Chapter 188 The second senior brother escaped from prison, and at this moment it became light!


The sudden collision made Yang Mi let out a coquettish cry in pain, and her face seemed to show a touch of fear.

That fear of the second senior brother.

That's right.

It's all back all at once!

And such a sudden change.

Except for Su Ming in the pigsty next door, who reacted immediately and supported Yang Mi, everyone else was a little unexpected.

When everyone reacted, they all put down their work and walked towards Yang Mi, their faces full of concern.

"What's going on?"

"Sister Mi, are you okay?"

"Sister Mi, you were topped by a pig?"

"What's the situation with this pig? Sister Honey, you shouldn't have any big deals, right?"

"Damn, there's something wrong with this pig!"


At this time, Yang Mi seemed to have fallen into Su Ming's arms, completely detached from the state of focused work just now, and her eyes were a little red.


The second senior brother's savage collision really scared her.

It is no exaggeration to say.

Her psychological shadow is about to come out.

And Su Ming has been comforting Yang Mi while caressing the pain of Yang Mi's impact.

The collision just now looked a little heavy.

"Sister Mi, how do you feel?"

Su Ming frowned and looked at Yang Mi, worried, but also a little crying and laughing.

Yang Mi was too brave just now.

The second senior brother was obviously a bit maverick, and something was not quite right.

Yang Mi didn't even use the "nine-tooth nail rake" in her hand to drive away, and she just got started!

One word, awesome!

At this time, Yang Mi's face was pale, her eyes were already a little moist, and she looked at Su Ming with some grievances, "No... It's okay. "

Seeing Yang Mi's appearance, Su Ming couldn't help but shake his head.

Yang Mi's mouth is really hard!

It's all like this, and you still say it's okay?

My body is trembling slightly!

And look at the second senior brother again.

There is already a hint of perseverance in the eyes of wisdom, and the steps are extremely calm, and it looks full of chewiness.

Compared with the panicked and frightened Yang Mi.

It's just a day, a land.

And this face.

Inexplicably, it has become a little funny.


The barrage undoubtedly exploded again.

"Da Mi Mi was jacked up just now?"

"I feel sorry for my mother!

"I'm also distressed, but I want to laugh a little, and I have to say that this second senior brother is a little tough!"

"Poof! I'm already laughing out loud, hahahaha, why was Da Mi Mi so brave just now?

"Damn, my big honey is still that wronged seed, hahahaha!"

"It's really wronged, and it's hard to usher in a highlight, but it turns out to be a roadblock pig halfway!"

"Poof! Is the roadblock pig okay?!"

"Second Senior Brother: This girl doesn't look like a good person!"

"Hahahaha, don't say it, this second senior brother looks quite delicate, and his elbow is not bad!"

"Doesn't anyone care about Da Mimi's injury?

"Don't panic, the top position of the second senior brother, the big honey is very large, it can be buffered, and Su Ming is not in... Damn, Su Ming, you dog thief, where do you put your hands?!"

"Damn, Su Ming, this man, take your hand away, I'm begging you, okay?"

"Brother, your barrage, the composition is a bit complicated, hahaha!"

"Poofha, Da Mi Mi's husband fan is angry again!"


At this time.

The barrage was also startled by the sudden change just now.

And seeing the comparison between Yang Mi and the second senior brother, they were all a little nervous.

Yang Mi is such a big person, and she can still be bullied by pigs.

Looking at Yang Mi's red eyes and the suggestion in the eyes of the second senior brother, the comedy effect is simply amazing!

And back to the pigsty.

At this time, Xiaolan and the paparazzi had already pulled Yang Mi and Su Ming to their sides.

"Sister Mi, are you okay? Do you want to go to the hospital, there is a hospital near here..."

"It's okay, no, it's not a big deal, just take a break"

Xiaolan is undoubtedly the most anxious one, after all, this matter was done by her pig, and she looked at Yang Mi with concern on her face at this time. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But she wasn't done yet.

was interrupted by Yang Mi.

In fact.

It hurts, but it doesn't seem to be that big.

After all, the position of this collision is just right, and she has the capital to resist!

And after this was appeased by Su Ming... No, Su Ming, this...


Yang Mi's face suddenly became a little hot.


Su Ming, this guy has finally revealed his true nature!

But...... I seem to be able to accept it!

"Sister Mi, then you can rest now, there is not much left, let's do it. "

"Yes, Sister Mi, don't continue to do it, let us come. "

"That's right, let's brothers work hard, it doesn't take long to finish it!"


Xiaolan and the paparazzi are all persuading Yang Mi.

Yang Mi naturally didn't pull too much, and just agreed.

No way, she's back to the way she started now.

Now when she sees a pig looking at her, she has a feeling that the other party is going to rush over.

"'You like to bump into people, don't you?'"

When Su Ming accompanied Yang Mi out, a paparazzi jumped into the pigsty and looked at the stubborn second senior brother.

When it was his turn to take over this pigsty, he naturally had to drive these two senior brothers away.

Thinking of it topping Yang Mi just now, he was also a little angry in his heart.

So this way of driving away is really a bit rude.

This pick up the "nine-tooth nail rake" is to smash it on the second senior brother.

That's when a new force sprung up.

I saw that the two senior brothers once again used a savage charge and gave the paparazzi an over-the-shoulder fall.

Then a small charge, leaping forward, swept a graceful arc in the air, and jumped directly out of the pigsty.

This moment.

It has attracted the attention of the second senior brother of the entire factory!

This moment.

Ten thousand pigs howl!

This moment.

It's like light!

"Not good!"

"There's a pig escaping!"

"Stop it!"

"(Zhao Zhao's) Beware of this pig!"


At this time.

Xiaolan and the paparazzi noticed the pig running out for the first time, and immediately rushed over to surround it.

However, the strength of this second senior brother is really a bit outrageous.

directly broke through the encirclement of the paparazzi, stirred up the formation of the paparazzi, and rushed straight to the outside of the factory.

Outside the factory, Su Ming and Yang Mi had just stopped to rest when they heard a sound from inside the factory.

"Brother Ming, be careful!"

"Sister Mi, watch the back!"

"There are pig resistance!"

"Hmph... Hmph..."

"Hmph... Hmph..."


There are Xiaolan and the sound of the paparazzi, and there is also the sound of pigs.

Su Ming Yang Mi looked back.

The second senior brother who escaped from prison had already rushed in front of the two.

Fortunately, Su Ming was agile, and he dodged it directly.

But this second senior brother also successfully rushed towards the vast world outside.

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