Chapter 196 "Get up this morning and go to pick up dung", what bmovement?

Hearing Su Ming's words.

The masters at the scene and the rest of the people couldn't help but pause.

Whole folk songs with these traditional instruments?

Su Ming, how can this young man be so old in the show?

The folk songs with traditional musical instruments in my impression are all composed by middle-aged and even old men and women.

Su Ming is playing a lot!

However, although there was some incomprehension, everyone was still very supportive.

And Su Ming also said it.

I'll find an open place to play later.

The main play is to come.


"The young man seems to be talented, worthy of being a star, and it seems that he should still be a singer. "

"Brother Ming, the brothers are just a little tired from their work, so they have to come up with a song to refresh us. "

"That young man, which instrument do you need for 'two-four-three'? "

"Yes, do you want us to give you a whole little accompaniment?


At this time.

The paparazzi and the teachers are all smiling and enthusiastic.

Xiaolan Yangmi on the side didn't speak, and looked at Su Ming silently, her eyes were somewhat weird.

In their impressions, they had never seen Su Ming sing folk songs.

It's not going to roll over later, is it?

And today's barrage, those ones are also a little dumbfounded.

"Poof, what the hell, is Su Ming going to give us a whole life?"

"Use traditional instruments to sing the whole folk song? What is Su Ming going to sing?"

"Hahahaha, although I don't know what Su Ming wants to sing, what I do know is that Su Ming definitely understands the effect of the show!"

"Don't make a decision yet, I feel that Su Ming shouldn't be going to work, I guess he really has something, maybe he will surprise the audience when he sings it later!"

"As a fan of Su Ming, I think it's very possible! And I haven't seen Su Ming sing folk songs, I'm looking forward to a batch!"

"I'm a pure new fan, after listening to Su Ming's "Ten Years" and "Nocturne", I feel that as long as Su Ming sings, there is no ugly song, even if it is a folk song!"

"Don't say it, I'm really looking forward to being blown by you. "



The barrage also didn't expect Su Ming to come to a whole folk song that was completely different from his own appearance and painting style.

If it weren't for Su Ming's contribution of too many awesome songs before, many netizens even thought that Su Ming was ready to start rejuvenating.

Let's talk about Su Ming.

The crowd was so enthusiastic.

Then he naturally had to be enthusiastic, and after washing his hands a little, he went to the masters.

The accompaniment of this song is still quite complicated, and it requires a lot of instruments.

Su Ming's solo is definitely not good.

So Su Ming only picked an erhu, and then told the other opera masters to follow his rhythm later, with some simple accompaniment.

Listening to Su Ming say how to cooperate with the musical instruments later, the master's eyes couldn't help but light up again.

It seems that Su Ming seems to know a lot more than they imagined!

This really raised the master's expectations a lot.

Of course, the same is true for barrage.

It seems that Su Ming really has something, not quite like he wants to live!

And wait until everything is ready.

Su Ming is also unambiguous.

I saw him exhale slowly, began to pull the erhu, and gave the suona group a look by the way.

So, the next second.

The erhu is accompanied by the sound of suona, and a burst of cheerful accompaniment with rustic accompaniment is sounded.

And wait for a short burst of prelude to fall.

Su Ming just spoke.

"Get up early in the morning and go pick up manure

Why don't you see my woman when you come home~"

Su Ming's voice is deliberately sharp and low, with a rustic and very stylish singing voice, and a thick local accent, which is really indescribably weird.

However, this tune is slightly cheerful, and there is a feeling that people can't help but laugh. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And this is true, so everyone in the audience can't help but be a little stunned.

There was a black question mark on his face.

What the heck?

"Look for the East Courtyard and look for the West Garden

The south courtyard is looking for it, and the north courtyard is looking for that

I searched all over the house

I can't find a woman, so I'm worried about that

I'm sweating in a hurry


Su Ming continued to sing.

The tune is getting more and more earthy, but it's surprisingly cheerful.

As for the erhu in Su Ming's hand, it is even more energetic.

The masters originally wanted to laugh, but in order to keep up with Su Ming's rhythm, they could only hold back their laughter while forcibly concentrating on the performance, and at first glance, they looked like they were constipated.

Compared with the calm and cheerful look on Su Ming's face, and even some elegant looks, the contrast is really full.

And Yang Mi Xiaolan at the scene, even including Dad Lan and the paparazzi, they were all already laughing forward and backward 0.......

What the hell is this Nima singing?

Even the second senior brothers at the scene, now they all looked up at Su Ming and found that there was a trace of confusion in their wise eyes.

What's moving?

And the barrage, that's just unbearable.

"Damn! Damn! Kneel!"

"What is this Nima?"

"What's going on, how did he do it so nice and ugly?"

"I got up early in the morning to pick up dung, and when I heard this first sentence, I knew that this song was made up by Su Ming himself!"

"I can't hold it back, poofhahahaha!"

"I'm going to die laughing! What kind of folk song is this? Su Ming made it himself? This is too talented, it's really demonic!"

"Brothers, we're still too hasty, Su Ming is really doing a good job! Hahaha, I'm laughing!"

"Poof! Is this a serious folk song? What a demonic brainwash!"


"The sense of substitution is so strong! I feel like I've gone to pick up manure!"

"Second Senior Brother: Leave this disgusting pig aside, right?

"Second Senior Brother: I hate people who have no boundaries!"

"Poof, you see, the masters are all red, they have never been so speechless in their lives!"

"Suona, erhu, pipa... We're all dirty!"

"Hahaha, Su Ming, where is this dialect, except for the first sentence to pick up dung, I don't understand anything else, let's have an ancestral translation!" 4.3 "Poof! I didn't understand either, but it didn't affect the demonic brainwashing of this song, I feel like I can already sing!"

"I can understand it, the lyrics are about looking for a woman, hahaha, it's so funny!"


"I'm laughing to death, it has to be Su Ming, this song doesn't seem to be recognizable by listening to the song, it is estimated that Su Ming made it himself, what a ghost!"

"Help! I'm a pure passerby, is this really the Su Ming who sang "Nocturne"? This down-to-earth spirit is about to arrive in the fifties and sixties, hahaha!"

"One thing to say, this song, even if you look at the entire history of human development, is an explosive existence!"



Su Ming's song "Get up this morning to pick up dung" directly made the barrage explode.

The barrage never expected.

Su Ming, he's really working!

But don't say it.

This song is so magical!.

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