Chapter 48 Fang Yue is over, Su Ming is going to start broadcasting!

"Sorrow? What kind of song is this? Why is it on the hot search? "

"yes, what kind of song is this? I haven't heard it, and the song that Lao Xue wants to kneel, is it so outrageous? "

"Laughing to death, Lao Xue is currently a first-line singer in China, and Lao Xue wants to kneel, could it be that the king of heaven is singing? The current marketing account is really convinced! "

"I lost! What's the situation, Lao Xue still angrily scolded Fang Yue on the show for writing this song? ! "

"What? Fang Yue's song was written by someone else? It's a shame that I still feel that he is different from other traffic stars for a moment, bad luck! "

"Poof, no one really thinks that traffic stars can write good songs, right?"

"I'm a little curious, what kind of song is this "Dispel Sorrow", it can actually make Lao Xue publicly scold Fang Yue on the show, it can't really be a song written by a king or Qu Dad, right?"

"Poof, according to my years of experience, this song is estimated to be hyped by capital, with a high probability of average quality, I understand everything, I bet on a cow!"

"I think, no, no, right? No one really thinks that marketing accounts will tell the truth, right? "


"! This song Nima is also so good! I'm blowing it up! "

"A cup of freedom, a cup of death, this word is also too beautiful! Don't talk about Lao Xue, I really want to kneel! By the way, bet on the cow, hurry up and settle it! "

"Damn, I shouldn't have clicked on this song, it's really smoking!"

"Damn! I listened to this song in broad daylight! "

"Sober people are the most ridiculous, what kind of person can write such lyrics?"

"The author of this song must be a lonely and sober person with a story, is he called Mao Buyi?"

"Don't be embarrassed, the original author's name is Su Ming! Mao Buyi sang this! "

"Huh? Su Ming? Do you mean the Su Ming who wrote "The Most Dazzling National Style" and "Love You"? "

"! Are you sure? Are you sure it's Su Ming, who is still playing games with the paparazzi in an Internet café? "

"Absolutely impossible! He's not alone at all! Don't believe rumors, don't spread rumors! "


"My mother! "Dispel Sorrow" is actually a song written by Su Ming! How many songs does he still have to post! "

"That's awesome! Su Ming's two songs directly turned the superstars of tomorrow upside down! "

"Isn't it, tomorrow's superstar has been on the air for so long, and as a result, all the relevant news reports are Su Ming, and now it is even indirectly because Su Ming has stopped broadcasting!"

"Su Ming is really a bit talented, he has written four songs so far, and all of them are on fire!"

"No wonder Lao Xue said that he was looking for Su Ming to write a song before, he really has something!"

"No, didn't anyone mention the disgusting company of Sea Fish Entertainment?

Su Ming is such a talented person, but he hasn't posted a work for three years, and he was blackened by the marketing account to steal Fang Yue's works~. "

"Damn! This company is indeed a cancer, it seems that I was right before, this is a company that only makes small fresh meat! "

"Next time I see the artists of this company, I will block them directly!"

"Damn, the brothers rushed me with the official blog of sea fish! It is the existence of this kind of cancer company that makes talents like Su Ming in internal entertainment buried! "


At the bottom of the hot search.

The comment area under each media account is as high as more than 100,000.

And it continues to skyrocket, and it is very lively.

The forced suspension of tomorrow's superstar and the contradiction between Lao Xue and Fang Yue.

This eye-catching hot spot can be said to have pushed the popularity of "Dispel Sorrow" and Su Ming to the peak.


Su Ming's microwave fans began to soar all the way.

has skyrocketed from five or six million to thirty-four million, which is completely comparable to the average first-line star!

On the contrary, it is naturally Fang Yue.

Fang Yue's fans directly came to a cliff-like plunge.

Although Fang Yue did not publicly admit that the song was ghostwritten, netizens seemed to have recognized this result.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for tomorrow's superstar to stop broadcasting, and not explain the specific reason?

Of course.

While Fang Yue's fans plummeted, the comments under the microwave skyrocketed more than ten times.

That's right, it's all squirting!

Even many of Fang Yue's true love fans are now taking off their fans and biting back.

They just finished praising Fang Yue, but they came backhand to write a scandal.

And on the show, he was so embarrassed by Lao Xue.

How does this make them look up in front of other idol's fans?

I'm sorry!

There are no idols on the cards, they are not fans!


Sea Fish Entertainment, Inc.

At this time, the sea fish are all busy up and down.

Fang Yue's scandal came out.

