: Is this called a small farm?

Su Ming was also a little crying and laughing now.

Although I still know the situation inside the farm for the time being, it can be seen from the huge farm gate that this scale is definitely not small!

Xiaolan, this proper rich daughter!

And it was also after Su Mingweixin communicated with Xiaolan that the gate of the farm was slowly opened, and 807 A girl with an extremely pretty appearance, a white shirt on her upper body and a small denim skirt on her lower body walked out, looking extremely quiet and dignified.

"Brother Ming, that's Xiaolan, right?"

"Wow, Xiaolan's temperament is too good-looking, Brother Ming, are you sure she often helps out at home?"

"Yes, this temperament looks like a girl in the city, and there is one thing to say, she looks really beautiful!


watched Xiaolan appear.

The paparazzi were all bright-eyed, and the soul of the old color batch was slightly loosened, and they let out bursts of emotion.

Even Yang Mi is like this, looking at Xiaolan, her eyes have begun to glow.

It is said that beautiful women also like beautiful women, and it seems that this thing is really right.

And Su Ming was really a little crying and laughing at Yang Mi and the paparazzi's movements.

After shaking his head.

Su Ming also sent a reminder to start the broadcast as usual, and then started the live broadcast.


The group's car also arrived at the gate of the farm.

"First first! This time it must be first!"

"it!Naturally, who else?!"

"It's finally on the air, I'm dying!"

"It's actually on the air at noon! Awesome! I can eat a few more bowls of rice at noon!"

(ahej) Da Mi Mi is really here! No, even the paparazzi are here!"

"Poofhahahaha! I'm already looking forward to their injustice moment!"

"It has to be Su Ming, as long as you work for the fans, you will be able to pull the paparazzi! I don't know what kind of ecstasy soup Su Ming poured into them for that barbecue?"

"I think Da Mimi should have been poured ecstasy soup too, she has been following Su Ming as an unjust seed recently, and she is still the kind that doesn't teach her a long lesson!


"I'm lost, is this to the fan's farm?

"Damn! This Nima is a little outrageous!"

"Wait... Is this sure it's a farm?"

There is such a big farm on the outskirts of the magic capital, and this time the fan is a rich woman!"

"Damn! That won't be Su Ming's fan, right? This temperament, this figure, and these facial features are really amazing!

"It's outrageous! Why is Su Ming's fans so good-looking every time he smokes?

"Damn! "Why am I not Su Ming in Rebirth"!"

"Pure newcomer, what is Su Ming's live broadcast content generally for, I see that the microwave says that he wants to help the fans' families, and he won't really go to work later, right?"


With the opening of the live broadcast room.

In less than a minute, hundreds of thousands of people have poured into the live broadcast room. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The barrage is brushed together.

Like the paparazzi just now, the barrage was also shocked by the farm gate in front of him.

It doesn't seem like the farm they imagined it to be.

And the temperament revealed by Xiaolan also surprised them.

Isn't this a proper white rich beauty?

Let's talk about Su Ming.

After the paparazzi parked the car one by one.

Su Ming and his entourage got out of the car and walked towards Xiaolan.

Like most fans.

At this time, Xiaolan looked at Su Ming, Yang Mi and others who came over slowly, her face was really a little shy and nervous.

In order to show her best side to her idol, she got up early in the morning to put on makeup and choose all kinds of outfits.

Now I finally see my idol.

It's a strange feeling.

"Xiaolan, hello. "

"Sue... Brother Su Ming, hello!"

"Let's go, your house seems to be quite big, let's talk while walking!"


Xiaolan was obviously still a little restrained and nervous.

However, Su Ming is also self-cooked, and he invited Xiaolan to go to the farm.

And while chatting, Xiaolan was no longer too restrained.

At the same time, under Xiaolan's introduction.

Su Ming and the others also have a deeper understanding of the Xiaolan family.

Xiaolan's farm is the largest farm in the vicinity, there are hundreds of cattle, hundreds of pigs, chickens, ducks and geese and other small poultry, Xiaolan herself does not know, and there is even a fish pond here, there are five large orchards not far away, stretching several mountains, the overall scale can be said to be huge.

After listening to it for a while, not to mention the paparazzi, Su Ming was a little confused.

Isn't this the legendary hidden rich?!

And with such a large orchard, Lan Dad and Lan Ma didn't hire anyone, and they all arranged relatives to help take care of it.

In Xiaolan's words, Lan's father and mother are both authentic farmers, and they can't be idle, and the relationship between the whole family was already very harmonious when she was young, so there is no need to hire outsiders to do it.

And the most important thing is.

Xiaolan is still the only daughter in the family!

In other words, as long as you can marry Xiaolan, it is equivalent to becoming the future owner of this farm!

Hear here.

The barrage is true, and it's all a little unbearable.

"Holy, brothers, I have a bold idea!"

"Let me come! I'm bolder, who can tell me the address, I will chase Xiaolan, my life is up to me!"

"Damn! I, Jiangcheng Wu Yanzu came to report! Don't rob it, Xiaolan is mine!"

"If you can catch up with Xiaolan, isn't this more than five million incense?"

"Kneel down and beg for Xiaolan's contact information! I really don't want to work hard (note: I can resist steel wool)"

"It is said that Su Ming is good to fans, can Su Ming tell us Xiaolan's contact information? Please! I don't want to work hard!"

"If you want to pursue true love at the age of thirty-five, you need a way to connect!"

"May I ask if I'm fifty-three years old, are I still qualified to pursue true love?"

"Damn! Fifty-three is too much!"

"I'm eighteen, let me come!"

"Poof, brothers, don't think about it, didn't you look at Xiaolan's eyes when she looked at Su Ming, it is estimated that Su Ming hooked his fingers, and Xiaolan had to jump into his arms. "

"Grass! Su Ming has a big honey, this still needs Xiaolan, don't be too greedy!"

"Hmm, my big honey fans are already angry, what do you mean that Su Ming already has a big honey? Can you shut up?"



In the barrage, a large number of young people with dreams, middle-aged, and even middle-aged and elderly, have emerged.

The popularity of the live broadcast room can be said to be a rising tide.

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