Chapter 23 Boss Yang's Infinite Reverie!

"Su Ming has been fooling around for a day, how can he make such a big move?"

By this time, Reba had already gone back.

Yang Mi was the only one left in the room.

Looking at the topic on the hot search, Yang Mi was really a little crying and laughing.

If you are normal, those celebrities will be on so many hot searches.

It's basically impossible not to spend millions or tens of millions.

But Su Ming didn't spend a penny, and hung up for a day or two

Although among them is the blessing of Fang Yue and the bad reviews of Sea Fish Entertainment.

But it's always on the hot search.

The artists she now has are in addition to herself and Reba.

Basically, I can't find a few that have been on the hot search.

Let's talk about the other side.

Originally, I was able to sign a Zhao Lei today, as well as a pair of Phoenix combinations introduced by Su Ming, plus two good songs, Jiahang has already earned blood.

I can see the news that the company is constantly sending now.

Yang Mi's head is a little big.

"[Fruit Satellite TV]: There is a variety show here that is about to be recorded, and there is a lack of a flying guest, is Su Ming interested in coming over?

[Blue Channel]: There is a singer program that lacks guests, is there a schedule on Su Ming's side?

[Qindao Beer]: Lack of a spokesperson, is Su Ming interested?

[Julang Barbecue]: Our company thinks Su Ming is very suitable for us as our image spokesperson, and I would like to consult the issue of endorsement fees


That's right.

With the continuous hot searches of Su Ming now, the topic degree has increased.

There are already programs and brands coming to consult Su Ming.

The number of announcements is almost catching up with her, which is really exaggerated!

Originally, if it was a normal artist under hers.

Yang Mi had already flown happily now.

How much do you have to make here!

But this artist is Su Ming!

It's like mountains of gold in front of you.

But I can't even get a piece!

It's hard to become an artist.

But there is no way to monetize.

Who can understand what it feels like?

"I'm angry, I knew that when I signed Su Ming, the contract was written harshly. "

Yang Mi looked at so many announcements.

With a small mouth, he rolled left and right on the bed with a small milk sound.

Su Ming was signed by Jiahang when he was just starting out.

At the beginning, I thought that it was to sign some people first, support the plate, and say whether the future will be hot or not.

So the contract given to Su Ming is very, very lenient.

So much so that the company couldn't even force Su Ming to complete the notice he didn't want to do.

Who would have thought.

Now Su Ming can suddenly become popular?

And it's the kind of guy who doesn't even need to be praised by the company, he is popular on his own!

In this way, it is even more difficult for the company to force Su Ming to participate in the event.

"Could it be true that you want to seduce Su Ming?"

Yang Mi rushed to the doctor when she was sick, and suddenly remembered Reba's suggestion in her mind.

As a strong woman in her career, she has never been in love.

I really want to talk about it.

Su Ming is 1.85 meters tall, he is also very good-looking, a little handsome, and his figure is needless to say, he is a frequent visitor to the gym.

On external conditions.

This is completely in line with her requirements for a mate.

Let's talk about the connotation.

Although Su Ming was younger than her, she always felt that Su Ming's soul was far more mature than her.

Or rather mature than transparent.

Understand things, as well as their own talents.

That's not weaker than her.

In terms of connotation.

Su Ming is also completely compliant.

But when he thought that Su Ming was his employee, he usually only regarded Su Ming as his younger brother.

Suddenly I want to have a relationship with Su Ming.

In the future, you may have to have a baby baby, a pig pig pig, a pig, and even a husband and a husband, and the child's father's name is Su Ming.

No matter how you think about it, it feels weird.

Is this an unspoken rule in the workplace?

Or is the family relationship deteriorating?

Also, what should I do with her cold image?

The more you think about it, the deeper you go.

Yang Mi's face became redder.

"Yang Mi, what are you thinking?"

"Career, career, career! What kind of man do you want!".

"And if Su Ming refuses, Reba's chick won't laugh at you to death!"

Yang Mi's ears are red and her neck is thick, and her head has already shaken into a rattle.

She did her best to dismiss the idea.

Not to mention whether he can attack Su Ming.

What if Su Ming doesn't like him?

After that, how can you face Su Ming, and Reba, who likes to do things every day?

After slowly calming down.

Yang Mi couldn't help but focus on those announcements again.

There are so many announcements, and even a few are very good, it would be a shame to waste them in vain.

"No, I definitely have to let him go to one!".

"Coax him to go!".

Yang Mi's heart was horizontal and made up her mind.

It's hard to have another popular artist under it, so you can't waste it so much.

Under some screening.

One of the shows has become her first choice.

"Tomorrow's Superstar"!

That's right.

This program group not only invited her to be a judge before.

Now I also invite Su Ming to be a player.

And it is not in the way of inviting ordinary players to participate, but in the way of inviting artists.

That is to say, as long as Su Ming goes there as a player, he will directly appear in the finals.

And there's also a very substantial appearance fee.

That's almost half of her appearance fee.

Thinking about it, the program team also took a fancy to Su Ming's very high topic degree now.

Because this show Fang Yue is also there.

As long as Su Ming goes, it doesn't matter how he sings.

The popularity of this show and the effect of the show can definitely explode!

And if nothing else.

There is a high probability that Su Ming and Fang Yue will fight each other at the show.

There will only be two results in the online wind review.

Either Su Ming explodes!

Either Fang Yue explodes!

Whether it is Su Ming using his talent to prove himself, or Fang Yue using the strength of the new song to sweep away the rumors.

The winning side gets a huge amount of traffic.

Of course, the biggest winner is naturally the program group.

There is one thing to say.

This program team is really good at doing things.

Yang Mi was obviously on the side of believing in Su Ming.

What level Fang Yue is, in fact, everyone in the circle knows it, but they don't dare to say it

After all, there are too many things involved, and not everyone can be as unscrupulous as Su Ming.

As long as Su Ming participates and sings a few high-quality songs, he will show his talent.

There is a high probability that Su Ming will completely turn popular.

When the time comes, the quality of the notice that comes to Su Ming will not be comparable to what it is now.

Even if Su Ming swings again.

Coax him to catch up with the announcement once a month, or even every two months, and he can make a lot of money.

And if Su Ming can really be popular enough to have a coffee position with her.

Maybe she could really consider the request that Su Ming had made before.

Run Jiahang with Su Ming.

Seems like a good idea.

Thinking about it, the smile on Yang Mi's face was almost to the back of her head.

"That's right, you must coax him to go!".

Yang Mi took a deep breath, and her eyes revealed a touch of firmness.

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