Chapter 52 Lao Xue: Ziqi, why are you here too?

Such a scene was also captured by the live broadcast room.


The barrage skyrocketed again.

"It's broken, it's broken, Su Ming can't wash it anymore!"

"Hahahaha, these people appeared too timely, and now Su Ming is really treated as plainclothes!"

"I'm laughing to death! Look at Su Ming's expression, he is already numb! "

"Doesn't anyone care about the psychological shadow area of these two big brothers and sisters-in-law?"


"What's the situation, why are so many people coming to Su Ming all of a sudden? Are these all fans? "

"Poof, didn't you read this morning's news? These are the paparazzi, the ones who played games with Su Ming all afternoon in the afternoon! "

"I'm rubbing! It's all paparazzi, okay?! "

"I'm new, is Su Ming really a star? Why didn't the paparazzi run after him? "

"Run? Those are all Su Ming's good brothers, what are you running away? "

"Hahaha, I don't know that this batch of paparazzi was PU by Su Ming... How about making friends. "


Let's talk about stalls.

Su Ming looked at the paparazzi walking in unison at this time, and his face couldn't help but turn a little green.

Now he really can't wash it in front of that couple.

"Brother Su Ming, who are these people?"

At this time, Sister Chaoyue on the side couldn't help frowning, and subconsciously hid behind Su Ming.

"It's okay, don't worry, they're all friends, they usually take private photos of people, in layman's terms, it's paparazzi."

Su Ming waved his hand and smiled helplessly.

Sister Chaoyue heard this.

immediately thought of the paparazzi when Su Ming and Chi Xiaoyun went shopping last time.

Those paparazzi were so funny.

But why did Su Ming bring another batch of paparazzi when he came out this time?

And looking at the expressions of these paparazzi, it seems that they have a good relationship with Su Ming. 06

Sister Chaoyue was thinking about it.

The paparazzi have already come to the stall.

And when the paparazzi saw Su Ming wearing an apron, standing in front of the pot.

The paparazzi were stunned.

"Brother Ming, shouldn't this be you?"

"What's the situation, Brother Ming, do you really know how to fire?"

"This rough work, Brother Ming, you shouldn't know it."

"Shall I come to this job? I happened to have studied cooking for a few years. "


As Chaoyue and the barrage thought, the paparazzi didn't think that Su Ming would do this job, and they looked at each other at the moment.

"No, no, you just have to wait and eat."

"Let's get each of you a pancake first."

Su Ming waved his hand, and directly turned on the pancake table on the side.

He didn't bother to explain too much, action is the best proof!

And seeing Su Ming's appearance, he was about to do it.

Sister Chaoyue and the paparazzi all subconsciously frowned and held their breath.

Do you really want to do it?

They can't afford to think too much.

Su Ming saw that the temperature of the iron plate was almost there, so he directly scooped a spoonful of batter and put it on the iron plate.

Followed by.

I saw Su Ming pick up a small bamboo rake and put it on the batter.

After a whirlwind, a beautiful, round pancake pops up.

Then beat in the eggs.

Sprinkle in black sesame seeds

Spread with pancake sauce

Add chopped green onion, minced garlic and crispy


A smooth and clean operation.

A high-quality pancake fruit suddenly appeared in Su Ming's hand.

"OK, that's it!"

"Next, what are you going to add?"

After handing the pancake fruit to the first paparazzi, Su Ming immediately started making the second one.

And at this time.

The paparazzi and Chaoyue sister standing aside were all stupid.

Especially Sister Chaoyue.

Su Ming's cake is too smooth, right?!

The technology is far superior to her!

After watching the whole process, Su Ming almost didn't have any superfluous movements at all!

And the cake is also very beautiful.

At least it's several times better than what she or even the uncle in the stall next door does!!

How can you say that such an old and spicy technique has to be practiced for at least two and a half years, right?

She originally thought that Su Ming was just pretending to know.

I didn't expect him to really do!

"I'm relying on me! I read that right! Su Ming's technique! "

"I'll go! Su Ming actually knows how to make pancakes! My mother, has he learned, it's too smooth, right? "

"It's outrageous! Su Ming: He really knows how to spread pancakes! It's also a thief! Bet on the cow, why don't you cash it out now! "

"Can someone tell me, he's really a star? The stars who came out of New Oriental! "

"Ahem, this cook probably doesn't know how to write songs."

Ziqi: !!!

"[Lao Xue]: ????"

"Poof, Ziqi and Lao Xue are also stupid!"

"Anyone has to be stupid to watch, who would have thought that a star would not do his job and run to learn to make pancakes?"

"In that case, does it prove that Su Ming is also a thief in terms of roasting goods?"


Su Ming's stunt directly made the live broadcast room boil.

It's so special!

Originally, I thought that Su Ming wouldn't, but they were all slapped in the face.

If netizens could see Lao Xue and Ziqi on the other side of the screen through the screen, they would definitely be able to find out.

The eyes of the two of them were as big as copper bells now.

Su Ming's operation really broke their perception of their peers.

Forget it when you write the song Thief Six.

