Chapter 24 350,000 Tips!

Yang Mi was still thinking about coaxing Su Ming to be on the show.

And on the other side, the PR Department of Sea Fish Entertainment.

Now he is busy as an ant on a hot pot.

The online reviews of their company have been getting worse and worse.

Even the stock price of Sea Fish Entertainment has fallen to a certain extent.

It is undoubtedly urgent to find a way to reverse public opinion as soon as possible.


All the top executives of the PR department gathered in the conference room.

"In response to all kinds of rhetoric on the Internet. "

"The two rumors in front of us that need to be debunked the most at the moment. "

"One is the title of the so-called newcomer's grave that hides newcomers in the snow and buries talents. "

"One is the title of fresh meat that only has no strength, the fresh meat factory. "

"These two must be dealt with ..."


In front of a huge demo screen.

Minister Zhao Shan pointed to the program displayed in the PPT with a serious face and looked at the people in the audience.

Now all kinds of comments on the Internet about Sea Fish Entertainment are flying around.

But the most important thing is actually two, the newcomer's grave and the fresh meat factory.

If either of these two is not handled well, it will affect the future development of the company.

And as the top PR team in the industry.

The veterans at the meeting quickly saw the key point.

For now these two controversies.

The main reason for this lies in whether Fang Yue has the strength or not.

Controversy like why Su Ming is obviously talented, but he will be hidden.

It can be said that Su Ming violated some of the company's regulations, or that Su Ming's talent was gradually revealed recently, and he didn't find out in the company at the beginning.

What is more difficult to solve is Fang Yue.

As long as Fang Yue can come up with a top-notch song, and perform it on the spot, slapping netizens in the face, the wind review can be reversed!

Fang Yue will also take a big step from the so-called pure traffic star to a powerful star!

At that time, Fang Yue would be able to confidently say that Su Ming was rubbing off on his popularity, deliberately hyping up something like that.

Take everything that happened live today.

He can say that Su Ming is deliberately hyping up!

In the circle of the entertainment industry.

As long as the strength is passable, and there is capital to fuel the fire.

What is black can be turned into white!

Don't look at what Su Ming is doing now, he looks like he wants to be hot.

Once public opinion reverses, Su Ming will definitely be eaten by traffic.

The key points are clear.

The PR department quickly came up with a solution.

That is-vigorously help Fang Yue promote the new song!


In the blink of an eye.

It was early the next morning.

"Aunt Wang, it's still the same!".

"Okay. "

"Hey, Uncle Zhao, what are you doing, you don't seem to be in a good mood. "

"Harm, don't mention it, my eldest grandson played games until one or two o'clock at night last night, but it made me angry, I just took away his mobile phone, this kid is angry with me. "

"It's better for you to remind Xiao Ming, otherwise I will still be kept in the dark about this matter

That's it, I'll invite you to this breakfast, Uncle Zhao!".

"Don't don't, don't see Uncle Zhao, this is what I should do,

But if you want me to say, if this child is disobedient, he will have to be beaten, otherwise he will be squeamish, and he will suffer in the future. "

"Xiao Ming, what you said makes sense, I'll go back and beat this kid later!".

"You can call your aunt along, the child is flexible and easy to run out of the door. "


Breakfast in the shop.

Su Ming was eating breakfast while chatting with the neighbors.

The whole body reveals the word leisurely.

After a night's sleep, my spirit has recovered.

But to be reasonable, you really can't drink too much wine.


Su Ming began to leisurely brush up the comics and look at the microwave.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it.

Looking at this, Su Ming's head is big.

It's the third day.

Why is he still on the hot search? And there is more than one!

The most outrageous thing is that his microwave fans have skyrocketed so much.

And in the short comic video, there are actually a lot of pictures about the live broadcast with Chi Xiaoyun yesterday.

Even the deeds of those paparazzi are now being played with all kinds of stalks.

I thought it would be a gust of wind, and it would be fine in a few days.

