Chapter 53 A Different Chaoyue Sister, Su Mingcheng is a thief?

At this time, the two looked at each other, and each other was surprised.

"Old Xue, what are you doing here?"

"Poof, Ziqi, don't pretend, what else can you do here, you must be looking for Su Ming!"

"Hahaha, then let's hurry up."


That's right.

Naturally, both of them came to Su Ming.

and Lao Xue tacitly knew that Ziqi also set off to rush over shortly after Su Ming's live broadcast.

And her thoughts are the same, she wants to make friends with Su Ming, and by the way, see if she can have a song.

Of course, writing songs wasn't the main purpose of this time.

Because normally, to create a song, it must take a long time to scrutinize and spend a lot of energy to complete.

Besides, the song they need is not just a random song, they want the kind of song that fits them perfectly.

is like Mao Buyi's "Dispel Sorrow", Wang Xinxin's "Love You", and Yang Mi's "Offering of Love".

They didn't have to point to Su Ming on the spot to write them a song that was very suitable for them.

This can be written casually.

Isn't this a monster?

So the main purpose of this visit is to make friends.

On the one hand, I really think Su Ming is interesting, and he is different from those snobbish peers in the circle.

On the one hand, it is also for them to let Su Ming write songs for them in the future and lay a solid foundation.


Eyes return to the stall.

It's almost time to rest.

Su Ming went to the milk tea shop next to him to wholesale a bunch of milk tea, so that the paparazzi could rest for the time being.

And Su Ming himself and Sister Chaoyue continued to set up stalls.

But after selling the food, all that was left was some rag dolls, small jewelry and small toys.

These things are not the same as fried rice pancakes, they are not just needed, only those who really like these things will buy them.

So if you want to sell it, it's really a lot more difficult.

"Why don't we try it in the small square opposite, there are a lot of children there."

"Today's designation is to be sold out."

Su Ming glanced at the small square opposite.

The flow of people there is no less than on this street, and there are some people who sell balloons and rock sugar gourds, so it stands to reason that they are allowed to sell things there.

The main thing is that there are quite a lot of young people and children over there, which just echoes their consumer group.

"Well, but Brother Su Ming, it's okay if you can't sell it, I've made a lot of money today."

Sister Chaoyue scratched her head and said with a smile.

Today's stall career can be said to be unexpectedly smooth.

As for the rest of the ragdolls and stuff.

This thing is really hard to sell, if no one looks at it, it is estimated that it will not be sold for ten days and a half months.

Her main source of money now is actually a food stall.

Selling dolls is just a bit of extra money.

"It's okay, try it, I can't sell it another story."

Su Ming is optimistic.

If you can't sell it, you can play it.

Moreover, with his rich experience in setting up a stall in his previous life, he was called the little prince of the stall and a dragon in the stall.

He was confident that he could sell them.

Come to the small square.

There are people coming and going, there are young couples walking their dogs, there are sixth parents who are walking their children, there are old men and women who are walking, there are also one or two singers and stall peers like Su Ming.

All in all, a lot of people!

Su Ming took Sister Chaoyue to choose a relatively empty place, and put out all the dolls and everything.

And just set up the stall.

Before Su Ming was ready.

Sister Chaoyue was very active and stood in front of the stall and began to sell.

"Take a walk and take a look, and don't miss it.!"

"Sell dolls, sell dolls, my dolls are all good dolls of high quality!"

"With my doll, I will definitely cry for the little doll next door!"

"Buy a high-class doll, be a high-class doll, your doll deserves it!!"

"Still hesitating? If you don't place an order, the doll will be snatched away by other dolls! "


In the past, Su Ming was running the food stalls.

She was really embarrassed to squat here, and asked Su Ming to continue to help her sell dolls.

And Sister Chaoyue shouted.

directly shouted the little brother who was singing on the side.

This little girl from Nima's family has too loud voices!

But fortunately, he is already singing dumb today, and he doesn't plan to continue singing.

Otherwise, Gao Gao will drive Chaoyue Su Ming away.

And at this time, the barrage, He was also shouted by Chaoyue's voice.

"Poof! I rub! Is this sure it's the quiet and gentle Chaoyue sister from before?! "

"I lost! This voice! "

"Hahahaha! What's this shouting about!? Buy a high-class doll and be a high-class doll?! I died laughing! How did she come up with the word? "

"I'm rubbing, where did she learn to sell, I'm stupid!"

"Don't say it, it's so professional! I want to buy one,

In the future, who said that Sister Chaoyue was invited, I was the first to refuse! I haven't been shouting for a few years, and my mouth is definitely not so sharp! "

"Doll, doll, it's over, my mind is full of dolls now! It's so brainwashing! "

"Hahahaha, it's so magical! The effect of this live broadcast is amazing! Otherwise, let Sister Chaoyue go on a variety show, she is purple! "

"I'll go! This isn't the super moon sister I know! Return my sister who is still shy and super moon! "

"Sister Chaoyue, remember, you're a girl, can you pay a little attention to your image, hahahaha!"

"What's so special, even if Su Ming is down-to-earth, Su Ming's fans are also so down-to-earth?!" 、

"Do you think there is a possibility, this is the original character of Sister Chaoyue? It's so funny too! "



The demonic cry of Sister Chaoyue is in great contrast with her quiet appearance.

