Chapter 29: The most dazzling national style is on the new song list!

After all, it's a public place.

The two didn't fight for long.

After chatting, it's time to head back to the hallway.

Mao Buyi Wang has already finished watching two songs, and is sitting on a bench waiting at this time.

Seeing Su Ming and Yang Mi come back, the two of them immediately got up.

"Teacher Su Ming, we are willing to agree to your request. "

"Well, we've figured it out. "

Both of them were very firm in their tones and eyes.

Look closely.

Mao Buyi's eyes were already red, and there was a touch of excitement in Wang's eyes.

Obviously, it's all caused by those two songs.

That's right.

This song is so suitable for them!

There is a feeling of seeing each other late!

Especially the one that dispels sorrow.

This is simply in line with Mao Buyi's experience and mental journey over the years!

At the same time, Mao Buyi really couldn't imagine what Su Ming had experienced over the years to write such a masterpiece!

can sing Su Ming's song to dispel sorrows.

He felt so honored.

"Well, then you should keep this song and practice it hard lately. "

"Sister Mi and I have something to do, so I'll leave first. "

"If you have any questions, call me, don't worry about signing a good airline, Sister Mi said that you have to see your strength. "

Su Ming naturally expected that the two would agree, and said with a smile.

After that, he also took Yang Mi and walked outside.

"What kind of song did you write, and how did they feel like they were obsessed?"

While walking, Yang Mi couldn't help but quietly look at Su Ming on the side.

She could clearly see the change in their mood.

Su Ming smiled mysteriously, "You'll know it on the show." "

As soon as he said this, Yang Mi's curiosity was raised.

But she didn't ask.

Su Ming's stinky stone, as long as he doesn't want to say it, he can't ask no matter how much he asks.


Back home.

Yang Mi poured a few dishes on the table as soon as possible.

Think back to everything that just happened.

She really wanted to find a crack in the ground to get into.

It's so shameful!

And she only noticed today that Su Ming's guy is rotten, this sultry kung fu is really okay!

She had been a little bit of a fawn ramming around several times.

"Little scumbag!".

Yang Mi thought of Su Ming's words to tease her today, and couldn't help but scold.

made her promise to marry her as a daughter-in-law.

Su Ming is really the first one!

After processing the meal, Yang Mi lay down on the bed and rested.

After such a toss in the hospital, she really has to slow down now.

In the future, if it wasn't necessary, she wouldn't be going to cook again!

After lying down, Yang Mi also swiped her mobile phone.

Wait for her to turn on the microwave.

saw the things about Su Ming's microwave on the hot search list today.

She was just a little dumbfounded.

What's the situation?

Su Ming, is this going to draw fans to play again?

"Forget it, let him go. "

"That's another kind of hype. "

Yang Mi was a little helpless.

As an artist, Su Ming is reluctant to go to the show, but he is very positive when he sees fans, which is completely opposite to normal artists in the circle.

It's not a big problem, though.

Looking at this comment on the Internet, it seems that many people like Su Ming.

This can be regarded as hype in disguise.

And to be honest, she personally likes to watch Su Ming's live broadcast.

Keep watching.


An entry called "Phoenix Combo Version's Most Dazzling Ethnic Style" caught her attention.

The Phoenix Combination has gone to Jiahang to sign a contract today.

At the same time, he also arranged for the music team to assist and help the two of them record songs.

If you didn't guess wrong.

Even if this song is recorded, it shouldn't take more than a few hours.

Why is this still on the hot search?

Could it be that the operation of Jiahang spent money to buy it?

Come to think of this.

Yang Mi immediately called the head of the operation department.

It's too casual


The answer he got from the minister directly shocked Yang Mi.

This hot search is not bought!

And in just a few hours, "The Most Dazzling National Style" has reached the top ten of the new song list!

in this world.

Copyright awareness is extremely high.

Like a song, you generally need to pay for it after listening to it ten times, and you can listen to it forever after purchasing.

And if you want to be on the list, it's very straightforward, that is, compared to the sales volume!

According to the data from the operations department.

The most dazzling national style sung by the Phoenix Group has now reached 1.1 million in sales, ranking eighth on the new song list!

And that's just a few hours of data!

And there is also a peculiar phenomenon.

Looking at the user portraits of the buying crowd, a considerable number of them are middle-aged and elderly people in their fifties and sixties, and most of them are women!

This is very rare on the new song list in previous years.

Because people of that age, it is even more difficult to get them to spend money in this kind of place than to climb to the sky!

Unless you say that listening to this song will lead to longevity and health, they may still be believed.

"What the hell is going on?".

Yang Mi seemed to be confused at this time.

How did this be sung by the Phoenix group, and the middle-aged and elderly people came to join in the fun?

Yang Mi hurriedly clicked on the microwave entry about the Phoenix combination.

Click in, and the MV of the Phoenix group in the recording studio was placed at the front.

Roughly listened to it.

This Lingchun singing skill is really good!

And it seems that after re-making the soundtrack.

This sense of rhythm, this sense of nationality is simply much better than what Su Ming sang casually before!

This song seems to be born to be sung like the Phoenix Group!

Sounds so hearty!

And looking at the comments under this microwave, there has never been Qingqi.

"Isn't this the Phoenix group that Su Ming signed yesterday? The singing is really good! The singing skills are okay!".

"Yes! Su Ming is really good at reading people, this song is sung like this, it actually feels like it has gone up a notch, but there are not many of them, just one. "

"Help! my grandma is going to pull me to buy this song!".

"Damn, I've found a companion, and so is my grandmother! Their square dance leader said they had to buy this song, or they wouldn't let her go at night!"

"Mom, the same grandmother! She also said that square dancing should be used!".

"I said why my grandmother suddenly came to me and said that she wanted to buy a song, and it turned out to be this one!".

"It's ridiculous! My grandmother said she wouldn't buy this song and wouldn't let me go home for dinner!".


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