Chapter 55: Is Su Ming writing songs so casually?

"Hahahaha! Su Ming, this is too funny. "

"When did he write such a rap? Sounds like it's really good! "

"Sister Mi, why don't you let Su Ming bring the goods, I think he is very talented in this area!"

The back row of a commercial vehicle on a certain avenue in the magic capital.

Reba held his mobile phone and watched the live broadcast, the whole person smiled back and forth, and the flowers and branches trembled.

Yang Mi on the side was also smiling and her face was flushed, and she couldn't speak.

They had just come out of the company and did not see Su Ming's live broadcast the whole process.

At this point, I happened to hear Su Ming's song "Jiangnan Baby ~ Baby Factory".

Originally, after the meeting between the two of them today, the pressure was still quite high.

After all, Jiahang is going to go it alone.

can hear Su Ming's song and Su Ming's Chaoyue sister's miserable appearance.

The two of them were happy all of a sudden, and their mood couldn't help but relax a lot.

"I think it's better to forget about bringing goods, Su Ming doesn't want to do such an easy job in variety shows, and you still want him to bring goods?"

Yang Mi shook her head with a smile.

"Sister Mi, this is not necessarily."

"Didn't Su Ming say it before? As long as we do it alone, he is willing to cooperate with everything! "

Reba looked confident.

But in the next second, she directly ate Yang Mi's brain, "Poof, stupid girl, man's mouth, a deceitful ghost!" Do you believe a man's words?! "

"As long as Su Ming doesn't want to do something, we can't force it."

Yang Mi really knows Su Ming too well.

If you want to force Su Ming to do something he doesn't want to do, the difficulty is comparable to ascending to the sky.

"What then? Su Ming's resources are so good now, he can't take all of them, right? "

Reba rubbed her sore brain melon and frowned.

As soon as these words came out, Yang Mi couldn't help but be silent.

Indeed, there is a pair of hot topics about Su Ming now.

With the release of "Love You" and "Dispel Sorrow", the new song list is also full of Su Ming's works.

The capital of all parties has already seen the extremely high commercial value of Su Ming.

On the side of the company's business department, such as variety shows, advertising endorsements, and even movies and TV series, a lot of resources are waiting for Su Ming.

If only none of them would go.

That's a lot of loss.

"Oh, if you wait for Su Ming to come back in the evening, let's show our beauty plan together."

"When we become daughters-in-law, I don't believe that he doesn't listen to his daughter-in-law!"

Reba smiled playfully at Yang Mi and made a suggestion.

Hearing this, Yang Mi subconsciously thought of the scene when Su Ming sent her to the hospital, and her face immediately turned red.

"Poof, Sister Mi! Why is your face red? "

"You two won't really have a situation behind my back, will you?!"

Reba saw that Yang Mi didn't scold her at the first time, but blushed, and immediately became anxious.

Such a big thing, actually hiding it from her?

"What do you want?! What can happen to me and Su Ming, I just treat him as a younger brother! "

"I'm still carrying you, even if we really have a situation, we don't have to report it to you, right?"

"Also, beauty or something, you can go to yourself at night, if you don't get Su Ming, you won't have to go to work tomorrow!"

Yang Mi was annoyed and ashamed, and the little milk voice exploded, and she scored two goals directly, giving Reba a brain collapse again.

And after learning a lesson, Reba immediately coaxed, "Don't, I don't dare to seduce Su Ming, he has something really going on, I'm afraid." "

"I'm still young, I still have to contribute to our company, I don't want to have a baby so soon."

Yang Mi: "Poof, still poor, looking for a fight!" "


The fight is over.

Yang Mi looked at the receding tall buildings outside the window, and couldn't help but think of Su Ming's announcement again.

In contrast, in fact, tomorrow's superstar is still the optimal solution.

Because now tomorrow's superstar has offered a higher salary than her, I hope Su Ming will go.

And also promised that he could meet any of Su Ming's requests.