The scolding of their sea fish on the Internet is like a burst of the embankment, and it is out of control.

All kinds of negative winds are coming.

Many shareholders who hold shares of Sea Fish began to sell off in large quantities.

This instantly caused their market value to evaporate by more than a billion!

"Is the public relations department of your operations department eating dry food?"

"This can't be handled?!"

"Also, which agent accepted Fang Yue as an artist? How did such a Shabi artist manage? "


The top floor meeting room.

The president of Haiyu had a gloomy face, and he scolded the ministers of the dozens of departments below.

Especially the two ministers of the public relations department of the operation department, they were even more scolded.

However, the crowd did not dare to refute it at all.

"This one called Fang Yue is wasted, just give it up! found a reason to let him have an accident, and then asked him to get liquidated damages, so that he could spit out double the money he had earned in the sea fish all these years! "

"Also, find someone who can keep his mouth shut as soon as possible and push him up!"

"For the rest, I think you should know what to do."

After the reprimand of the president of Haiyu, he coldly threw out a few words, and after speaking, he slammed the door and walked out.

Wait for the president to leave.

The ministers in the conference room slowly breathed a sigh of relief. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

At the same time, it is also a little embarrassing.

Fang Yue, the flow of fresh meat that they have been holding for two or three years, was originally a period of real beauty.

As a result, the first sentence above wiped out everything.

But it's normal.

In front of the capital that eats people and does not spit out bones.

Don't look at the bright surface of Xiao Xianrou, in fact, it is just a very pure money-making tool.

It can be replaced at any time!

If Su Ming had chosen the same path as Fang Yue, he would have chosen to hype up the top position and become a traffic star.

Now Fang Yue's fate is most likely Su Ming's fate.

In the face of the cannibalistic contract of capital, no matter how much talent you have, sometimes you can't afford to say a wrong sentence or two.


And it is diametrically opposed to the tragedy inside the sea fish.

At this time, Jiahang can be said to be full of laughter.

In the rise of Su Ming's fame.

Jiahang is also ushering in the starting point of the upcoming take-off.

Countless announcements, large and small, are pouring into the mailbox of Jiahang's operation department at this moment.

Yang Mi is over there after the recording of tomorrow's superstar.

also immediately rushed back with Wang Xinxin and Mao Buyi.

Now the popularity of "Dispel Sorrow" and "Love You" is at its peak.

You have to record these two songs and upload them to the music platform!

If nothing else.

The top three on the new song list will be occupied by their best airlines.

And it can last for quite a long time!

is on the new song list, and every day that passes, the income is a huge amount.

And deal with the recording of songs.

Yang Mi also began to decouple from some of the current vicious capital parties of Jiahang.

She has never been an indecisive person.

Now that I have decided to do it with Su Ming.

Then be a little more vigorous!


And on the other end.

At this time, in an Internet café in the magic capital.

"'Brother Ming, when did you secretly write a poem "Dispel Sorrow"?"

"! Brother Ming, Lao Xue actually quarreled with Fang Yue for your song, watch the news! "

"Brother Ming, you are really amazing! People sit in Internet cafes, hot searches come from the sky! Now your microwave fans are going crazy! "

"Society, my brother Ming! A song "Dispel Sorrow", the superstar of tomorrow who did it directly was off the air! "

"Brother Ming, this song "Dispel Sorrow" is so good to cry, it is definitely the most touching song I have heard this year!"

"Brother Ming, what have you been through, how can you write such awesome words?!" (Isn't it good)

"Brother Ming, tell me clearly, are you pretending to be happy?"


The paparazzi surrounded Su Ming at the moment.

You broadcast some news on the hot search in real time.

And Su Ming, who had just finished the last game, was really a headache from the paparazzi.

At the same time, he was also confused.

What the hell is going on?

What makes him happy, isn't it pretending?

Loading yarn, is he happy now?!

Also, why did you suddenly get on the hot search again?

Because of the song "Dispel Sorrow"?

Probably not, right?

All kinds of questions, for a while he was completely unclear.

But look at the time.

It's time to go!

Immediately, Su Ming didn't have time to figure out the specific situation, and opened the microwave account to post a message.

[Old fans look at it, I'm going to meet the second fan soon, I'll start the broadcast in Funny Later]

Before going to see the iron fans, notify the old fans in advance to come and see, this is obviously the top priority.

But he just finished killing.

looked at his microwave account and was stunned for a moment.

Why did your microwave fans suddenly reach more than 30 million?

What the heck?!

What is going on in this hot search?!。

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