Chapter 192 Young man, why don't you blow a suona for you?

Although Su Ming said that he had lived for two lives, he had a lot of experience.

To say pork.

He has eaten all the expensive pork.

But killing a pig is the first time!

And so are the paparazzi, of course.

Killing pigs has also been brushed on the comics, and they haven't seen it with their own eyes.


Curiosity came up at once.

"This pig is not bad, it has a lot of ideas, let's kill this one later." "

Dad Lan was chatting with the people in the small drama team at this time.

As a result, the words suddenly changed, and his eyes fell on the second senior brother next to Su Ming, with a smile on his face.

And as soon as this came out.

Su Ming and the paparazzi were stunned.

Is it so sloppy?

The second senior brother was also stunned.

What do you mean?

It's all up to me, what's up?

And the barrage, that is directly unbearable.

"Poof! Help! It seems that this pig is really the protagonist of this live broadcast!"

"Damn, the knife cut out a pig, and when it jumped out of the pigsty, it would never have thought that this would be the case, right?"

"Hahahaha! Looking at Su Ming's expression, I feel a little unbearable!"

"Poof, isn't this nonsense? This is the first pig that Su Ming has tamed, this hasn't been ridden yet, it's going to be."

"I said why I ran out so excitedly with this pig, it turned out to be a hot dish!"


"Poor second senior brother, this face is simple, I don't know what I will face later. "

"It's pitiful, it's giving us the whole show effect until death!"

"Hahahaha, the effect of the show is okay!"

"Damn, pigs are so cute, how can you kill pigs?"

"Yes, can you save it? I haven't paid my salary yet, so I can only save two catties for the time being!"

"Then I'll save a leg!"

"Let me save the pig ears, don't rob me!"

"Enough of you! Pig lovers say they're furious!"

"I'm also furious! Is someone sending a position? I'm going to go to the execution ground to rob a pig! But my ability is limited, at most I can rob about ten catties first!"

"I'm throwing up! As a vegetarian, I can't stand it anymore, can you give me two pounds? I want to taste the meat!"


At this time.

The barrage hears that the pig is going to be killed.

And it was the pig in front of them that brought them a lot of joy.

It all exploded at that moment.

The barrage exploded a bunch of love pork... Phew, pig lovers!

Let's talk about Su Ming.

There is one thing to say.

He really has a little affection for this pig.

It's hard to tame.

Nima is going to be in her mouth later!

What a pity!

But it's a pity.

After all, this pig belongs to Renlan's father, and he has no choice.

Later, however, he could consider assisting a Polish dad in killing pigs.

And after it was decided to kill the pig.

There was no need for Su Ming and the others to bring the pig back to the pigsty, and they were directly pulled into the pig cage in the slaughtering area.

And wait until it is sent.

Su Ming and the others also went in the direction of the pig factory.

It will take a while to kill the pigs, and you have to boil some water.

At this time, you can go and wash the pigsty that has not been washed yet.

And just when Su Ming and the others were about to leave.

Several people from the small troupe also enthusiastically followed, wanting to help.


Several people also talked to Su Ming and the others.

noticed that Su Ming was after the live broadcast, and after learning that Su Ming was still a star.

The faces of several people immediately changed.

In their eyes, aren't all stars full of cards?

Why is this still running away from washing the pigsty on this farm?

That's a bit outrageous, isn't it?

At first, they were actually not very good, but after seeing the terrifying popularity in the live broadcast room, they really had to believe it. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Su Ming is not only a star.

is still the kind of star who is very popular!


Several people were even a little excited, and began to talk to Su Ming frantically, as if they wanted to fight for some pictures in the live broadcast room.

There is a feeling of rubbing traffic.

However, several of them are not young, they look like they are in their forties or fifties, and their personalities are also simple, and they are all masters.

Su Ming was not disgusted.

"Young man, why don't you blow the suona for you later, and increase your popularity?"

"Yes, yes, erhu, gourd silk and the like are fine, our troupe has a stable foundation, and we are guaranteed to increase your popularity!"


At this time.

A few people said that the key point.

They want to express themselves!

Listening to the words of several people, the paparazzi couldn't help but laugh.

Help Su Ming increase popularity?

Will Su Ming lack this popularity?

As for Su Ming.

Su Ming's face was really a little crying and laughing now.

These masters are really talkative, and their desire to express is even more extreme.

Popularity, he doesn't really care.

"Okay, then I'll listen to your performance later, and clean up the pigsty. "

Su Ming said to several masters with a smile at this time.

The masters were sincere, and he couldn't see any bad intentions, and he really didn't want to refuse.

Listen to too much pop music.

It's not bad to listen to the performances of these folk artists.

And heard that Su Ming agreed.

One of the masters hurriedly turned around and ran to get the instrument.

"There are almost 100 million people in the live broadcast room!"

"This time, our traditional musical instruments finally have a stage that can be seen by more people. "

The old master whispered to himself as he ran, his face extremely excited.

He has been learning these traditional instruments for over twenty years.

But it has not been very recognized by the current mainstream people, and it is generally only available when it is red and white. 183 This is still a custom to lock.

Otherwise, there will be fewer opportunities to play.

After all, the mainstream people now like those Western instruments.

How soft and pleasant are Western musical instruments?

Who still listens to such old-fashioned stuff?

He also has a small drama troupe, and these people know this deeply.

Therefore, the small drama troupes are now in a state of semi-dissolution.

And now.

This suddenly went shit luck.

actually met a top star who came to the countryside to wash the pigsty.

This is a very valuable opportunity for them!

Performing in front of Su Ming later, it is equivalent to performing in front of thousands of people!

If it weren't for Su Ming in this live broadcast, it would be impossible to meet it in this life!

And the reason why it is necessary to perform.

The purpose is not to want fire or anything like that.

Because they actually know how many pounds and taels they are.

Although their skills are still small, they are not top-notch at all, and they are useless when they are hot, and they can't afford to eat this bowl of rice.

What's more, they just want more people to know about traditional musical instruments.

If you can.

I hope that more people will like traditional musical instruments!

After all, there are fewer and fewer people who want to learn traditional musical instruments.

Don't talk about far, just their small drama team.

If you want to find an apprentice, you have to beg someone else to learn.

And others are not quite willing to do so.

One listens to learning suona erhu.

Isn't he fragrant when he learns piano and violin?

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