Nima's bread is also like this!

For a while, the two of them directly brushed Huazi.

This Huazi is for pancakes!


Back to the scene.

As Su Ming made the pancakes one by one.

Soon. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Around the stall, a lot of onlookers gradually gathered.

"Wow! This young man has a good pancake stall! "

"Isn't it, the cake is beautiful, and the people are even better! It's the first time I've seen such a handsome young man stalling pancakes! "

"It's really handsome, it's like there is Xi Shi in the tofu, he is the Pan An in the pancake!"

"The girl next to her is also very good-looking, they are a couple of two, right?"

"This young man's craftsmanship feels better than that of Lao Liu! Why don't we buy it here? "

"Then I'll have one too!"

This pleasing craftsmanship is matched with Su Ming's handsome face.

The crowd was amazed and full of praise.

Passers-by who didn't want to eat pancakes were a little impatient at this time and placed orders one after another.


There are also some deserted stalls, and the business immediately became hot.

And so.

For the next hour.

Su Ming is constantly repeating pancakes, fruits, fried rice, fried rice noodles...

And the paparazzi are not idle.

All of them helped Su Ming to start, or to help maintain the order of the queue.

And some people are happy, and naturally some people are worried.

Su Ming's stall is booming.

But the back molars of the surrounding vendors are about to be crushed.

Damn it! Where did the little white face come from? Run here to reduce the dimensionality?!

And so.

Many of the stalls selling pancakes and fried goods have all changed places.

Another half hour passed.

The crowd in front of the stall has been dispersed by the paparazzi.

There is no other reason.

All the goods today are sold out in one wave!

Now except for the rag dolls and decorations in Wuling Hongguang, they are not sold out.

There was nothing else left.

Such terrifying efficiency.

It really scared Sister Chaoyue.

It's not even eight o'clock, and everything is sold out!

Normally, these things don't sell out until at least twelve o'clock in the evening.

This is still a good business.

Let's talk about the live broadcast room.

Although Su Ming and the others have been busy for more than an hour.

But the number of people in the live broadcast room has not decreased at all, and it is even skyrocketing!

At this time, the number of people in the live broadcast room is already as high as 10 million!

No way.

Su Ming's almost streamlined cooking operation looks too magical!

It makes people want to watch it all the time!

Now Su Ming's fried rice and pancake actions have even been made into emoji GIFs, which have begun to circulate in major social software.

While paying attention to Su Ming's culinary skills.

Netizens have a new understanding of celebrities, no, it should be said that they have a new understanding of Su Ming.

More than an hour of labor.

It's not a showman's job at all.

Su Ming: This is really helping fans set up stalls!

Throughout the entertainment industry.

What celebrity can be so good to their fans?

And it was precisely because of Su Ming's actions.

The discussion about Su Ming helping fans fry rice and sell pancakes on the street is now at the forefront of the hot search.

"A celebrity went to the street to sell pancakes? Really? "

"Holy! Fake it! In these years, how can there be a celebrity who would do this kind of work? Aren't all celebrities able to take tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands of photos casually? "

"I heard that I did it for the fans! 187"

"Do it for the fans? Burst! This headline looks like fake marketing, okay?

What celebrity have you ever seen who would be so nice to their fans? What the? The videos are all out? "

"! Is this Su Ming really a star? This pancake stall is too six! "

"Outrageous! This Su Ming is writing "Dispel Sorrow". Su Ming in "Love You"? How did you fall into running to set up a stall?! "

"Helping the fans? That's fine! "

"I lost! Su Ming is too fond of fans! "

"Judging from the video, this is called Su Ming's good down-to-earth! doesn't look like a star at all, is the marketing account mistaken? "


Su Ming wouldn't have thought of it at all.

I just set up a stall for more than an hour, and the number of microwave fans has skyrocketed by more than 3 million!

The topic of his street fried rice has also almost swept most of the entertainment industry topic list.

This is directly the result that many celebrities who rely on hype to attract attention are now envious of their eyes.

The perspective returns to the stall.

"The brothers have worked hard, let's find a place to rest."

"I'll invite everyone to drink milk tea later!"

"Okay Brother Ming!"

"Thank you, Brother Ming!"


After finishing work, Su Ming beckoned the paparazzi to rest, and he also sat directly on the stone pier on the side.

The work lasted for more than an hour, and it was really a bit tiring.

"Brother Su Ming, it's been a hard work."

Sister Chaoyue ran behind Su Ming very intimately at this time and pressed Su Ming's moth.

"Whew, that's it, hard!"

"A little further down, yes, yes, yes!"

The massage effect is really good.

Under the operation of Sister Chaoyue, Su Ming's fatigue suddenly disappeared a lot.

And at the same time.

At the end of the street, a man and a woman, each wearing a fisherman's hat, sunglasses, and a mask, were sneakily walking towards Su Ming's location.

One carelessly.

The two just collided together.

Look at each other.

Both of them couldn't help but cover their mouths, their faces full of surprise.

"It's you!"

"Why are you here?!"

The two are none other than each other.

It's Lao Xue and Ziqi!.

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