Chapter 195 The whole song "Get up this morning and go to pick up dung"

With Su Ming's applause and the appreciative expression on Su Ming's face.

Yang Mi and the paparazzi couldn't help but look a little weird.

Su Ming can even appreciate this?

They don't appreciate it anyway.

The only feeling is that the atmosphere is okay, and there is indeed the feeling of marrying a daughter-in-law in the countryside.

After thinking about it for a while, they felt that Su Ming should be doing this out of politeness.

And so.

They also hurriedly ~ applauded.

At this time, the masters noticed the look on Su Ming's face, and couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Naturally, they can also see which ones are polite and which ones are genuine.

You can see it from Su Ming's expression, Su Ming is applauding them from the bottom of his heart!

"Young man, you know this song too?"

A master looked at Su Ming and asked.

"I don't know too much, I know some traditional instruments at most, and your cooperation just now is very good. "

Su Ming said with a smile.

Although he has learned traditional musical instruments such as suona and erhu.

But he used these to play those popular songs, how can he understand the joy of these marriages?

The reason why he applauded was that he was really surprised by the exquisite cooperation of the masters.

And when I heard Su Ming's words.

Everyone in the troupe had a little surprise on their faces.

Su Ming still understands these traditional musical instruments?

Nowadays, there is a chance that young people can find a traditional musical instrument.

It's almost no less than one in a million.

And not only they were surprised, but even Yang Mi paparazzi and the barrage were also surprised.

No way.

Su Ming even will?

", what does Su Ming mean, is it possible that he can pull the erhu and blow the suona?"

"Damn! No way! When did he get into pop music, when did he run to learn these old things?"

"Help! don't tell me that Su Ming will go up and pull an erhu or something later!"

"No wonder Su Ming didn't refuse the performance of this troupe just now, he understands!"

"My mother, what other skills does Su Ming have that we haven't discovered?"

"Indeed, Su Ming, this is really outrageous!

"Poof, I didn't like these old antique instruments very much, but if Su Ming came to play, I would be interested, hahahaha!"

"Me too! If Su Ming goes up to pull a funeral song, with the paparazzi's unjust performance, the effect of the show must not be full?"

"Ahem, I'm a pure passerby, and the anchor is going to pull the erhu later?"


After hearing about these traditional musical instruments of the Su Ming Society.

The barrage is directly boiling.

They never expected that Su Ming would hide so deeply!

Even these old antiques will!


The audience, who originally felt bored, began to look forward to the scene of Su Ming pulling the erhu and playing suona.


"No, why has the popularity of this live broadcast room dropped?

Just when a master was about to talk to Su Ming.

The members of the troupe who ran to see the popularity of the live broadcast room couldn't help but change their faces and shouted softly.

Compared with before, the popularity of this live broadcast room has dropped by more than 10 million!

And to hear this.

The members of the troupe, who originally had smiles on their faces, immediately froze, and gradually became a little dignified and lonely.


Traditional musical instruments are still a less popular category.

But fortunately, they had thought about this possibility before.

I just feel a little sorry for Su Ming.

has affected the popularity of Su Ming's live broadcast room.

Su Ming naturally saw the loneliness and shame of the members at this time, and immediately waved his hand and smiled, "Popularity fluctuations, it's normal, it's okay, the master's performance just now is very exciting." (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Popularity only.

He didn't care at all.

"By the way, master, what did you want to tell me just now?"

Su Ming looked at the old master who wanted to talk to him at this time.

Seeing that Su Ming was so disrespectful, and gave a wave of steps, the old master hurriedly scratched his head and spoke, "Actually, it's not a big deal, didn't you just say that this young man will also use our traditional musical instruments?"

"Why don't you show us a hand, young man?"

I finally met a young man who had learned a traditional musical instrument.

He really wanted to see what level Su Ming was.

If Su Ming was really interested in these instruments, he would be more than happy to give them some pointers.

As for the live broadcast to promote traditional musical instruments.

Although there are people in the live broadcast room, at least there are still many people in it who have seen it.

It can be regarded as a successful publicity.

And at this time, it's not just him.

The rest of the masters also showed a hint of expectation on their faces, and looked at Su Ming in unison.

"Naturally, it's no problem to play. "

"But why don't I finish cleaning this pigsty first, and we'll be done in no time." "

Su Ming naturally did not refuse.

It's just a breeze to show your hand.

But before he showed his hand, he still wanted to finish the pigsty first.

There's not much left, just finish it in one go, and when you finish playing, you can go directly to see the pig killing.

And as soon as Su Ming's words came out.

Dad Lan and those relatives just stood up directly.

"Leave this to us, young man, you just go and act. "

"Yes, yes, we do this work every day, and it's very fast. "

"Young man, we want to hear you play too. "


Lan Dad and the others are still enthusiastic.

This didn't even allow Su Ming to refuse, pulling Su Ming to come out, picking up the tools himself and starting to clean up.

And so and so on.

Su Mingna couldn't say anything more, so he could only go up.

"Well, I'll warm up the scene and use these instruments to make a whole folk song. "

"When the pigsty is cleared, find an open place, and play it again. "

Su Ming scratched his head, a song suddenly popped out of his mind, and said with a smile.

Not because of anything else.

Just looking at the pigsty, this song popped straight out of my head.

Although the idea of this song is completely inconsistent with the current situation, the tone is quite cheerful anyway.

And the main thing is that it just works with a wave of traditional instruments.

This song is nothing else.

It's "Get up this morning to pick up dung" small!.

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