Even if you are not a contestant or a judge, you can just sing a song casually.

One song is worth her treatment for an entire issue.

Looking at the entertainment industry, I'm afraid I can't find this price, right?

However, as "Tomorrow's Superstar", they really have no choice.

Tomorrow's superstar is now off the air because of Su Ming's song, and if he wants to increase the popularity again when he restarts the broadcast, inviting Su Ming over is obviously the most effective way.

"Let's try again in the evening."

Yang Mi took a deep breath and made up her mind in her heart.

Now that she has sacrificed so much for Su Ming, it stands to reason that Su Ming has no reason to refuse.

Moreover, now Jiahang has Su Ming's own shares.

A little bit of effort shouldn't be a problem.

At this time.

In the toilet counter building, the meeting room of tomorrow's superstar production team.

"Director, now Fang Yue's gap is already on the top of Hua Chenyu."

"As for Su Ming's side, there is still no reply."

"What? Hasn't Su Ming replied yet? Is it a matter of price? "

"I don't know for the time being, I'll ask again tomorrow."

"Well, anyway, the leaders of the station and the sponsors have already spoken.

At any cost, Su Ming must be invited over, otherwise we won't continue to do this show. "



Keep your eyes back on the small square.

With the demonic brainwashing of Su Ming's song "Jiangnan Doll Factory".

Nowadays, there are more and more people in the small square.

And on the edge of the small square.

Wearing a fisherman's hat, big sunglasses and a mask, Ziqi Lao Xue has already arrived.

"What kind of song is this? Sounds weird! "

Lao Xue frowned at the crowd at this time, and his body shook unconsciously together.

Ziqi on the side frowned, and said with a slight hesitation: "This voice seems to be Su Ming's, right?" "

As soon as these words came out.

The two hurriedly opened Su Ming's live broadcast room.

"Poof! It's him! This is too funny, isn't it, is this a song written for the stall? "

"Hahahaha, I'm going to die laughing! Su Ming, this is too interesting! "

Looking at the picture in the live broadcast room.

Old Xue Ziqi also laughed directly.

Su Ming's creative ability is too strong, he can make up a song about anything.

Although the level is rotten on the street, I can't stand this song and it's really brainwashing.

Even the two of them wanted to go up and buy a few dolls after listening to it a few more times.

"Let's take a look."

"OK, but try to keep a low profile, don't be recognized, there are a lot of people here, let's talk to Su Ming when they finish selling."

"Don't worry, I know this!"

As soon as Lao Xue Ziqi summed it up, he immediately walked into the crowd.

Let's talk about Su Ming.

I don't know how many times Su Ming has shouted.

The dolls on the stall are now almost sold. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

But though, there aren't many things sold.

The crowd of onlookers still did not dissipate.


Their minds were now completely on Su Ming.

Hey, I just want to listen to songs! Just play!

Su Ming saw that this situation was not right, so he simply stopped.

Since the things are sold out, let's go early.

It's still early, just in time to take Sister Chaoyue and the paparazzi to have a skewer or something.

"Thank you for your support!"

"But the things have been sold out, and the big guys are scattered."

Su Ming shouted at the crowd at this time, his face full of gratitude.

As soon as this remark came out.

The big guys didn't stay too long, and they scattered one after another.

At this time, Su Ming saw Sister Chaoyue on the side give him a thumbs up, "Brother Su Ming, you are too good!" "

Obviously, she was already completely convinced by Su Ming.

Su Ming's selling is simply textbook-level selling.

It is not only emotionally pulling, but also strong to attract attention!

The most important thing is that it can really arouse the desire of others to consume.

She has been stockpiling this doll for a week or two, but she hasn't sold it.

As a result, Su Ming only took less than ten minutes.

"It's okay, it's okay."

Su Ming waved his hand at Sister Chaoyue and said with a smile.

"Little brother, I can't see it, you actually understand music!"

"What were you teasing me just now?"

