Chapter 25 Sister Honey, you won't want unspoken rules for me, will you?

See this microwave.

Su Ming almost squirted out the soy milk in his mouth.

Fang Yue's sentence is self-clearing, and it really makes Su Ming laugh.

Fang Yue's embroidered pillow, still put aside this clear person to clear himself?

How many goods he has in his stomach.

How could Su Ming not know?

I guess it's because Haiyu Entertainment is looking for someone to write songs for him again, trying to save some reputation.

But it's a pity, Fang Yue's own strength is not good, no matter how good the song is, it can't have any effect.

Also, this moon microwave is still relatively subtle.

Aren't the "some" people here just ordering him?

With his understanding of Fang Yue.

This microwave is estimated to have been sent by someone from the sea fish.

And not surprisingly.

As soon as the microwave was sent out, the comments below instantly skyrocketed at a very terrifying rate.

It didn't take long to come to tens of thousands.

Su Ming clicked on it and looked at it casually.

It's basically all the fans of the water army who are controlling the comments and supporting their brother.

The voices of normal netizens can't show their heads here at all.

The power of capital is still possible.

However, Fang Yue's microwave is not good, and there is no problem under other news accounts.

"Wow! I'm going to send a new song, can't it be another electronic song?".

"The one who pays it off is self-clearing, an embroidered pillow held out by a sea fish, I think there is a high probability of overturning!".

"That's it! A talented person like Su Ming was directly hidden by the sea fish for three years, what does the sea fish look like, there should be no need to say more, right?"

"It's not just Su Ming, hasn't a lot of black material been picked up recently? Several once talented newcomers disappeared after entering the sea fish. "

"Haiyu, the newcomer's grave, as long as you don't take the route of small fresh meat, don't trouble entering this company. "

"That's it, if you want me to say, it's the Haiyu gang that has brought bad morale, and they are engaged in a bunch of small fresh meat in the entertainment industry, their strength is not good, and the shelves are quite high!"

"Isn't it, look at Su Ming, he has strength, and he is mainly down-to-earth! This is the star we need, okay? Su Ming is not popular, and heaven is intolerable!".

"We don't have to make a decision too early, there have been too many reversals of news these years, maybe Fang Yue really has the strength?"

"Hehe, I'll put my words here first, Fang Yue's new song must not be as dazzling as the most dazzling national style!".

"Hahaha, the most dazzling national style is really good, but tomorrow's superstar, it seems that this show has been promoted for a long time, and it will be broadcast soon, so just take a look at it then. "


The eyes of passers-by and netizens are naturally bright.

Fang Yue's performance over the years, it is really difficult for netizens to look forward to Fang Yue's new song.

And now the wind comments on the sea fish have become very bad under the impetus of Su Ming's side.

Many people who didn't know Fang Yue well were now also hacking together.

Seeing this, Su Ming's heart was quite comfortable.

In recent years, this old club has blindly held small fresh meat like an assembly line, and now it has finally been counterattacked.

Turn off the microwave.

Su Ming continued to snort to himself.

Regarding Fang Yue's sea fish, he was too lazy to deal with it anyway.

Lie flat and live your own little life.

Isn't that more fragrant than looking at this thing?

Of course.

If the fish continue to target him.

I'm sorry about that.

Then let's just go to the end!

However, in the show of tomorrow's superstar, he remembered that Yang Mi was also invited.

Yang Mi also told him before to see if Su Ming could write a song for her.

It's just that Su Ming was killing indiscriminately in the canyon at that time, so he didn't take this matter to heart.

Now I can write a poem for Yang Mi.

After all, Yang Mi is in the same camp as him.

At that time, Fang Yue will most likely target Yang Mi.

After thinking about Yang Mi's singing skills, to be honest, it seems that "The Offering of Love" is quite passable.

This singing may not be too amazing at that time, but it fits Yang Mi's voice very well, and it can definitely barely reach a first-class level.

Anyway, at least it won't be much worse than Fang Yue.