But has this gust of wind been blowing for a long time?

You won't really want to be hot again, will you?

Come to think of this.

Su Ming's noodles are a little uneaten.

If it's really hot, it's going to be coerced by capital again.

After so many years, he has forgotten what it feels like to participate in the show.

He didn't want to reminisce at all.

But soon, Su Ming reacted.

Now his boss is Yang Mi, not the capitalists of Haiyu.

There are no contractual restrictions, as long as he is pendulum enough.

Capital will be far away from him.

Thinking of this, Su Ming ate noodles even more deliciously.

Subsequently, Su Ming also took a general look at the comments on his Weibo.

Look at the wind direction of this comment.

It seems that netizens have a very high evaluation of him.

are urging him to hurry up and continue the next live broadcast.

To be honest, he didn't mean to broadcast live, he opened the live broadcast room yesterday, purely to refute the rumors.

But when I saw the comments, the fans said that they were very happy to watch it.

He was still quite comfortable.

After all, the reason why he came out to play with Chi Xiaoyun was to give back to these iron fans.

"It seems that I can continue to interact with these fans more in the future. "

Su Ming couldn't help but muttered to himself.

Don't look at his current microwave fans, what he really cares about is these fans.

The rest of these fans pay attention to him, and most of them just watch the excitement and find it novel.

After a while, I was depressed.

And these iron fans have been supporting him since his debut, which is really rare.

However, if you want to interact with it, you can only talk about it next weekend, or when you have time later.

After all, he is still a part-time worker of Jiahang.

[Chi Xiaoyun]: Brother Su Ming, send me your bank card account.

At this time, Weixin suddenly received a message from Chi Xiaoyun.

Su Ming was stunned for a moment, a little confused.

I found out after some understanding.

Chi Xiaoyun is going to give him the reward money he received in the live broadcast room yesterday.

Su Ming is good to fans, but he is not a saint, do you want to be rich?

Yesterday's live broadcast, he did unconsciously make some effects.

It's also safe to share some gift money.

However, Chi Xiaoyun was stubborn, and insisted on giving all the money to Su Ming.

Su Ming talked for a long time, but he couldn't help it, so he could only accept it.

It didn't take a while.

A message about the arrival of 350,000 yuan in the bank card was sent to his mobile phone.

Seeing this news, Su Ming's mood did not fluctuate too much.

After all, in his previous life, he had seen too much money, and 350,000 yuan was not much money.

The main thing is that he doesn't really have much to spend money on now.

Every day is rotten, and the salary is completely enough to spend.

Then, Su Ming received news from Zhao Lei and the Phoenix combination one after another.

It's all about gratitude.

If nothing goes wrong, they should all rush to Jiahang to sign a contract at this time.

Follow the speed of Jiahang's side.

Tonight, I should be able to record the two songs given by Su Ming yesterday.

After replying one by one.

Su Ming continued to brush up the microwave.

Coincidentally, he suddenly swiped a few hot searches about Fang Yue.

[Fang Yue was elected as a judge of "Tomorrow's Superstar"!].

[Fang Yue is about to release a new song, and the new song may appear in "Tomorrow's Superstar"].

[How talented is Fang Yue].

These entries are very abrupt and appear at the forefront of hot searches.


There's the power of capital here.

But capital belongs to capital.

Since it is on the hot search, it has attracted the attention of a large number of netizens.

Su Ming casually clicked on one of the hot searches.

It directly showed Fang Yue's microwave account.

At this time, Fang Yue released a microwave.

[Singer Fang Yue]:

"Recently, some people maliciously smeared me for lip-synching and hints like I have no talent

This has had a very bad impact not only on me but also on the company.

But those who are clear will clear themselves!

In a week, I'll be on Tomorrow's Superstars as a mentor to the judges

At the same time, my new song will be sung for the first time on the show

I will respond to all rumors with strength!

Finally, thank you to all the fans who have always supported me!".

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to rush immediately(Event Period: August 10 to August 20)

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