Chapter 47 What? This song was also written by Su Ming?

As soon as Lao Xue's words came out.

The audience couldn't help but fall into a dead silence.

What's the situation?

Lao Xue has such a high evaluation of Mao Buyi's "Sorrow"? !

Do you want to kneel for Mao?!

You know, Lao Xue is a very top group of singers in the entertainment industry?

This was actually said to a newcomer.

This is outrageous!


The reason why Lao Xue was angry at Fang Yue, could it be that the achievement was to protect Mao Buyi? !

How good is this song "Dispel Sorrow", so that Lao Xue can do this?!

This is the capital behind Fang Yue!


The audience at the scene, including the audience watching in the live broadcast room, couldn't help but subconsciously cover their mouths.

"My mother! What a situation! There was a live broadcast accident! What is Lao Xue talking about?! "

"Lao Xue, is this too dare to say it?!"

"I also think the words of "Dispel Sorrow" are good, but is it really so high, so high that Lao Xue wants to kneel?!"

"Shhh It's the first time I've seen Lao Xue have such a high evaluation of a song. "

"Damn, it's a big scene! Lao Xue actually wrote it for Fang Yue angrily for this song! "

"Fang Yue wrote on behalf of you? Really fake 06? "

"I choose to believe Lao Xue! Fang Yue's traffic star started, I don't think he has any level anyway! "

"I think too!"

"Lao Xue is worthy of being the most upright musician in the entertainment industry,

I have long felt that Fang Yue's song is wrong, with his completely unprofessional comments, how can he write such a good song! "

"Shhh In that case, why Fang Yue can't sing the song "The Man in Love", it makes sense, the co-authorship was not written by himself at all! "

"Damn, I suggest that tomorrow's superstar drive out Fang Yue's rat!"

"That's right! If you don't have a level, don't talk nonsense in that position, it is recommended to change Fang Yue! "

"Change the month! Swap the Month! "


In the live broadcast room.

The barrage seemed to be shocked by Lao Xue's actions.

At the same time, he was also extremely sure of what Fang Yuege wrote on behalf of him, and at this moment, there was a frenzy of substitution.


The number of people in the live broadcast room is already running towards 40 million.

And the eyes are back on the stage.

After Lao Xue said this.

The audience at the scene also gradually reacted to everything in front of them.

In general, Lao Xue couldn't get used to seeing Fang Yue's talent buried by Mao Buyi, so he chose to ruthlessly expose Fang Yue.

After I got it.

The audience seemed to be in an uproar.

The words of the argument are naturally not much different from the barrage.

They all pointed the finger at Fang Yue.

At this time, Yang Mi Ziqi, who was also on the judges' seat, suddenly didn't know what to say.

Even Mr. He, who is extremely experienced on stage, is the same.

He didn't know now that he was continuing to pick up Lao Xue's words.

It is still necessary to find a way to get back the matter that Lao Xue questioned Fang Yuege's ghostwriting, after all, Fang Yue's situation is extremely embarrassing now.

At a time when almost everyone didn't know what to do.

Mao Buyi spoke.

"Teacher Xue, that, thank you for your evaluation."

"However, this song is not my original."

"The original author of this song is Mr. Su Ming."

"Teacher Su Ming wrote it to me casually in the hospital."

"If I have to boast, I have to tell Teacher Su Ming about this."

Faced with such a high evaluation of Lao Xue, and his attitude of not hesitating to offend Fang Yue.

Mao Buyi is really a little flattered.

I even said that I was a little scared.

That's too rigid, isn't it?

So in a hurry, I told Su Ming, the original author of the song "Dispel Sorrow".

If Lao Xue really put this talent on him.

That's really unaffordable.

And Mao Buyi said this.

undoubtedly made the atmosphere on the field freeze again.

In an instant.

It can be said that the audience is dead silent.

Including Lao Xue Ziqi, almost all of them had question marks written on their faces.

Even in the live broadcast room, there are now question marks all over the screen.

This song... Also written by Su Ming?


"! it! Brothers, my CPU burned, and this song was also written by Su Ming? Did I hear me right? "

"What the hell! This song "Dispel Sorrow" was also written by Su Ming?! (If you read violent novels, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

"Outrageous! How many songs has Su Ming written? "

"I'm numb, it's actually written by Su Ming again, this is stabbing Su Mingwo?"

"Poof, the show of tomorrow's superstar, are you sure Su Ming didn't go?"

"Ahem, let's just say, this song that makes people want to cry was written by the National Grand Dancer? No way, isn't he good at upbeat songs? "

"I lost! Su Ming: How many styles have you changed? Is he all-powerful? "

"Rinima, against the sky! Su Ming's song is better than the other! Is he really free of creative bottlenecks? "

"I want to know the shadow area in the director's mind right now."

"Hahaha, I also want to know what it's like to be dominated by Su Ming!"


The barrage is like a frying pan again at the moment.

No one thought of it.

This song "Dispel Sorrow" in the live broadcast room is actually the same as "Love You", which was also written by Su Ming!

Other words.

Lao Xue and Fang Yue turned their faces, also because of a song by Su Ming!

Su Ming's special sense of existence is too strong!

And just when the barrage was ready to see how the show would continue.

The live broadcast has been switched to the recording of other programs.

And there is a large line written in the center of the screen.

[Due to special reasons, the program will be temporarily suspended, please pay attention to the official account news for the resumption time]

That's right.

Tomorrow's superstar has been forced to pause!

And the reason for the pause.

The reason is naturally obvious.

A show's noisy judges quarrel.

How is this possible?

And in order to avoid a bigger live broadcast accident.

Pausing the stream is obviously the safest way to go.

"Damn! Why didn't Fang Yue report to me! "

"A good show is done like this!"

Backstage of tomorrow's superstars.

The director slumped on the bench, his face green.

Originally, Mao Buyi pulled up the ratings with a song to eliminate his sorrows, and he was still happy.

The result is 613 this trouble.

It's just forced to stop broadcasting!

He didn't blame Fang Yue for finding a ghostwriter.

In fact, it is too normal for a traffic singer like Fang Yue to find a ghostwriter.

He mainly blamed Fang Yue for not reporting to him!

It made him think that Fang Yue did have strength.

If only he knew that Fang Yue had no ink in his stomach at all.

He specified that he would arrange for Fang Yue to communicate with Lao Xue in advance, at least it wouldn't be like this.

And Fang Yue is also stupid.

knew that he didn't understand anything, but he dared to talk to Lao Xue Qiang like this.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that "Dispel Sorrow" is well written.

Fang Yue is good, she doesn't know how to judge the situation at all.

"Alas, Lao Xue too, after so many years, his personality has not changed at all."

The director shook his head, looking helpless.

Lao Xue's personality circle knows it, but whoever makes people have the strength and traffic can only come.

Things have come to this.

I can only ask the leaders of Taili to go to the company behind the two sides to coordinate.


Let's talk about the other side.

With the superstar of tomorrow off the air.

The massive crowd in the live broadcast room immediately poured towards the major media platforms.

It didn't take long.

This song "Dispel Sorrow" and what just happened at the scene of tomorrow's superstar are on the hot search.

[The song that makes Lao Xue want to kneel - "Dispel Sorrow"! 】

[Lao Xue angrily scolded Fang Yue's new song ghostwritten! ] 】

[Tomorrow's superstar was forced to stop broadcasting! ] 】

["Dispel Sorrow" was written by Su Ming?! 】

[How many songs did Su Ming write? 】


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