Chapter Twenty-Seven: Mao Superstar and Sweetheart Leader!

"Oh, Xiao Ming, what's going on?".

"Uncle Zhao, it's too late to explain, send us to the hospital!"

"Okay, you guys come up quickly!".


out of the community.

I wanted to drive Yang Mi to the hospital by myself, but I found that I didn't have the car keys.

Fortunately, I happened to meet my neighbor Uncle Zhao who was about to go to work on the way.

Uncle Zhao kindly sent it over.

Sitting in the back row, Yang Mi's whole person was already curled up in Su Ming's arms in pain.

Su Ming frowned, his face solemn.

While caressing Yang Mi's back, he stroked Yang Mi's forehead.

"It's all said, don't eat too much. "

"If you can't drink too much, drink less. "

"If you want me to be on the show, just discuss it with me directly, can you use it like this?"

"Now it's okay, I've hurt myself. "

"Really, I won't talk about you anymore, you bear with it first, and you'll be in the hospital soon. "


Su Ming comforted Yang Mi with a little anger.

It's like a father reprimanding his daughter.

Yang Mi in her arms covered her stomach, looked up at Su Ming's side face, and matched Su Ming's concerned and stern words.

For a while, a strange emotion couldn't help but arise spontaneously in her heart.

From small to large.

It was the first time she was delicately lying in the arms of a person of the opposite sex.

I don't know why.

The younger brother in front of her, who was several years younger than her, seemed to have become extremely tall at this moment, and there was an indescribable reliability.

In the eyes of outsiders, she is the boss of Jiahang, a radiant star, and a cold goddess in the eyes of the public.

But these identities are easy for people to overlook a problem.

In fact, she is just a little girl at heart, and she still has that woman's special delicacy in her bones.

At this time, in the face of Su Ming's reprimand and admonition, she was like a child who had made a mistake.

Nodding constantly, he involuntarily buried his body in Su Ming's arms.

Good to die but not to die.

At this moment, a sweet love song was put on the car.

Although there was still pain in her stomach, it couldn't help but become a filter in Yang Mi's eyes.

Isn't this the plot in an idol drama?

Should it be said or not.

It seems that it is not impossible to talk about a sweet love with Su Ming!

In the face of Yang Mi's movements, Su Ming couldn't think of anything else, and thought that Yang Mi's pain was more intense.

I was so frightened that I hurriedly asked Uncle Zhao to turn off the music, concentrate on driving, and rush to the hospital as soon as possible.



Under the leadership of Uncle Zhao, the king of autumn mountain bikes.

It didn't take long for the two to arrive at the hospital.

After some inspection.

Yang Mi really hurt her stomach.

But fortunately, it is not serious.

After the doctor induced vomiting and gave some drugs, Yang Mi's condition quickly stabilized.

But in order to avoid if there are other related stomach problems.

Doctors still recommend checking for other stomach-related diseases.

in the medical corridor.

Su Ming, who was relieved, waited for Yang Mi to do the examination, and picked up his mobile phone to play sheep.

"This Nima feels like an IQ tax!".

After playing for a while, Su Ming couldn't help but complain.

Every time it's almost gone, there are always a few stuck grids, and then you can only watch ads.

Just when Su Ming was about to continue playing a few more times.

Two exclamations interrupted him.

"Su Ming!".

"Is it Su Ming?".

These are two nurses, a man and a woman.

The man wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses, has a round face, and is tall and large, but he is extremely shy.

The woman's face was a little green, her smile was extremely sweet, and the whole person looked full of vitality.

Su Ming fixed his eyes.

Isn't this the superstar Mao Buyi in his previous life, and the sweetheart sect leader Wang Xinxin?

In their previous lives, the two were not characters from the same timeline.

But here, the two are the same age, just in their early twenties, and they are still working in the same hospital!

Su Ming is really a little confused.

That's a coincidence!

"You know me?".

Seeing that King Mao Buyi was calling his name in his heart, Su Ming frowned and smiled.

"Yes, we both watched your live broadcast yesterday. "

"It's fun!".

"Teacher Su Ming, I won't tell you, the most dazzling national style in the car, I watched it more than a dozen times later. "

"I've watched it many times, and Mr. Su Ming, you are really as down-to-earth as in the live broadcast, come to the hospital, wear pajamas and come over. "

"No, there's a little cat on it, the same style my sister wears!".


The two of them seemed to be a little excited at this time.

Su Ming touched his nose, a little helpless.

It seems that yesterday's live broadcast still has a lot of influence.

It's not the first time he's been recognized in the hospital today.

As for the question of pajamas.

In fact, he didn't want to be grounded to this extent.

It was a complete accident!

Life has no intestines, and the large intestine contains the small intestine!

"Teacher Su Ming, can we take a photo with you?"

"Absolutely. "

The two immediately made a request to take a group photo.

Su Ming naturally did not refuse, and directly cooperated with various photo poses.

And on the way to take pictures.

The folder in the hands of the two accidentally fell to the ground.

The papers fell one after another.

And look at the contents of the top two sheets.

That's exactly the score for both songs.

Seeing that the thing had fallen, the two hurriedly picked up the documents.

Especially the two scores, which were directly put away by the speed of light.

However, no matter how fast it was collected, it did not escape Su Ming's gaze.

"You two wrote this song?".

Su Ming looked at the two of them in a little surprise.

The two looked at each other, staggered, and their faces were slightly red.

In fact, both of them have dreams in their hearts, and they both have a dream of stardom.

It's just that if a little nurse like them says that she wants to be a star, I'm afraid it's easy to be ridiculed.

So the two have never dared to say it to outsiders.

Recently, I heard that there is a show called Tomorrow's Superstar that is going to be broadcast, and amateurs can also go up and sing.

The two felt that it was a good opportunity, so they agreed to prepare their own works, and when the time came, they took leave to sign up together.

And now facing Su Ming, a senior in the entertainment industry.

The two were naturally a little embarrassed to show their works.

"It's okay, maybe I can help you perfect the score. "

Su Ming saw the thoughts of the two and smiled kindly.

It seems to be about the same as in the previous life.

The life trajectory of the two will go towards the entertainment industry in the future.

He just happened to be able to see how good the two of them were when they were young.

And heard Su Ming's words.

The two of them were not very easy to shirk, so they took out the score directly, with a hint of shyness on their faces.

"That, Mr. Su Ming, we didn't write very well. "

"yes, it's so-so-so. "

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to rush immediately(Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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