Chapter 191 Su Ming, a pig taming master, a small drama team!

Let's go back to Su Ming.

With this second senior brother scurrying around.

I don't know how long it has been, but this second senior brother is already a little tired, and his speed has obviously slowed down.

Even Su Ming was already somewhat able to control the running direction of these two senior brothers.

"Xiaolan, Brother Ming, they seem to be about to stop!"

"Damn, chase it, this pig is out of energy, this is the best chance to seize it!"

"Slow down, I'm running out of energy, this pig can really run!"

"I'm dying, I'd better run slowly, I feel like this pig can't run anymore. "


At this time.

Looking at the situation ahead,

The paparazzi were panting, sweating, and tired.

Obviously, they are already tired.

"Six-zero-three" and Xiaolan on the side, even more so, sweating, her little face was flushed, and her original dignified appearance was all ruined.

After chasing for a while.

The second senior brother's physical strength finally couldn't bear it, and he changed from running to walking.

"This way!"

I saw Su Ming shouting loudly at this time, and tugging the ring with his big hand.

The second senior brother turned his head directly without temper and looked at the paparazzi behind him.

You can see it.

The second senior brother's face was also tired, and his resolute eyes were a little weak, and he looked like he was being slaughtered by others.

That's right.

This pig was really tamed by Su Ming!

And look at this scene.

Xiaolan and the paparazzi were all stunned, and the corners of their mouths twitched.

Su Ming really tamed this pig?!

Then they are so tired of running.

Isn't it a great injustice?

"No need to chase, let's go back. "

At this time, Su Ming was riding the second senior brother, while looking at a few people, and said with a smile.

The whole person looks quite chic, and there is a feeling of a triumphant return of the general.

I've experienced a rush just now.

Su Ming is now a little used to the feeling of riding a pig.


I'm used to riding this, and I don't really want to come down anymore.

Hearing Su Ming's words.

Although Xiaolan and the paparazzi felt a little resentful, they could only shake their heads and go back.

At this time, the barrage watched Su Ming riding a pig and returning victoriously and the unjust looks of the Xiaolan paparazzi on the side, which undoubtedly laughed again.

"Damn! Su Mingzhen tamed this second senior brother!

"Really six! Su Ming, a master of pig taming, this time it really happened!"

"Ahem, may I ask if this is the most special driver's license in the entertainment industry, a pig-riding driver's license?"

"Poof! God rides a pig driver's license!"

"Hahahaha! Is it okay to ride a pig? Can this driver's license work when you go to Erxian Bridge?

"Poof! Su Ming is six to six, it's a pity that Xiaolan still has the paparazzi, this is almost half of the farm!"

"But it's not, looking at the expressions of the paparazzi, I'm almost numb with laughter!"

"And Xiaolan, who used to be a big honey, but now she has been replaced by Xiaolan!"

"Paparazzi: What was I chasing just now?"

"Xiaolan: Is this my idol?

"Xiaolan: It's good to smoke fans, don't smoke me next time!"

"Hahaha, I really want to replace Xiaolan with Da Mimi, I still like to see Da Mimi as an unjust seed!"

"Da Mimi: I thank you!"

"One thing to say, there seems to be no light in the eyes of this second senior brother. "

"yes, the blood is cold! No, I still want to laugh!"


Apparently. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

For Su Ming to be able to tame this pig, the barrage was somewhat unexpected.

And look at the expressions of the paparazzi.

The comedic effect is pulled up again.

And the other end.

Just when Su Ming and the others breathed a sigh of relief and were about to send the pigs back to the pigsty.

Not far away, there was a huge queue.

Look closely.

There are those holding gongs, drums, suona, erhu, and gourds.

This is a small troupe.

And in the queue, it seems that you can see Lan's father, Lan's mother, and some other relatives of Xiaolan.

The group was talking and laughing, as if they were talking about happy events.

And these people walked and walked.

That gaze was immediately attracted by Su Ming, who was riding a pig in front of him, and Xiaolan, who was tired and sweating, and the paparazzi.

"Boss Lan, what's the situation? These people can't be pig stealers, right?"

"Phew, Boss Renlan's daughters are all in it, how can they steal it?

"It seems to be.,I didn't pay attention to 0......."

"Hey, why is that young man still riding a pig, are they doing something?"

"Let's leave it alone, we don't understand the affairs of young people. "

"It's true, riding pigs to play, young people nowadays are too good at playing, but why don't you ride alone, why don't other people ride?

"Not to mention, that young man riding a pig looks really handsome, could it be Boss Lan's son-in-law?"

"Okay, okay, let's come to see Boss Lan kill pigs, rub a wave of pig killing dishes, don't care about young people, wait for the pigs to be killed, let's rehearse again, and then have a wedding banquet, don't drop the chain." "


At this time.

There was a lot of discussion in the troupe, his eyes were quite shocked, and a shallow smile appeared on his face.

And Lan Dad and Lan Ma and others on the side are really a little crying and laughing now.

Because they didn't quite know what it meant for Su Ming to ride a pig and the paparazzi Xiaolan to follow aside.

It's outrageous.

And behold, the multitude came.

Su Ming hurriedly jumped off the pig's back in a dashing manner.

To be honest, this riding pig is embarrassing to face Lan Dad and them.


Under Xiaolan's explanation.

Lan Dad, Lan Ma and others obviously knew the whole process.

After knowing that Su Ming actually tamed this maverick second senior brother, they all couldn't help but give a thumbs up and laughed.

2.7 Don't say it, this feat is really awesome!

And at the same time.

Chat through this.

Su Ming and the paparazzi also knew what to do later.

I'm going to kill a pig later.

Half of the meat is sent to the neighbor's house next door for a wedding banquet, and the lunch meal is also eaten at the neighbor's house next door.

The remaining half of this is for this troupe.

Let's talk about this troupe, they are a small troupe that is more famous in the neighborhood, and they are responsible for the performance of red and white affairs.

Later, I'm going to perform next door.

At the moment, because the wedding feast has not yet started.

So this small troupe came to Lan Dad's farm first, observed and watched the pig killing, and waited for the pig killing vegetables.

And as soon as I heard about killing pigs.

Su Ming, the paparazzi and the barrage, their eyes couldn't help but light up.

Killing pigs?

This thing is fresh!.

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