At this time, the singing brother also came over, patted Su Ming's shoulder, and smiled wryly.

"I just know a little bit."

"Don't be modest! Sell a doll and write a rap, and say you don't understand music? "

"Well, I have a song for my mom, but there are still a lot of things I think need to be improved, see if you can give me a little advice."

The singer smiled and spoke, and then took out a crumpled piece of paper from the shriveled wallet.

In the face of his brother's request, Su Ming did not refuse, and directly took the paper.

I took a general look at the song on it.

Su Ming couldn't help frowning.

This song is written... What a piece of!

Ahem, that's too straightforward.

It can be seen that the lyrics of this song are still very sincere, but other songs and the like are really difficult to evaluate, and they can't be described as songs at all.

Even a lot of phonetic transcription is wrong.

Apparently this guy is a very, very amateur singer.

"How? Do you have any suggestions? "

Seeing Su Ming frowning, the singing brother couldn't help but ask.

"Hmm... I'll take a look at it again. "

Su Ming touched his chin and sneered.

He was thinking.

How can I be more tactful and let the singer know that he is writing a piece of?

"Well, you look slowly, I'm not in a hurry."

"My mom is hanging in the hospital with water right now, and the doctor said she should live for a few more months, as long as I can finish the song before she closes her eyes."

The singing brother lit himself a Huazi, and said with a free and easy face.

As soon as this remark came out.

Su Ming's face couldn't help but be a little moved, and he wanted to comfort him.

But just as he was about to be comforted, he was interrupted by the old brother's wave of his hand.

"It's okay, I don't need to be comforted, my mother is old, eighty-six, and she is simply old, not sick."

"But if you think about it, this person's life is really fast."

"My mother was an art teacher when she was young, so when I was a child, I was always forced to learn to paint, learn piano or something, but unfortunately I was rebellious at that time, and I didn't listen to her, I always ran out to play, and I didn't learn anything well."

"When I'm older, I'll be even more rebellious, and I often make her angry half to death, harm, don't mention those bad things..."

"Anyway, now I want to write a song for her, it doesn't matter if the song is good or not, anyway, let her know that her son hasn't learned anything."

The singing brother took a sip of smoke rings, although his face was still free and calm, but a trace of self-blame could be clearly seen in his eyes.

As soon as this remark came out.

Old Xue Xin, who was secretly observing in the crowd, couldn't help but pinch it.

Why is this brother's experience a bit similar to him when he was a child?

Of course, Lao Xue has learned, and he has learned very well, and his mother is still healthy.

As for the rebellious period, that's even less to say.

It is estimated that children all over the world can make their parents angry half to death during the rebellious period, right?

At this time, after listening to the elder brother's words, Su Ming couldn't help but sigh softly.

I thought that this singing brother was just a talent.

I didn't expect it to have a story.

And he is also a big dutiful son.

In that case, let's do a favor.

"Do you have pen and paper?"

"Saw the problem so quickly? Yes, yes, take it. "

Seeing that Su Ming asked for pen and paper, the singing brother immediately took out the pen and paper.

It seems that Su Ming really understands music!

And Su Ming obviously didn't plan to continue thinking about euphemism, and said directly, "Brother, your song is very poorly written, and it's not even a song." "

"I'll write you a song, and if you like it, you can sing it to your mother then."

As soon as this remark came out.

The singing brother suddenly blushed.

Sure enough, I was seen through!

In this case, all the cowhides boasted in front are exposed.

However, it is not a big problem, which just shows that Su Ming is estimated to be an expert in this area.

Let's take a look at the song written by Su Ming first.

And quickly.

Su Ming took the pen and paper and lay on the ground to write.

The title of the song at the beginning, five big words - "Listen to Mom"!

"What the hell?"

"Is Su Ming writing songs so casually?"

"And that's what you're writing about?"

At this moment, Lao Xue and Ziqi, who were secretly observing not far away, looked at Su Ming's appearance of writing and painting, and they were stupid.

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