Chapter 194: The performance of the masters, the lonely applause

About a few minutes have passed.

Outside the pigsty factory, there was a commotion.

"Lao Li, I'm sure I didn't mistake the popularity of his live broadcast room, right? "

"Don't worry, it's absolutely right, it's harm, I just forgot to ask the young man's name, with his popularity, it is estimated that you can come out with a casual search on the Internet!"

"Then let's believe you once, if he is really a star, there are so many people in the live broadcast room, that is a good opportunity to promote our traditional musical instruments!"

"To be honest, I actually don't believe it, there are only a few billion people in our country, so there are 100 million in the live broadcast room?"

"Who knows, but it's coming soon anyway, and the pigsty is in front, so we'll see later, and we have nothing to lose." "

"Oh no, you just believe me once, I've watched it a few times, how can I be wrong? Don't drop the chain when you play later, there are too many viewers in the live broadcast room!"



Lan Dad and the people in the troupe are already about to arrive at the pigsty factory.

Obviously, there are still some people who are not quite convinced.

But believe it or not, you will be able to meet Su Ming and see the situation in the live broadcast room soon.

Whether it's true or not, you will know when you see it!

"763 lad, here we come. "

When he came to the pigsty, the old master immediately greeted Su Ming, his face full of excitement.

And Su Ming looked at so many people, and he was a little stunned.

Didn't you say go get a musical instrument?

Why did all the troupe call?

Even Daddy Lan and them are here!

Why is this such a big battle?

I don't know.

I guess I thought there was something happy in the pigsty.

And for this scene.

Yang Mi's paparazzi and barrage were also stunned.

What's the situation?

All these people are here!

"This is..."

Su Ming couldn't laugh or cry.

"That's right, a few of our old guys want to come over and perform, so we brought them all here. "


The old master touched his head and began to explain.

And it was also when the two of them were talking, and there were a few people from the troupe, who looked at the live broadcast room in Yang Mi's hand intentionally or unintentionally.

After a few people see the horror popularity of the live broadcast room.

One by one, his face changed drastically, and his complexion became very excited.

"Oh yes!"

"That's a lot of people!"

"Lao Li is really not mistaken!"


For a while, there was a burst of whispering in the troupe, and all of them were excited, and even a little nervous.

And Dad Lan and the relatives of the Lan family were undoubtedly shocked on their faces.


This Nima is really ah!

Let's talk about Su Ming's side.

After probably communicating with the old master.

He also knew in his heart what he wanted to do.

just wants to show a good hand in front of him and the live broadcast room.

In this regard, Su Ming naturally had no objection, and immediately asked Yang Mi to aim the camera at these troupe masters, and at the same time let the troupe masters start to perform.

And himself.

Naturally, the pigsty was cleaned first.

This performance has to be listened to, and the work has to be done as well.

At this time, the masters of the troupe, after knowing that there were so many people online in the live broadcast room, were a little scrambling.

When have they seen this battle?

There were even a few who were too nervous, and they didn't even hold the instrument steady, and they fell directly to the ground, and the ping-pong bell rang for a while, causing a commotion among the second senior brothers in the pigsty, reproducing the scene of thousands of pigs howling.

Such a scene really made the barrage a little untenable.

"What the hell, didn't you brag about it just now, why did you even drop the suona?"

"Poof! this Nima is too nervous, isn't he?"

"Just now I saw a few old guys coming over to peek at the live broadcast room, probably because they were frightened by the number of us. "

"Harm, it's so boring, can you skip this party, I really don't want to hear it!"

Even the second senior brothers protested. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Help! these old guys won't play a funeral song later, will they?"

"Poof! is the funeral song okay?"

"Ahem, I've already laid down in advance, please cover me with a cloth!"


Obviously, the flustered movements of the opera masters made the barrage, which was not very interested in these traditional instruments, a little impatient.

But this impatience is impatience.

The troupe masters on the other end are already ready for everything.

This opening.

The troupe masters began to play a slightly sad joy.

This is one of the best pieces they have played for decades.

During the whole process, the master was very skillful in playing, and the cooperation was quite tacit, and at the same time, they all looked at the live broadcast room and regarded the live broadcast room as a stage.

In fact, the master was still a little nervous at first.

But after all, it is something that has been eaten for decades, and this performance is handy, and it is not hurried.

Listening to this performance, Su Ming couldn't help but nod slowly while cleaning.

Let's put aside whether it sounds good or not.

The basic skills of these masters are really solid!

The level is still quite okay!

And Yang Mi and the paparazzi on the side frowned a little when they heard it.

They don't hear any playing skills.

What they could hear was that there was a feeling that they were going to have a seat, and it was very noisy.

If it's nice, it's completely inaudible!

But there is no way, they are all masters, they can't rush out to shut up these old men, right?

And the barrage naturally exploded again.

"Poof, is this sure to be joy?"

"Joy is okay, I'm already lying down!"

"Brothers, I can't bear it!"

"Help! my sister's marriage seems to be this song... "

"What the hell am I expecting? Damn, I'm going to wander around the other live broadcast rooms first. "

"I can't stand it anymore, my grandma probably likes to watch it!"



It's the same as what I thought before the barrage.

It's a classic old-fashioned tune, and it's extremely boring to listen to.


The popularity of the live broadcast room has begun to decline rapidly.

And the other end.

At this time, the masters didn't seem to know the reaction in the barrage, and they were still immersed in the performance.

It's been a long time.

The performance is finally over.

And the paparazzi and the barrage finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It's finally over.

It's also too torturous!

And wait until it's over.

There was a crisp and lonely applause on the field.

And who else could this be?

Naturally, it's Su Ming.

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