Su Ming was about to send a message to Yang Mi.

And just when he was about to send it.

Yang Mi happened to send him a message.

The meaning of the message is simple.

is to let him go to Yang Mi's house for dinner at noon.

Since this is the case, it is just the right time to give her "Offering of Love" in person.


There are dozens of fierce battles in the canyon.

In a flash, it was time for lunch.

Usually, Su Ming goes to Yang Mi's house to eat, and he is quite familiar with Yang Mi.

So Su Ming didn't plan to clean it up.

Wearing pajamas and slippers, Su Ming went directly to Yang Mi's house.

"Sister Mi, what are you going to eat at noon today?"


As soon as the door opens.

I saw Yang Mi wearing a small ponytail, wearing a small apron, and holding a spatula in her hand, giving Su Ming a slightly playful smile.

Seeing this scene, Su Ming immediately frowned.

What's going on?

Yang Mi personally cooked today?

Usually, I usually ask a nanny, or let Su Ming do it.

Why did Boss Yang cook in person this time?

Coupled with Boss Yang's unusually gentle attitude.

Su Ming only felt that the atmosphere was a little weird.

It's not going to be a fraud, is it?

Go inside.

It's business as usual, but some of them seem a little empty.

"Sister Mi, isn't Reba here?".

"She, I'm going to the announcement, and we'll eat at noon today. "

"I just learned two dishes today, you wait a while, it'll be good right away!".

Su Ming felt more and more strange in his heart.

Although he and Yang Mi have a good relationship, neither of them has eaten at home alone.

In the past, there was still Reba.

Thinking about it, Su Ming sat on the sofa like sitting on pins and needles.

Yang Mi won't want to uncover him, right?

Although he can accept this, Boss Yang's appearance and figure, who is not confused?

But it was a little too sudden.

Get up and go to the kitchen.

I saw that Yang Mi was hurriedly putting the seasoning at this time, and she looked like a rookie.


Usually in the company is vigorous and resolute, with cold Yang Mi written all over his body.

Looking at it now, it's a bit contrasting and cute.


Su Ming quietly came behind Yang Mi and glanced at the contents of the pot.

It's a pot of red and yellow paste.

Smell it carefully.

Su Ming finally saw what this was.

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes!

But this dish, why did Yang Mi still add salt to a meal?

Look at the amount of this addition.

You can't die if you go down in one bite?

"Sister Honey, did you add the wrong seasoning, do you want to add sugar?"

Su Ming couldn't laugh or cry.

At this sound, Yang Mi was so frightened that she trembled directly.

Then he hurriedly glanced at the bag of things in his hand.

Sure enough, it was misplaced!

For a while, Yang Mi's face turned red all of a sudden, and she hurriedly pushed Su Mingchao out of the kitchen, and drank with a mouthful of small milk

"Oops, you go out and wait. "

"I said it would be fine soon. "

"Just wait and see my handiwork. "

Hearing Yang Mi say this, Su Ming seemed to have a big head for a while.

This craft.

He was really afraid of going to the hospital after eating.

"Sister Mi, you tell the truth, a lonely man and a widow, and you cook by yourself, do you want to subtly rule me?"

Su Ming had a showdown, so he simply said his conjecture directly, with a serious face.

Dive and dive.

But don't joke about your body.

If this dark cuisine continues, he is really afraid that he will not see the sun tomorrow.

"You, what do you say?".

"What are the hidden rules, Sister Mi, am I like such a person?".

"You go to the living room and wait, the meal will be ready soon." "

Yang Mi was a little anxious, and her face suddenly became redder.

Where is this?

Su Ming obviously misunderstood.

It is said on the Internet that if you want to capture a man's heart, you must grab a man's stomach.

She combined this statement, so she planned to use this trick to coax Su Ming to the show.

What the hell are the unspoken rules?

However, it seems that Su Ming's guess seems to have some truth.

Lonely men and widows.

The female boss also cooks for herself

This plot...

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