Chapter 56 Old Xue Ziqi cried! Moms are all crying!

How can this song be written like this?

Su Ming and this singing brother just met today, right, are they going to write songs for people?

Moreover, if the two of them write a song, inspiration, quiet environment, long scrutiny, miseating on musical instruments, etc., etc., none of them can write a good song.

Even with these circumstances, it's hard to guarantee how good the quality of the song will be.

But Su Ming is good, he doesn't even play the draft, he just raises his hand and writes!

You're supposed to be writing a novel?!

The most important thing is that Su Ming actually just lay on the ground and wrote!

It's really down-to-earth now!

And looking at Su Ming's movements.

At this time, the barrage seemed to be boiling.

"I lost! It has to be Su Ming! "

"It's on, it's on! Su Ming started writing songs again! Look at this song-writing pose, hahahaha! "

"Poof, there is one thing to say, Su Ming is real, there is no star at all,

This song is said to be sent, there is paper and pen, and it is written on the ground, he and this old brother haven't known each other for long, right? "

"My brother is not only a braggass, but also a lover."

"Alas, I didn't expect this old brother to be quite filial, I hope his old mother can see his efforts."

"Indeed, but as soon as this old brother said it, I thought of my mother, I remember that I could be rebellious in junior high school, my mother always beat me, and then apologized to people everywhere for me..."

"I don't know what song Su Ming can write, if it's good, I'll sing it to my mother!"

"I'm new here, may I ask if the anchor has been arrested by the chengguan and is writing a review?"

"Poof! God Special Review Book! The anchor Ming "307" is practicing his signature! "


The barrage obviously didn't expect it either.

In the last second, he was still immersed in Su Ming's brainwashing of "the original price is more than one hundred and two hundred...".

In the next second, Su Ming actually wrote a song for someone.

And what made the barrage even more unexpected was that.

It's been less than ten minutes.

Su Ming had already gotten up and finished writing the song.

Such a scene.

It really made the old Xue Ziqi in the crowd stunned again.

"Su Ming wrote it so quickly?"

"It's not going to be a fool, is it?"

Old Xue Ziqi glanced at each other,

How can this song be written in ten minutes?

Unless Su Ming wrote it in advance!

But it's not right, is it possible that Su Ming will be unpredictable and know in advance that he will write a song for his brother's mother?

So the only explanation for this should be that it is perfunctory

It's not very authentic, but it's completely understandable.

As a composer, how can you write songs for people so casually?

They won't anyway.

"Written? So fast! "

The singing brother took the paper handed over by Su Ming at this time, his face was full of surprise, and the Huazi in his mouth almost fell to the ground.

"Well, you can take a look, it's not satisfied."

Su Ming put the pen away and said with a smile.

He didn't have anything else but Godo!

Ten minutes is completely sufficient.

Hearing Su Ming's words, the singer couldn't help but look at the song on the paper suspiciously.

"Listen to Mom"

"Kid, do you have a lot of question marks?

Why, someone else is reading comics there

I was learning to draw and talking to the piano


See the title, and the first three lyrics.

The singing brother was directly stunned, and his free and easy face gradually became solemn.

The further back he looked, the more excited his emotions became.

After reading it thoroughly, my brother's eyes were already red and his body was trembling.

The lyrics alone moved him deeply.

Because the lyrics are almost about his experience!

Of course, he failed his mother and did not do what he wrote in the second half of the lyrics

"Everyone reads comics that I draw, and everyone sings songs that I wrote."

On the contrary, now, he can only sing on the street, and his painting has long been abandoned.

The scene in the lyrics has never been seen by his mother in her life.

It is true that Su Ming's song was written too carefully.

Just through the experience he just said that his mother forced him to paint and practice the piano when he was a child, he wrote such a good song, a song written in his heart!


No one reacted.

The singing elder brother actually knelt down directly for Su Ming, his face full of gratitude.

"Thank you! Thank you so much, little brother! "

Seeing this situation, Su Ming was really taken aback.

That's too much of a reaction.

"Don't be like this, brother, the man has gold under his knees."

"It's just a song, it's not necessary."

Su Ming hurriedly knelt back, comforting his brother by the way.

The elder brother looks like he is in his forties, and he can be his father at his age.

was kneeled by the elders, and he was afraid of losing his life.

And look at the reaction of the singing brother.

Old Xue Ziqi and the barrage, even the Chaoyue sister on the side were dumbfounded.

What's the situation?

What song did Su Ming write?

can make my brother excited like this!

The strong curiosity really made the old Xue Ziqi and the others scratch their ears and cheeks a little.

Su Ming: This can't really write a good song, right?

If it weren't for the fact that there were a lot of people in the square now, the two really wanted to rush up directly to show their identities and take a look at the first wave.

At this time, the elder brother's emotions were still very excited.

"Little brother, I think you should also know, what I told you before was all bragging."

"Actually, I don't know much about music, I can basically only understand the lyrics of your song, there are a lot of notes written in it, I don't understand the tune, can you sing it again?"

Su Mingwan agreed directly, "It's a trivial matter, but brother, you get up first!" "

It's a lot of noise.

The crowd that was about to disperse began to gather again.

I don't know the estimation that I thought that Boss Huang He's prodigal son turned around and came over to admit his mistake.

And wait until you get up.

Su Ming didn't break his promise, and went directly to the music equipment.

The elder brother re-lit a Huazi for himself, and looked at Su Ming tightly, looking forward to what the melody of this song would be.

Of course, the same is true for Old Xue Ziqi in the crowd.

Su Ming is actually going to sing!

It seems that this song has really been written! I just don't know how to write?

But the answer to this question was quickly answered.

I saw Su Ming's fingers flying quickly on the electronic piano.

The sound of the piano immediately sounded.

