Chapter 185 Clean up the pigsty, ten thousand pigs howl!

And the other end.

After introducing the general situation of the farm.

Xiaolan took Su Ming and the others to the house to rest and drink tea first.

There is one thing to say.

Lan's father, Lan's mother, and this family are very hospitable, and their personalities are also very simple.

That's all kinds of good food and drink.

greeted Su Ming, Yang Mi and the paparazzi very warmly.

was so enthusiastic that it even made Su Ming and the others a little embarrassed~.

Fortunately, Su Ming has a thicker skin, and he is also a cow, plus he has a pair of skins that are liked by his elders.

This chatted for a while, and it was to mingle with Lan Dad, Lan Ma, and other relatives.

For a while, there was a lot of laughter in the living room.

And compared to Su Ming.

Yang Mi and the paparazzi on the side are still a little submissive, slightly restrained, and they are vigorously eating melon seeds.

Because in fact, Lan's father and Lan's mother and other relatives are all old social cows, unless it is Su Ming, the top social cow, otherwise they can't suppress that aura at all, anyway, they really can't bear it.

And such a scene.

That really made the barrage laugh.

It has to be Su Ming!

Yang Mi won't talk about it first, after all, she is a girl.

But the paparazzi are usually quite social cows, but now when they meet more social cows, they wilt directly.

And after the reception, Lan's father and Lan's mother took their relatives to work in the orchard first, leaving space for young people like Lan Suming.

And subsequently.

The group also got the task of cleaning up the pigsty this morning!

This operation will be led by Xiaolan.

And as soon as I heard about this task.

The barrage undoubtedly exploded again.

"Damn! Damn! Clean up the pigsty, do you really want to do this job?"

"Hahahaha! It seems that I really guessed correctly, I really want to be a shovel officer!"

I remember Xiaolan said that there are hundreds of pigs on the farm, and you can't get tired of cleaning the pigsty once?"

"Don't say more, my Li Ergou's real name is distressed by the paparazzi, even if you come to be a driver, you have to shovel, this is also unjust, hahahaha!"

"I think I'm still distressed about Da Mi Mi, you look at Da Mi Mi's expression, I'm going to laugh numb, it's really a great injustice! I have a hunch, there will be emojis when Da Mi Mi shovels!"

"Poof, what the hell is Su Ming's eager expression?"

"Su Ming, has this done this before?"

"Damn! Su Ming is simply not human!

"Poof! No, Xiaolan usually does this job at home, right? How can everyone do this? This is too contrasting, isn't it?"

"Xiaolan doesn't seem to look like she works a lot. "

"One thing to say, it might be interesting to live broadcast later, but it shouldn't be too bad. "

"Hmm?what?!Do you like it?!"

"Ahem, Su Ming took Yang Mi to clean up the pigsty for the fans? Is this sure to be true? "

"That's it, this is too down-to-earth! How can there be a celebrity doing this job? And what the hell are those paparazzi, aren't celebrities and paparazzi rivals?"

"Hahaha, new audiences, don't worry, there should be more outrageous later!"

"[Judge Liu Yuan]: Is Su Ming recording a show?"

"Damn! Teacher Liu Yuan is actually watching!"

"Judge Liu Yuan, it's not a show, it's Su Ming who is giving back to the fans, helping the fans work, and basically pumping fans every week..."


At this time.

The barrage was all numbed by this wave of cleaning up the pigsty.

This is just the beginning, just do such a flavorful job.

For the barrage, at the same time, it is very pleasant to see.

Thinking that Su Ming and Yang Mi, the two big stars, were going to operate in the pigsty later, the sense of anticipation was directly raised.

And the other end.

Watching Su Ming's live broadcast, Liu Yuan, the judge of the Golden Melody Award who had canvassed for Su Ming before, was also very interested.

He was walking the dog, brushing the teaser for a while, and then he brushed Su Ming.

I thought I was doing some show, but looking at the barrage, it seemed that I was going to clean up the pigsty for fans.

This is true, and it looks a bit new.

He'd never seen a celebrity do this.

Let's talk about Su Ming.

After getting the task.

Su Ming and his entourage were distributed a set of work clothes by Xiaolan.

I have to say that this big family is different, and there are fifty or sixty sets of work clothes at home.

It didn't take long.

Everyone is dressed in overalls.

At first glance, it really looks like that.

Especially Xiaolan.

After changing into work clothes, the whole person immediately looked capable and heroic.

And the paparazzi are also the same as usual, after taking the tools, they can be described as very positive.

"Brother Ming, Xiaolan, where is the pigsty? I can't wait!"

"Xiaolan, hurry up and show my brother the way! Clean up the pigsty, we are professional!"

"That's it, an hour, an hour at most, to ensure that the whole thing is clean!"

"Xiaolan, show my brother a direction, my brother's nine-toothed nail rake is already hungry and thirsty!"

...... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

See the paparazzi like this.

Xiaolan was already laughing backwards and forwards.

It's not that she hasn't watched Su Ming's live broadcast before.

The paparazzi are called Huan, and when it comes to doing it, it's not wilting.

But don't say it, the atmosphere is pretty good.

And then.

The group followed Xiaolan to the big factory where pigs were raised.

When you see the size of the pigsty.

Sure enough, the paparazzi's brows furrowed all of a sudden.

Even the corners of Su Mingyangmi's mouth twitched slightly.

With this area, are you sure you can finish it before lunch?

And the barrage was naturally taken aback by this scale.


Su Ming, they won't die of exhaustion in this pigsty this time, right?

"Sister Mi, you're not afraid of pigs, are you?"

At this time, Su Ming also noticed Yang Mi's abnormality.

At this time, Yang Mi's face was slightly pale, and she looked like she was weak.

"No, pigs, who is afraid of pigs?"

Yang Mipi looked at Su Ming with a smile and said with a smile.


She's really scared!

But if you say you're afraid, it's estimated that you'll be called outside alone, and then you won't have a sense of participation at all, that's not good!

Hearing Yang Mi say that she was not afraid.

Su Ming also put his mind at ease.

That's right.

Who is afraid of pigs?

How delicious the pig is... Cute!

And when everything is ready.

Xiaolan took Su Ming and the others into the factory.

"Hmph... Hmph..."

"Hmph... Hmph..."


Just entered the factory.

Suddenly, thousands of pigs roared, and their voices resounded in the sky.

The greenhouses seemed to be shaking.

The hundreds of pigs in the pigsty may have thought that it was time to eat, but they all raised their heads in unison and arched towards the mouth of the pigpen, like a lump of flowing pork belly, cute and gluttonous.

As the first time to see this movement, Yang Mi and the paparazzi were all so frightened that they squeezed towards Su Ming Xiaolan in the middle, their faces full of horror.

Especially Yang Mi.

This went straight into Su Ming's arms.

The whole process can be said to be smooth.

As for Yang Mi and the paparazzi's actions, Xiaolan and Su Ming couldn't help but cry and laugh.

That's it?

But soon, Yang Mi and the paparazzi realized their gaffe, and hurriedly forced their composure, squeezing out an embarrassed and undignified smile on their faces.

"Are you sure you can do it?"

Su Ming glanced at a few people and couldn't help but ask.




"Can... Yes!"


The paparazzi and Yang Mi spoke in unison, and gave an answer that should be considered a yes.

And looking at the appearance of these stragglers and defeated soldiers, Su Ming had a slight headache in his heart.

That's not going to work.

And the barrage at this time,It's really already laughing and numb.。。

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