Chapter 38 The sea fish is whitewashed, and the king's heart is not angry

Let's talk about the other end.

As Fang Yuexin finished singing.

The operation department of Haiyu Entertainment immediately arranged the pre-made marketing plan.

After some operation.

It didn't take long.

On the hot search, there are all kinds of entries touting Fang Yue's new songs.

At the same time, naturally, there are some entries for Hei Suming.

[Fang Yue's new song is so good].

[Fang Yue's new song crushes Su Ming's new song].

[Fang Yue's talent].

[Su Ming is jealous of Fang Yue's talent, and it has become a fact to touch porcelain and hype?].


Haiyu Entertainment even bought many powerful singers in the circle to help Fang Yue, and released their views on Fang Yue's new songs.


Fang Yue's song "The Man in Love" immediately became the most hotly discussed song at the moment.

At the same time, under the whitewashing of some marketing accounts.

The previous remarks about the so-called newcomer grave of Haiyu Entertainment will only hold fresh meat without strength and so on were immediately overturned.

Instead, all public opinion was pushed on Su Ming's body.

"I didn't expect Fang Yue to really have something, wouldn't we really misunderstand that he still has sea fish?"

"It's really possible, this song will definitely not be written by other traffic singers, although the singing skills are average. "

"So, Su Ming really deliberately touched the porcelain hype?

But it's not quite like it, Su Ming can't see that there is an element of acting hype. "

"I don't know, but at the moment, Fang Yue is indeed talented

Moreover, although the quality of Su Ming's current three songs is okay, none of them can reach the level of Fang Yue's song, everything is up for debate. "

"Isn't Su Ming going to broadcast live in the afternoon, let's see what Su Ming has to say when the time comes. "

"The stone hammer has been hammered, Su Ming, this sinister villain, my brother is so strong, how can he fake sing, he just wants to touch the porcelain hype!".

"I hope Haiyu can sue Su Ming, my brother's right to reputation has been violated too much these days!".

"That's it, Su Ming is too disgusting!".

"Poof, can the chicken girls stop blowing hard? The song is good, but your brother's singing skills are really average, Lao Xue can't stand it, okay?"


"Brother Ming, something happened, look at the microwave!".

In an Internet café in the magic capital.

A paparazzi hurriedly looked at Su Ming, who was really crazy on the side.

"What's the matter? I'm operating, I don't have time to read it, you just read it." "

"Hey, Marriott has a heart of steel, this will have to be delayed!".

"No, are you only going to jungle?

Su Ming didn't have time to look at the paparazzi at all, and commanded his teammates.

These paparazzi really can't be moved, not as good as the previous batch of paparazzi.

"Brother Ming, the company behind Fang Yue should be messing with you. "

"After Fang Yue's new song was released, public opinion was saying..."

This paparazzi immediately clarified the current situation on the Internet with Su Ming.

However, after Su Ming listened, he didn't have too many mood swings, and he was still seriously leading his teammates to play in the group.

"Brother Ming, don't you speak out about this?"

"Fang Yue, we all know about that guy, I don't have any skills, this song must have been bought from someone else!".

"That's it, there's something wrong with that!"

Several paparazzi couldn't help but be indignant for Su Ming.

As they often mingle among major stars, they naturally know how many catties and taels Fang Yue has.

Fang Yue's song is definitely greasy!

Su Ming said very calmly while operating, "This is a big deal, don't be in a hurry to deal with it first, and then talk about it after the fight." "

This kind of crude whitewashing method, he had actually expected it a long time ago.

There's nothing to worry about.

As long as Fang Yue didn't have ink in his stomach, he could let Fang Yue's true form be revealed anytime and anywhere.

It's not bad at all now.

And Su Ming is not in a hurry.

The paparazzi could only calm down a little one by one.


Back to the show.

After Fang Yue finished singing,

The contestants also started singing one by one.

I have to say.

All of them were selected through layers of auditions, and a lot of good seedlings emerged in them.

It is no exaggeration to say that most of the contestants in it have much better singing skills than Fang Yue, and they also have their own unique views on music.

The whole process comes down.

Old Xue Ziqi can be said to be very excited.

As for the other two.

Yang Mi doesn't know much about music, so she listens to the song throughout the whole process, and then echoes Lao Xue and them.

Fang Yue also doesn't know much about music, but in order to appear to understand, she has always pretended to be cold, your music is garbage, and it is not worthy of my comments.

And in the background at this time.

Mao Buyi and Wang Xinxin's faces were a little not good-looking.

"Teacher Su Ming was obviously hacked. "

"With Mr. Su Ming's talent, how could he touch porcelain?".

Wang Xinxin's face was slightly red, and he was angry and angry for Su Ming.

"It is estimated that Haiyu Entertainment deliberately wanted to engage Teacher Su Ming. "

Mao Buyi on the side also frowned.

While the two were waiting, they saw some negative news about Su Ming on the Internet.

In their opinion.

Su Ming's touch on porcelain Fangyue is simply a big joke.

Fang Yue's song "The Man in Love" is indeed okay.

But compared with "Love You" and "Dispel Sorrow", it's actually just like that!

Su Ming can casually write two songs that surpass "The Man in Love".

Can you touch porcelain?

"It's okay, let's sing these two songs of Teacher Su Ming well, and this rumor will be self-defeating."

"It's your turn to have the other two, don't think about this for now, and focus on the show first. "

Mao Buyi sighed and comforted Wang's heart.

Hearing this, Wang Xin couldn't help but nod and exhaled deeply.

That's right.

Just sing it well.

Everything is self-defeating.

There are still two that are her turn, she has to calm down and not make mistakes, for Su Ming's sake, and for herself.


"Okay, thank you Zhao Tianyu for bringing us such a good song. "

"Congratulations to Tianyu for joining our Fang Yue team. "

"Then please ask Tianyu to go to the waiting seat first. "

Teacher He smiled and spoke, enlivening the atmosphere of the show.

"Then the next thing to appear is a beautiful girl. "

"The song she's going to bring us is an original track 'Love You'!'".

According to herself, this song was also written for her by Su Ming. "

"Let us have a please, King Heart!".

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to rush immediately(Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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