Chapter 30: The square dance music world has changed!

"I'm outrageous, my grandfather said this song is ugly, and I was driven to sleep on the couch by my grandmother last night!".

"Hahahaha, I feel sorry for my grandfather for a second!".

"One thing to say, although this song sounds a little earthy, it's really very suitable for square dancing, that sense of rhythm, Kaka!".

"No, I've just had someone dancing this song in the square, don't say it, I want to join them."

"It's so funny, my grandmother said that this song is very good, so my five-year-old sister can also learn it quickly and catch a wave of trends!".

"Poof, my grandma is even more funny, she said that the phoenix is singing in it, why does this man come out to make trouble, hahahaha!".

"Oh, I'll go, if I don't say it, I really didn't find out that there was a man singing in this song, I always thought it was a matching background sound. "

"What's the man's name, do you know?"

"I don't know, I think it's a backing singer or an assistant. "

"Don't say it, I'll dance this song "The Most Dazzling National Style" first... Buy for respect!".


Look at these comments.

Yang Mi finally had some general understanding of these anomalous data.

Co-authored this song was taken by the group of elderly people who often dance square dances!


That's incredible, isn't it?

So many years.

Even those king-level singers exist.

I'm afraid there is no way to make this group of middle-aged and old people burst out of this kind of consumption power!

As a result, Su Ming's casually written song was done.

And I roughly asked about the situation on the operation department.

Yang Mi only knew.

It turned out to be the most dazzling national style from last night, after the comic swiped the screen.

This song has been fermented and spread in major circles of friends and family groups.

Naturally, it reached the ears of their respective grandmothers.

And when a blogger edited Su Ming's song into some square dancing videos.

The speed of transmission is starting to become more uncontrollable.

In less than half a day.

There are already dozens of videos with millions of likes.

The highest number of likes has even come to five million!

And the amusement of those in the comment area.

Now it is also full of all kinds of complaining jokes about being "coerced" by the elders in the family

On weekdays, the old man at home who has to bargain for a long time to buy vegetables.

Now they are all running out and saying that they want to spend money to buy this song.

I have to say, it's really amazing!

And if there is a God's perspective now, you can overlook the streets and alleys of Xia Kingdom, and you can even find it clearly.

The discussion of this song among the people on the street seems to be extremely high.

Many parks and elderly communities are filled with this song "The Most Dazzling National Style".

On the square, the aunt danced more than one by one.

I don't know, I thought it was the New Year.

"Old Liu, did your wife also dance square dance?"

"Harm, don't mention it, that old woman had to buy a song with her children yesterday, otherwise she wouldn't be able to fit into the square dance queue, which makes me angry. "

"Who isn't, I didn't sleep well last night, I was troubled by the old woman at home, spend money to buy a song, it's better to use this money to buy two cups of soy milk, what a loser!".

"Alas, it's a pity that my body is not very good, and I can't dance, otherwise I will show such an old lady a break dance!

"That's not it! a few of us here, who were not handsome young people in ten miles and eight towns when they were young, and they danced much better than those old ladies!

But don't say it, this song is pretty good, you see the old women in front of you who are in good shape, jumping can be happy. "


"Sister Hua, this song is really good, I feel that people are younger when they dance. "

"That's not it, this is the most popular song among young people now, don't you dance younger and younger!".

"It's worth the money!".

"Yes, I have to tell my daughter-in-law to pay more attention to this person called the Phoenix Group, her songs are really good, she is really talented! If there is a new song in the future, we will have to buy it." "

"It's not, there are few such good songs now, the streets are full of songs that love to come and go, listening to the panic, or this kind of national style song, we must support it well!"

"That's it, we old sisters have to unite too, this is our old people's own song!".

"I heard that the original song is not a phoenix group, it seems to be a young man named Su Ming, do we want to support that young man?"

"What? This song was written by a young man? That young man has a bright future, is he married?"


With the laughter and words of laughter in the streets and alleys.

A musical revolution about the world of square dancing.

At this moment, it is happening in full swing on the land of Xia Kingdom.

And under this change.


Under the terrifying consumption power, the sales volume of the most dazzling national style has reached a terrifying 2.5 million, ranking fifth.

It's only been less than half a day!

Look at this weird and terrifying statistic.

The singer industry in the entertainment industry is undoubtedly a collective confusion.

As a capital entertainment company, they are all dumbfounded.

No matter what they thought, they didn't think about it.

A song can actually open up the market for the elderly!

"Boss, do we want to do more marketing and add another fire to the heat of the most dazzling national style?!".

"According to the current situation, it is possible to be on the first place on the new song chart!".

On the other end of the phone, the head of the operation department seemed to be a little excited.

"it! Spend some money It's okay, this first bite of meat, we have to eat it hard!".

"Also, this phoenix combination should also be packaged well, and let them go this style in the future!".

Yang Mi was also excited, and immediately made a plan.

This relies on songs to open up the market for the elderly, and at present, they are really the only ones in Jiahang!

Hang up the phone.

Yang Mi immediately called Su Ming.

At this time, Su Ming didn't seem to look at the microwave much, and he didn't care about the song.

Seeing that the time was still early, Su Ming was already holding a fishing rod and went to the river to become a fisherman.

Yang Mi called, and as soon as the bell rang, Su Ming was immediately glanced at by a few anglers next to him.

Su Ming was so frightened that he hurriedly got up and ran far away before he dared to answer the call.

"Su Ming, I love you so much!".

"You know what?

"I really shouldn't doubt your vision! In the future, I will sign whoever you say you want to sign!"


Before he could speak, there was a deafening cheer on the other end of the phone.

Su Ming, who had a loud volume, took the phone away.

He only heard Yang Mi say that she loved him.

Could it be that this is a confession?

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to rush immediately(Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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