Chapter 28: Sister Honey, you should make a promise

Su Ming didn't pay much attention to the words of the two.

After taking the score, he looked at it to himself.

Mao Buyi on the side, Wang Xin's face couldn't help but be worried.

Although they talk about the score, it is not good.

In fact, this is already the best song they can write so far.

I don't know what Su Ming will say.

Su Ming watched it for a long time, sometimes nodding and sometimes frowning, and sometimes humming a short paragraph along with the score.

About a dozen minutes have passed.

Su Ming finally finished reading all the scores of the two.

I have to say.

Even in a parallel world, the talents of the two are undiminished.

He could see that the two of them should not have gone through too professional learning when they looked at the habit of composing music

So there are a lot of flaws in the specification of these two songs.

But it's not a big problem.

As long as it is polished, it can definitely be called a good song.


Su Ming was blunt, and directly told the two of them all the things in the score that could be considered for improvement.

Listen to Su Ming's professional and imaginative guidance.

The two of them suddenly nodded like chickens pecking rice, and their eyes flashed faintly.


Modified by Su Ming.

The two songs have been transformed into first-class standards.

As long as the singing skills do not pull the hips, these two songs are completely comparable to most of the songs at the top of the new song list today.

"Teacher Su Ming, thank you so much. "

"yes, I don't know if you have time, let's treat you to dinner. "

The two thanked each other and looked at Su Ming with gratitude on their faces.

"I'm just going to take a look at it for you, there's nothing to thank. "

"Forget about eating, I still have a patient. "

Su Ming waved his hand and said with a smile.

Boss Yang is still waiting for him to take care of it.

How can I have time for dinner?

"By the way, do you have a plan for when these two songs will be released?".

"If you want to, you can tell me in advance, and I'll avoid some pitfalls for you. "

Su Ming suddenly thought at this time.

Both of them have written this song, and there is a high probability that they will also publish it.

Now that capital is rampant in the entertainment industry, if a newcomer like them releases a song and makes achievements, there is a high probability that they will be pitted.

As a person who has come over, he really doesn't want to see two talented people being coerced.

Hearing Su Ming's words, the two were undoubtedly even more moved.

So he soon confessed everything to Su Ming.

"Tomorrow's Superstar?".

Su Ming was slightly surprised.

That's a coincidence.

Yang Mi is still coaxing him to go to this show today.

After a moment of deep thought, an idea immediately came to his mind.

The next second.

Su Ming ignored the two, picked up the pen and wrote on the paper.

Mao Buyi's heart couldn't help but be stunned when he saw this.

Su Ming, is this writing a song?

Seeing Su Ming so attentive, the two of them were surprised, but they didn't dare to disturb at all.

While the two of them waited.

Yang Mi, who had completed the inspection in the department, happened to come out.

Seeing that it was the big star Yang Mi, the two almost called out immediately, looking extremely excited.

They actually met two stars at once!

One of them is actually a big honey!

Today's popular actress!

If memory serves, Yang Mi seems to be a judge of tomorrow's superstars, right?!

But excitement is excitement.

The two still didn't dare to speak out, for fear of affecting Su Ming's creation.

Yang Mi also looked at Su Ming at this time, but didn't dare to speak.

Not to mention, Su Ming looks really charming when he is seriously creating!

About a dozen minutes passed.

Su Ming finally wrote the two songs.

One song is called "Dispel Sorrow".

One is called "Love You".

"Oh, take it, these two songs are very suitable for you, and you can sing them on the show when the time comes. "

Su Ming handed the two songs to the two and said with a smile.


"To us?".

King Mao Buyi's heart was stunned and extremely surprised.

This song, Su Ming wants to give it to them?

"It's for you, but there's a request. "

"When I was on the show, the team remembered to choose my sister. "

"Then, if you can, sign us up for a good airline. "

"Of course, you can take a look at these two songs first, and if you are not satisfied, you can not accept them if you are not satisfied. "

Su Ming said with a smile.

He didn't want to go on the show anyway.

