Chapter 37 sings like a Masala, Lao Xue's doubts

Sea Fish Entertainment.

A conference room.

"The level of this love offering should not be as high as Mr. Zhao's song, right?"

"I see that the response to the barrage is not bad. "

Li Yun, the head of the operation department, looked at the obese middle-aged man who looked a little sloppy on the side.

The man's name is Zhao Zhen, and he is an ace composer of Sea Fish Entertainment.

Fang Yue's song was written by him.

"Don't worry. "

"My song can definitely crush this so-called "Offering of Love". "

"As long as Fang Yue, this kid doesn't have a problem singing, he will definitely be popular, and it won't be a big problem to get the first place on the new song list!".

"But I didn't see it before, this Su Ming still has this ability, and it is estimated that he hid a hand at the beginning. "

Zhao Zhen crossed Erlang's legs and said while drinking tea, his face full of leisure.

For his songs, he is naturally quite confident.

It took him two months to write the song "The Man in Love".

How could it be suppressed by this mere song "Offering of Love"?

Don't say it, though.

Nothing else.

The quality of the song "Offering of Love" is actually quite good.

Su Ming can not only write Chengdu, the most dazzling national style, but also write this song of love, at least a first-line composer at this level.

He and Su Ming had been colleagues before, but at that time, they didn't notice that Su Ming still had this talent.

I was a little surprised.

And heard Zhao Zhen's words.

Li Yun's heart couldn't help but let go a lot.

He doesn't know much about music, and when he sees the barrage so enthusiastically, he thinks this song is very good.

He had prepared a bunch of marketing copywriting touting Fang Yue's new song and Hei Suming.

Fang Yue planned to send it directly after singing.

If the new song is suppressed by Su Ming's song.

Then it's all in vain.

Speaking here.

The other end.

Fang Yue on the stage was already preparing to sing.

"This prelude is very advanced!".

The prelude sounded.

Lao Xue couldn't help but light up and gave an evaluation.

Not only him, but Ziqi on the side and even the audience in the live broadcast room also felt this way.

Judging from this prelude, this song should not be bad.

Soon, Fang Yue also began to sing.

I have to say.

The level of ace composers is still high.

Whether it's the lyrics or the melody of the song, it's all very top-notch!

Hardly able to fault anything!

But it's a pity.

Fang Yue's singing skills still couldn't keep up, and the week's assault training did not have a very significant effect.

This led to the small segment that would have been very amazing, but when it was sung by Fang Yue, there was always a feeling of being embarrassed.

But in general.

Barely passed.

Sing a song.

The audience burst into warm applause.

Even the barrage is surprisingly at this time, with some praise.

"Brother Fang Yue sang so well! I cried to death!".

"It's so impressive!Brother Fang Yue is too handsome when he sings love songs!".

"Is it handsome, okay?!And this song is so well written! The stage is also very good, Brother Fang Yue has proved himself!".

"Chicken girls, this is going to be high, I laughed!".

"Oh, don't say it, this song sounds really good. "

"Indeed, it feels a little better than the song "Offering of Love" written by Su Ming!".

"Black to black, Fang Yue's song is indeed fine. "

"If this song is really written by Fang Yue himself, it means that he still has something. "


Many netizens who were going to watch the joke were disappointed at this time.

I didn't expect this Fang Yue to really take out something.

But at the same time as the barrage praises.

Sea Fish Recreation Conference Room.

"What did this force me to sing?".


Zhao Zhen stared at the screen and couldn't help but curse angrily, his face was black.

As a professional as well as an original.

Fang Yue's singing really made him feel that his work had been ruined.

"Ah, Mr. Zhao, Fang Yue's singing is better than Su Ming's..."

Li Yun on the side saw Zhao Zhen's big reaction, and immediately panicked.

Fang Yue, is this a lost chain?

But the barrage seems to be okay.

"It's okay, it's definitely better than the song "Offering of Love", you can do whatever you want over there. "

"I'm just angry, and my hard work has been wasted like this for two months. "

"Next time, please don't let me write songs for this embroidered pillow, don't look for me no matter how much money you have!".

Zhao Zhen waved his hand, not angry.

This time, if it weren't for the company's leaders who had been coordinating with him, they would have given him a very generous reward.

He won't write songs for traffic stars even if he dies.

Seeing Fang Yue singing like this was really uncomfortable to death.

It's like a high-end Western meal made by yourself, as long as you pick up the tableware and eat it directly, but when you get to Fang Yue, it is directly made into a clean and hygienic Masera, or grab it and eat it!

It's a really uncomfortable feeling!

Li Yun didn't dare to speak for a while.

He didn't know much about music anyway, and he didn't know how bad Fang Yue sang it.

But since the offering of love has been crushed, then it will be fine.

Picking up the phone, I quickly contacted the operation department to work.


Keep your eyes on the scene.

After singing, Fang Yue's hanging heart finally let go.

He didn't know what the original author Zhao Zhen's evaluation was.

He feels good about himself anyway.

Looking at the expressions of the audience, it seems to be similar to what he feels.

Damn, it's finally over!

I almost broke the sound several times in the middle!

"It's a very high-quality song. "

"Maybe you're too nervous, and you haven't sung well in many places. "

Fang Yue just looked at Teacher He, about to step down, when suddenly at this moment, Lao Xue's voice rang out.

Fang Yue was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly smiled awkwardly, "Ahem, I'm really a little nervous." "

However, he smiled on the surface, and he was already cursing Lao Xue in his heart.

This is too faceless, right?

How can you say it so bluntly?

But Lao Xue didn't think too much about it at this time, he actually felt from the bottom of his heart that this song was well written and of very high quality!

It's just that the singing skills are a little worse.

If you let him sing, he will definitely be able to sing very well!

Originally, he thought that a traffic star like Fang Yue was just a show, but he didn't expect that there was really something, which really surprised him!

"Don't be nervous, let's just play music. "

"By the way, I would like to humbly ask, the beat twist in the third line of the second stanza of this song is so amazing, I wonder where your inspiration came from at that time?".

Lao Xue has great respect for talented people, and his tone at this time is really respectful, and he also asked such a question with a learning attitude.

"This inspiration..."

Fang Yue was directly a little stunned by this question.

This Nima was not written by him, how does he know?

And he had forgotten a little about the third sentence of the second paragraph.

How to answer this?!

Lao Xue is deliberately targeting himself, right?!

"Uh, inspiration... It is... It was suddenly thought of when I was sleeping and dreaming. "

Fang Yue stiffened her head and said hesitantly.

And this answer really made Lao Xue a little confused.

Inspiration from dreams?

Although this is a possibility, it is a bit too far-fetched, right?

No, this song wasn't written by Fang Yue herself at all, right?

Lao Xue didn't have time to figure this out.

Fang Yue was already invited off the stage by Teacher He.

That's why it's hard to ask more.

"It's dangerous!".

Coming to the judges' seat, Fang Yue couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief in her heart.

If he asks this question again, he will be exposed.

Damn it.

He really felt that Lao Xue was deliberately targeting him!

The other end.

Lao Xue noticed Fang Yue's weak and relieved expression, and immediately frowned.

It seems that his guess is eighty percent true.

But he can't say anything now.

At present, the show is still going on, and the contestants will be on the field soon.

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