Chapter 193 The star is in my pigsty?

And the other end.

Dad Lan is receiving the big guys of the troupe in the living room.

"Old Yang, Lao Yan, and a few of you, come with me with your guys for dinner!"

"What's the matter? Didn't you go with you to clean up the pigsty? Could it be that you have to put on a show to wash the pigsty?"

"That's it, I said Lao Li, we still have to have tea with Boss Lan, don't make this joke. "


The old master hurried over, interrupting the lively atmosphere in the room.

This chatted well, and suddenly said that he was going to bring a musical instrument and go out with him, and he was so flustered.

What is this for?

They really didn't understand what this master meant.

And quickly.

This master just used a very fast speed to tell the story about Su Ming.

heard that Su Ming was a star, and the terrifying heat of Su Ming's live broadcast room.


There was a burst of silence throughout the room.

At their age, they basically don't look at any young stars.

So whether it's Da Mi Mi or Su Ming, they can't recognize it.

This said that Su Ming was a top star, and they were all dumbfounded, with their faces full of disbelief.

Even Daddy Lan is the same.

Xiaolan didn't say that there were stars among her friends, but they were still top-notch!

"Don't tease Lao Li, why did the star come here? and also run to wash the pigsty?

By the way, he rode a pig just now, how can a celebrity run to ride a pig so disregarding his image?

At this time, a member of the troupe waved his hand, a smile squeezed out of his slightly stiff face, and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help but nod slowly.

"That's it, Lao Li, have you been deceived, the person is handsome, handsome like a star, is it a casual remark, bragging, you have heard it?"

"That's right, if you're a star, run here and do this job?"

"That's it, unless this star has taken a fancy to the daughter of Boss Lan and is going to come to her father-in-law's house to find out. "


Everyone opened their mouths, expressing disbelief.

Celebrities don't sing and dance rap on the show, they come here to help clean the pigsty?

Isn't that pure and innocent?

I guess there should be some misunderstanding here.

And for this question.

This master didn't know how to explain it for a while,

"It's hard to explain anyway, maybe he's a different star. But don't worry, the popularity of the live broadcast room is definitely not wrong, I can see it clearly~!"

"I can swear by that!"


The master explained.

It seems to have made everyone believe it a little.

After all, the popularity of this live broadcast room does not seem to deceive.

Come to think of this.

The big guys in the troupe all took their best musical instruments and followed the master towards Su Ming and the others.

It doesn't matter if he's really fake, you'll know if you go, it's not far away anyway.

And killing pigs was not so fast, and Lan Dad and some other relatives couldn't help but follow.

Get ready to see the excitement.

And Dad Lan's mind was a little active at this time.

What's the situation?

Did you lure the wolf into the house?

A star is running for his daughter?

But if you think about it carefully, Su Ming looks really good, and it doesn't seem to be a big loss to get involved with Su Ming.

But think again.

It seems that Su Ming and Yang Mi have always been quite close.

Su Ming most likely has a leg with Yang Mi.

Her daughter should not be involved.

It should be that he thinks too much. 、


And the other end.

At this time, Su Ming and the others continued to clean the pigsty.

With the previous lesson, to avoid any second senior brother who wanted to change his life against the sky, everyone took a softer way when they drove the pigs.

The effect can be said to be very significant. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And there is one thing to say.

More people is faster.

After a few masters of the troupe joined, this person washed a circle, and within a few minutes, he washed more than a dozen.

Although there are still a lot of left, it can be completed in half an hour at most.

Let's talk about Yang Mi.

Yang Mi had been waiting for Su Ming and the others outside the factory just now.

After Su Ming and the others came back, she heard about Su Ming's pig taming just now.

Hearing that Su Mingzhen had tamed the pig, Yang Mi was really full of surprise, and at the same time, she couldn't laugh.

It's outrageous!

Is it okay to tame a pig?

After hearing that the pig was about to be served, Yang Mi couldn't laugh or cry on her face.

This pig is really ill-fated.

It's just hot, and it's about to be sent.

And the pig will be killed later, she hasn't seen it before, and she can see it for a long time.

And now, because Yang Mi is a little afraid to go to the pigsty to drive pigs, she is holding the live broadcast room and acting as a "camera master".

Under Yang Mi's professional photography, the lens seems to have become Su Ming's personal show.

The camera is full of Su Ming.

And nevertheless.

I can still hear the voices of the old-timers of those stage teams.

From trying to fight for the picture just now, now, they have no idea about the picture and have begun to brag about the instruments they are good at.

Listen to this boast.

The barrage is somewhat numb.

"It's outrageous! How can these big brothers keep talking? My brain is buzzing!"

"'Yes, it sounded funny at first, but now I feel like it's too talkative, and I'm all tired of it!'"

"It's just that this drama is a bit too much, do they want to be popular?"

"Ghost knows, anyway, I hear it a little bit of a brain pain now, will this blow a suona, pull an erhu, as for such a blow?"

"Don't worry, you can't be on fire, except for red and white things these days, who still hears people blowing suona and pulling erhu?"

"Well, if these instruments hadn't been kept by traditional customs, they would have been eliminated long ago. "

"Suona erhu, this thing is what people of my grandfather's generation love to hear, who listens to this young people?

"It's not, piano, guitar, violin, this is the mainstream now, learn any one, the girl flirts casually, you say you can play the suona?

"Forget it, let's make do with it, it is estimated that the big brother is the first time he has seen a star, and he is excited, and he wants to express himself. "

"It makes sense, it's a bit of a trouble, but it doesn't affect the viewing too much. "

"One thing to say, why does Da Mimi keep pointing the camera at Su Ming? I want to see the paparazzi's injustice!" (De Zhao)

"I want to watch it too! Watching Su Ming is just a pleasure, really look at the effect of the show, it has to be the paparazzi! Of course, if Su Ming goes to tame a pig again, I didn't say it!"

"Hahahaha, take the bamboo shoots, paparazzi: I didn't offend any of you!"


At this time.

The barrage listened to a few masters boasting about the instruments they were good at, and it was really a bit of a headache to hear.

Suona erhu these old antiques, they have basically not classified them as normal musical instruments for a long time.

So it sounds inexplicably annoying.

And compared to the barrage.

Su Ming obviously didn't have any worries, but was said, and he was looking forward to these masters playing later.

After all, there are not many people who know these old instruments these days and now!

And most importantly.

In his previous life, when he was in college, he also learned these instruments.

Not to mention how proficient it is.

But if you take it, you can get started directly.

Later, if you are in the mood, you can also play with these masters.

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