Chapter 187 Yang Mi's Talent Skill is On, Shovel Officer!


"I'm laughing numbly, and I'm scoring twice!"

"This paparazzi is too funny! Laughing makes my stomach hurt, I seriously doubt that he is in the whole show!"

"Poof, isn't this pigsty a little too silky?"

"Hahahaha, you see, the second senior brother is really dumbfounded this time, his mouth is open in fright, Xiu'er~, is it you?!"

"Second Senior Brother: It turns out that human beings are really good!"

"Second Senior Brother: I hate the little skinny monkey who has no sense of boundaries!"

"Second Senior Brother: 6!"

"I'm going to die laughing!

"Help! I'm crying to death! In order not to embarrass my brother, I actually chose to jump into the dung! I envy this dung brotherhood!"

"Damn! It turns out that I'm only on the first layer! I'm also in tears, this brotherhood is so touching!"

"Poof, God's special brotherhood, just look at his expression, he's also confused, okay?!haha!"

"There are two paparazzi who need to speak out!

"Su Ming, big honey, is it really good for them to laugh on the side like this?

"If you don't understand, just ask, what kind of game is this? When is it Da Mimi's turn, I want to see Da Mi Mi jump inside!"


With a wave of operations from the second paparazzi.

The barrage is completely laughable.

It's outrageous.

This man can't fall down a second time in the same pigsty in the same position, right?

People can't fish like that, right?

But the second paparazzi did it!

But there is one thing to say.

Isn't this pigsty a little too silky?

And quickly.

The laughter of Su Ming and the others also eased.

"Didn't I say, isn't there a door?"

"Why are you two learning from me and Xiaolan?"

Su Ming's face turned red with a smile, and while laughing, he slowly opened the door of the pigsty from the side and looked at the two paparazzi.

As soon as these words came out, the rest of the paparazzi on the side directly laughed.


Isn't there a door?!

"Ahem, Brother Ming, can you help me up first?"

At this time, the paparazzi who fell four or five times in a row was slightly embarrassed, and smiled at Su Ming, his eyes full of help.

Although he was wearing the work clothes given by Xiaolan, if he sat down again, he really felt that he was going to drown in the taste.

Second Senior Brother, what are you eating?

This smell, the eighth child has to shake his head when he comes!

Such a scene is really funny, and the barrage is really almost laughing.

In terms of the effect of the show, it has to be the paparazzi!

Even Liu Yuan, who was watching in front of the screen, couldn't stop laughing.

He has been in the circle for so many years, and he has also watched a lot of reality show variety shows.

The effect of Su Ming's live broadcast is really top!

The most important thing is that the paparazzi have no trace of performance!

There's, they're really jumping!

And Su Ming is really down-to-earth.

It's not like a young generation of entertainers at all.

It's a bit like the entertainers of their time.

is low-key and doesn't put on a score, just treats acting creation as an ordinary job.

Even if Su Ming's talent is awesome, he didn't expect that people would also be deeply appreciated by him.

Su Ming: This is really a bit like him when he was young!

Of course.

He is not as handsome as Su Mingshuai.

And the eyes are back to the live broadcast,

In order to avoid drowning in the smell, Su Ming hurriedly pulled the two paparazzi up.

And the task of cleaning up the pigsty is also officially on the right track.

A group of more than a dozen people swept through the pigsty for a while.

The scene of thousands of pigs howling was staged again.

But everyone who has become accustomed to the environment inside and the second senior brother's humble appearance is already very calm.

Not only was I not taken aback, but I even felt quite festive.

Even Yang Mi, who was a little afraid of the second senior brother, overcame her fear. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Because the second senior brother in this pigsty doesn't seem to be very similar to the second senior brother she saw in the previous video.

The second senior brother in the pigsty is really small!

As a result, she is also getting better and better, and the more she works, the more energetic she becomes!

Because watching the dirty pigsty floor being cleaned by myself, as a moderate obsessive-compulsive person, it is so healing!

Even because she was too focused and meticulous, Yang Mi's speed was comparable to that of Xiaolan.

This is true, which makes Su Ming and the paparazzi on the side feel a little emotional.

I can't really see it.

Yang Mi still has this craft!

Even the barrage was a little dumbfounded.

"Damn! Big honey can do it!

"Help! Da Mimi is doing it too fast!

"Da Mi Mi didn't wait for Da Mi Mi's emoji, but I waited for Da Mi Mi's highlight moment?

"What the hell, Da Mimi's job is no worse than Xiaolan's, is it really the first time to do this?

If it's the first time, I feel that Da Mi Mi is naturally suitable for this!"

"Hahahaha! God is naturally suitable for this, is Da Mi Mi a star, okay?!"

"Big Mimi: I thank you!shift!"

"Poof! Why look at Da Mimi's serious expression, I kind of want to laugh, I don't know, I thought Da Mimi was sweeping mines, hahahaha!"

"I can't hold back anymore, my face in the college entrance examination room is not so serious!"

"Poof, isn't this coming?!"

"Diligent shoveling of, official big honey honey unlocked successfully!hahahaha!"



The barrage also didn't expect that in everyone's impression, being with Su Ming would become a big injustice, and this time it actually ushered in a highlight.

However, Da Mimi's serious look, coupled with the work of washing the pigsty, the painting style looks really funny.

And with the passage of time.

This clean-up is also halfway through.

At first, the big guy's hands and feet were quite neat.

By now, one by one's physical strength has dropped a little by 267.

The paparazzi used a little too much force at first, so now they are all wilting.

And although Su Ming's speed did not become too slow, the pungent smell really made him frown slightly.

This job is not suitable for a long time!

The taste is too strong!

But on the other hand, Yang Mi and Xiaolan.

The second daughter's movements are still sharp.

Especially Yang Mi.

Yang Mi's speed is even getting faster and faster.

And it seems that Yang Mi has not spoken for a long time, and she is fully engaged in cleaning up the pigsty.

Su Ming, who was in the pigsty on the side, looked at Yang Mi's operation, and his evaluation of Yang Mi was suddenly much higher.

I didn't find it before.

This Yang Mi, who works hard, seems to be quite charming.

But just as Yang Mi was ready to continue cleaning up the next pigsty.

Something happened.

"Hmph... Hmph!"

When Yang Mi was driving the pigs, all the pigs were driven to the corner, but only one pestle was in place, and her wise eyes looked at Yang Mi in a daze, as if she could see a trace of stubbornness on her face.

And Yang Mi drove too many pigs, and was already a little numb to the pigs, seeing that she had not moved many times, Yang Mi directly grabbed the pig's ears and led them to the corner.

But at this moment, the indomitable soul of this second senior brother rose.

made a savage collision, and directly pushed Yang Mi a meter or two away and fell to the pigsty fence.

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