It seems to make netizens all laugh crazy!

Who would have thought.

A girl with a sweet appearance, a gentle personality, and a blush from time to time, can burst out with such energy?

The sales aunt who has been selling goods for ten years in Darun Law has to be embarrassed when she hears it.

Su Ming on the side was obviously frightened by the contrasting cry of Sister Chaoyue at this time. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Soon, however, he was relieved.

It seems that yes, the super moon sister in front of her is exactly the same as the one in her previous life!

Even the comedic effect of this is better than that in the previous life.

This super moon sister, Jia Hang must sign!

Throw her into a variety show, and she will definitely be able to make a name for herself, at least she will definitely not be able to lose it.

And Sister Chaoyue's demonic shout obviously has some effect.

Suddenly, many parents with children came to see it.

But it's still the same sentence.

This thing is not just needed.

No matter how good Sister Chaoyue's name is, there are not many who actually buy it.

This clamor did not stimulate everyone's desire to consume.

"Hey, little brother, where did you find this daughter-in-law?"

"This loud voice, doll doll, really brainwashing."

"With this voice, my brother should have suffered a lot at home, right?"

Just when Su Ming was about to step forward to help Sister Chaoyue and sell a few times.

The singer who was about to close the stall on the side suddenly sat next to Su Ming and patted Su Ming on the shoulder, he was holding a cigarette in his mouth, and he had a worried look on his face.

As soon as this remark came out.

Su Ming was slightly stunned, and then his face was full of helplessness.

Are they so alike?

This is not the first time that others have thought of this today.


"I don't need to explain, my brother is from here, I understand your helplessness,

The tigress in my family is also like this, but it is not as good-looking as your daughter-in-law, but at my age, it is nothing if it is good-looking or not, anyway, the kidneys are also weak, alas, it is all tears when you talk too much. "

"Come on, smoke Huazi."

Su Ming was about to explain, but the singer immediately patted Su Ming's shoulder again, and handed over a piece of Huazi in a serious manner.

"Well, I don't smoke, I didn't learn."

"Wow, that's a pity, forget it, let's talk about something else,

You should be able to see that I'm a singer, don't look at me singing here, in fact, I'm pure talent, I can sing the highest high note in the world! "

"By the way, do you know the song?"

"'I understand a little bit.'"

"That's a pity, it's hard to talk to you too much about music."

"Then do you know Lao Xue? That's my former idol! But now he's my fan! "

"Oh? And what's going on? "

"Not really! Do you know "Sorrow"? "

"I know, this song has been quite popular recently."

"I'm secretly telling you, I actually wrote this song! It's just that it was accidentally stolen by the person named Su Ming, causing Lao Xue to mistakenly think that the original author was Su Ming, but in fact, the real author is me! "

"Wow! And this thing, do you know Su Ming? "

"Of course I do! That kid and I are from the same village, and I was still a little brother of mine at the beginning, but it's a pity that people's hearts are not ancient. "

"By the way, don't talk about it, it's just a song, and I'm too lazy to bother with my little brother, after all, I also had a friendship."


The singer took a puff of smoke rings, although his voice was already a little hoarse, but the still blew up.

Su Ming listened to it as a straight musician.

What a talent!

Became a thief by himself? Is it his little brother?!

And just when the singer was about to blow which king he had a relationship with, and evaluate which first-line singer was generally inferior to him.

He suddenly noticed the mobile phone behind Su Ming.

"I lost! Little brother, are you broadcasting live? "

"What the hell is this!"

"How many people are watching in your live broadcast room?"

The singer sat up in a moment, his face full of horror.

What's the situation?

Why do you still have a live broadcast?

If that's the case, wouldn't what he just said...

"It's okay, it's okay, there are dozens of people in the live broadcast room, don't panic."

Seeing that the selling singer (Wang Hao) looked frightened, Su Ming hurriedly comforted.

Although Su Ming didn't know how many people there were in the live broadcast room, it should be at the million level.

If he knew that the picture he bragged about just now was seen by millions of people, then he would not have died on the spot?

And when it was heard that there were only a few dozen people.

The singer's face softened.

Fortunately, there are not many people.

Otherwise, it would be a shame and a big loss.

However, I found that after the live broadcast, he didn't dare to brag about it, after all, dozens of people are also people.

And at this time, the barrage seems to be already boiling.

"Hahahaha! I'm laughing like crazy! Where did this talent come from? "

"Ahem, now 15 million people in the live broadcast room know that there is a tigress in his family, and he has kidney deficiency."

"Can you sing the highest treble in the world? Listening to this tone, those who don't know think he can sing ultrasound! "

"Poof, is Lao Xue still in the live broadcast room? He said you're his fan! Is there such a thing? "

"Hahahaha! This is also too good to blow, "Eliminate Sorrow" actually became written by him! Su Ming has become his little brother, doesn't he know that this is Su Ming in front of him? "

"Su Ming also has a good temper, he has been wronged as a thief, and he is still happy to echo it, hahaha."

"Poof, do you understand the pattern?? Isn't Su Ming listening to music? "

"I really want to know, if he knew that the person in front of him was Su Ming, what would his expression be?!"

"What a talent! Let him continue to blow, and he will soon blow to the flower archmage! "

"It's so funny!"


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