So it's just right for the two of them to get on, and Yang Mi will be able to prevaricate.

As for the matter of letting the two sign a good airline, it is naturally also considered.

These two are good seedlings.

In any case, Jia Hang is much fairer than some other entertainment companies.

He didn't want the two of them to follow his old path.

As soon as this remark came out.

Mao Buyi and Wang Xinxin couldn't help but look at the song in their hands seriously.

What Su Ming said was not a trivial matter to them, and they still had to be seriously considered.

And at this time.

Yang Mi on the side looked at Su Ming frantically, signaling to take a step to speak.

Su Ming received the hint and hurriedly followed Yang Mi to the side.

"What's the matter with you? The artists of our company are all waiting to be fed, and you can also write songs for them. "

"Also, do you treat Jiahang as a charity, how do you go where you sign in?".

Yang Mi frowned, her face full of tears and laughter.

Su Ming's hand is a few songs, and the shipping speed is too strong.

But this place just doesn't use the right place.

Give it to anyone, but don't give it to the company's artists.

And the signer too.

Zhao Lei said it before, at least she heard others sing, and she was indeed a seedling.

But the Phoenix group was too sloppy, and they said they wanted to sign it without hearing anyone sing.

If it weren't for Su Ming's face, she really wouldn't have signed these two.

Okay, now the Phoenix Combo will put it aside for now.

At least they are also a group and singing.

But how can I see that the nurse also has to sign?

Isn't that fooling around?

"Sister Mi, you have to believe in my vision!"

"Just the artists of these two days, they will definitely make Jiahang earn money in the future. "

"Don't forget about mine when the time comes. "

Su Ming couldn't help but laugh out loud when he saw Yang Mi's unjust appearance.

Look at the big honey and the honey is in a hurry.

This has to be signed all down, and it will be absolutely profitable!

Yang Mi looked at Su Ming suspiciously

"Okay, then I'll believe you again, but then in the front, if there is no improvement in the back of these signings, don't ask me to sign people in the future. "

"Also, aren't you really going to the show of tomorrow's superstar?"

Su Ming shrugged his shoulders, "I really don't go, I'm usually very busy, how can I have time to go to variety shows." "

As soon as these words came out, Yang Mi couldn't help but roll her eyes.

Su Ming is still busy?

Usually I either chatter with my uncle and aunt every day and stay at home to play games.

Either go to drink and hang out, exercise, or go to the park to play chess with the uncle.

It's not like she doesn't know this.

However, she did give up the idea of coaxing Su Ming to be on the show now.

Su Ming is a stone in a dung pit, smelly and hard!

I can't coax it at all!

"Okay, if you don't go, you won't go, you can change careers and become a musician. "

Yang Mi sighed helplessly.

Then Yang Mi turned her back to her hand, pouted, and said a little shyly: "That, today, thank you." "

"Thank you, then you have to show sincerity, or Sister Mi, you can promise it in person!"

Su Ming looked at Yang Mi with an indecent face at this time, and said with a smile.

"You... What do you say?!


Yang Mi's face instantly turned red with the naked eye, and her voice became fragmented.

Looking at Yang Mi's shy appearance, Su Ming looked at Zhile.

Compared to Gao Leng, he prefers such a big honey.

"I'm in my twenties, it's time to find a daughter-in-law, Sister Mi, you're very suitable. "

Su Ming continued to tease.

At this time, Yang Mi's whole face was already red into an apple, and her whole body was written at a loss.

Seeing Yang Mi's embarrassed appearance, Su Ming couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Okay, okay, Sister Mi won't tease you. "

"Thank you I can, just don't be on the show, if I want to be on it, I will definitely be on it. "

"Don't mess with all this bells and whistles next time. "

Yang Mi was teasing her when she heard it, and the embarrassment was finally a lot less, but she was still ashamed and angry.

I'm the boss.

I was actually bullied by the staff.

While Su Ming was not paying attention, Yang Mi pinched Su Ming's waist.

"It hurts, it hurts, Sister Mi, I was wrong!".

"Let you dare to tease me!".

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