The melody is light and beautiful, without any showmanship.

But it makes people can't help but want to listen to it.

As the prelude advances.

The old Xue Ziqi in the crowd had huge eyes.

The melody of this intro is not too good, it doesn't look like it is shoddy at all!

Is this really written in less than ten minutes?

And at the same time.

The crowd in the square was also attracted by the sound of the piano.

With the end of the prelude.

Su Ming also spoke.

"Kids, do you have a lot of question marks?

Why, someone else is reading comics there

I was learning to draw and talk to the piano

Someone else is playing a game

But I leaned against the wall and carried my ABCs

I said I wanted a big plane

But I got an old tape recorder (to read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!) )


The first paragraph of the opening was sung, which immediately attracted the attention of the children in the audience.

"Mom, this song seems to be quite good."

"Mom, what kind of song is this? Why did that big brother learn to draw? "

"Mom, I want a big plane too!"

Obviously, this kind of conversational lyrics and melody full of innocence.

Let the child feel like listening to another child's story, and the sense of substitution is very strong.

The mothers on the side hurriedly quieted down their children and began to listen carefully to the content of the song.

Even the adults in the square couldn't help but listen attentively.

They hadn't heard the song.

But the singing... Seems pretty good!

"Why listen to your mother

You'll start to understand this passage when you grow up


As I grew up, I began to understand

Why I run faster than others

Fly higher than others

In the future, everyone will read the comics that I draw

Everyone sings the songs I wrote

Mom's hard work won't let you see

Warm recipes in her heart

Shake her hand when you have time

Hold hands and sleepwalk together


Su Ming continued to sing.

The singing brother on the side was already in tears at this moment, and he couldn't cry.

He took a hard puff of Huazi and slowly exhaled a circle of thick smoke, as if he didn't want people to see his appearance at this time.

People in their forties, how can anyone still cry so much?

It's easy to laugh at being seen.


Listen to the lyrics in this song0...

Scenes from his childhood flashed through his mind like slides.

The old mother asked him to learn to paint, but he didn't want to paint, so he made paint everywhere, and after being beaten, he hid in his classmates for several days and didn't go back... Later, the old mother bent over, washed the paint for a day, and hurriedly posted missing notices everywhere, and did not eat for several days.

Let him learn the piano, he didn't want to learn, so he directly smashed the piano that cost his mother a year or two of savings... Later, the old mother got up early and was greedy for darkness, and took several more odd jobs to save money to repair the piano.


As a single-parent family, the old mother has a strong personality.

When he was a child, he always felt that his mother was unreasonable, nagging, and could not be refuted.

Just like a mountain, he couldn't breathe.

He thought about escaping every day.

It seems that when he was a child, there was nothing that made this old mother worry.

But despite his repeated disappointments.

Every time he gets home, his mother's food is still ready for him.

Come to think of this.

The old brother couldn't help choking and took another heavy puff of cigarette.

In the blink of an eye, many years have passed.

Whenever he visits the hospital.

This once big mountain in his eyes is now just lying quietly on the hospital bed like a child looking at himself.

He owes this old mother so much!

If only I could hear Su Ming's song when I was a child... Maybe everything will be different.

"Listen to your mother, don't let her get hurt

I want to grow up quickly to protect her

Beautiful gray hair sprouts in bliss

Angelic magic is warm and kind


As the chorus sounded.

There was already a choked voice in the square.

Most of them are mothers with children.

The song is sung from the voice of a child.

So only those of them who are mothers know how touching this song is.

watched Su Ming sing.

For a moment, they seemed to see their children grow up and succeed in their careers, and proudly showed her appearance.

And seeing their mother crying, the children naturally couldn't help but comfort themselves.

"Mom, why are you crying? I'll be obedient, don't cry. "

"I will also listen to my mother, and when I grow up, I want to take my mother and you around the world!"

"I'll be Superman when I grow up, Mom, and I'll protect you"

"Mom, I really want to grow up quickly and buy you a big cake!"


The children's immature and simple words immediately made everyone in the square smile while their eyes were red.

Adults can't help but think of their mothers at this moment.

For a while, I was full of emotion.

"In your future

Music is your trump card

Take the ace and fall in love

Alas, I don't want to teach you badly

Let's listen to my mother

Let's fall in love again in the evening

...... 3.0

Listen to your mother and don't let her get hurt

I want to grow up quickly to protect her

Beautiful gray hair sprouts in bliss

Angelic magic is warm and kind


The singing continues.

At this time, everyone in the square was already raising their hands or hitting the flash of their mobile phones, slowly swinging along with the song.

The children sang along with Su Ming, although it was not standard, it was just babbling, but it was unexpectedly beautiful, like the finishing touch.

The singing brother who couldn't cry on the side seemed to be relieved now, with a smile on his face, and hummed with Su Ming.

Finally to the chorus.

A big chorus came directly from the whole square.


The atmosphere seems to have become unusually warm.

in the crowd.

Old Xue Ziqi was also completely integrated into the warm atmosphere at this moment, like two fan brothers and sisters, frantically shaking the flash in his hand for Su Ming.

Look at the reddened circles under the eyes of the two.

Apparently the two of them cried.

No way, this song is so well written!

Let's talk about Su Ming.

Looking at the scene in front of me, it is like a sea of fluorescent scenes.

He couldn't help but think of the time when he held a concert in his previous life.

It's a feeling I haven't felt in a long time.

Now the people in this square are completely incomparable to the number of people attending his concerts.

But looking at these smiling faces, he was very satisfied.

Concerts don't have to be on a glossy stage.

It is also possible to be in the fireworks alley.

And let's talk about the live broadcast room at this time.

The number of viewers has reached 30 million!

The barrage is even more completely boiling!.

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