Chapter 57 You seem to write a song very casually, can you write one for us?

"Woo woo, I'm in tears, brothers!"

"! How can I watch a live broadcast, I laughed and cried, what is the name of this song, it can't really be written by Su Ming in the ten minutes just now, right? "

"I can't find out by listening to songs, it should be what Su Ming just wrote."

"I lost! Su Ming's song is too foul! Listen to the bricks in my eyes! "

"Su Ming's lyrics are definitely not written in time to tell his childhood words?"

"You can always trust Su Ming's talent! For this song, I'll order one! "

"What a healing song, I miss my mother! No, I'll have to call my mom! "

"Damn! I'm going to call too, I've been working for more than half a year, and I haven't called home, I'm really damned! "

"I miss my mom too, I miss my mom's cooking, and now I'm going to buy a ticket home! Fuck the capitalists, I don't do this broken job! "

"I really envy you, my mother is still there."

"I might not have thought of this song when I was a teenager, but now I'm forty-three, and I feel a lot, I'll have a drink!"

"I am an expectant mother, and I cried when I heard this song, hoping that my child would grow up happily in the future."

"I'm a mom, I have to learn this song from my damned boy! Sing it to me every day! "

"Poof! When it's so touching, don't make me laugh, okay? "

"Hahahaha, I thank you in advance for your child... Hey! Wrong! Why did I suffer a loss and admit a mother?! "

"Hahaha, mother's good son!"

"Poof, that mom, I want milk!"

"Get out!"


"Harm, I haven't listened to a song seriously for many years, this song is really well written, when the official version will be released, I will buy it!"


At this moment, the barrage is full of tears, and 06 comments are good.


This song "Listen to Mom" really touched the softest part of many people's hearts.

Oh, yes.

Who doesn't have a mom?

Who doesn't love their mother?

And at the same time as this barrage is brushing wildly.

The gifts in the live broadcast room are also crazy floating screens, and they are almost impossible to watch.

"Sister Mi, let's bet on Su Ming, it seems that we have made the right bet."

"This song is really good! I miss my mom! "

The other end of the screen.

Reba was already leaning on Yang Mi and crying into tears.

"Indeed, we can write this kind of song in ten minutes, we still underestimated Su Ming before!"

"This time, Jiahang chose to go it alone, and there was absolutely no mistake!"

"Well, I miss my mom a little bit too."

Yang Mi on the side said while comforting Reba.

In the end, I couldn't hold back, and hugged Reba directly, crying into tears.

Even the driver who was driving in front of him.

At this moment, I couldn't help but gently wipe the tears from the corners of my eyes.

And at the other end of the day.

A special viewer was also watching Su Ming's live broadcast.

This is an old man who is over the age of six.

The old man had gray sideburns, wore a pair of reading glasses, and had a literati atmosphere all over his body.

He doesn't like to look at his phone on weekdays.

But you also have to follow the trend of the times and get in touch with some new gadgets.

For example, there are fashionable short videos such as comics.

Just turned on the comics, and directly pushed Su Ming's live broadcast room to him.

It also happened that Su Ming was singing "Listen to Mother".

I couldn't take my eyes off it for a moment.

Listening to Su Ming's song at this moment, the old man couldn't help but take off his glasses and wipe the tears from the corners of his eyes.

That's right, the old man was also moved.

Although the melody of this lyric is unpretentious and simple in his eyes, it is a vernacular throughout, but the emotions expressed are sincere and strong.

And when the old man silently wiped away his tears.

There was a sudden knock on the door, and then a middle-aged man walked in, who also looked quite civil

"Academician Li, the compilation itinerary of this year's primary school textbooks has come down, let..."

"Academician Li, what's wrong with you?"

The middle-aged man watched the old man wipe away his tears, and his brows furrowed suddenly.

The old man didn't respond, but just pointed at Su Ming's live broadcast on his phone.

The middle-aged man also understood the meaning.

I immediately listened carefully.

"These lyrics are so well written!"

"Well, you find a chance to contact this person and see if there is any willingness,

There is a lack of a song about mother's love in our music textbooks, and this song can be used. "

"Okay! I'll arrange for someone to get in touch. "


Xia Guo's top entertainment company.

Tianle Entertainment Company.

Entertainer Lounge.

"Su Ming's song seems to sound pretty good."

"Indeed, this Su Ming is somewhat talented, this song was written by him in ten minutes, can you believe it?"

"What? This song only took ten minutes? Our company's Wang Qu Dad probably can't write it, right? "

"Who knows, it may have been written in advance, it's pretty good anyway, if it's really released, it's probably another song that can be on the new song list."

"! I really envy it, this Su Ming seems to have written six songs at present, five of which have already occupied the top five, this is another one, isn't this going to be a comprehensive slaughter version?! "

"Well, who makes people talented? But it shouldn't be a complete slaughter version, grapevine, I heard that Wang Qu's father has a song to be released recently. "

"I'm rubbing! Is Wang Qu's father finally going to sing? The last time was half a year ago, and I don't know which one can take shit luck and receive Wang Qu's father's song! "

"I heard it's Huachen language!"


"That's a good match? Singing is like singing, without the support of his family, he is a fart! "

"That's it! Some time ago, he ridiculed people in "The Most Dazzling National Style", didn't Su Ming microwave named him, saying that he was stinky fish and rotten shrimp,

What's the result, if he doesn't even dare to let out a fart, he only dares to pretend to be a big name in our company. "

"Shhhh Be quiet, be heard! "


At this time.

Several Tianle Entertainment artists were watching Su Ming's live broadcast together, and you said a word, and there were many discussions, and the eyebrows of the conversation danced.

Obviously, they are also full of praise for Su Ming's song "Listen to Mother".

At the same time, I thought that I was about the same age as Su Ming.

As a result, Su Ming's first song was on the new song list, and he made money directly, which is really envious.

But just when a few people were chatting.

A pair of cold eyes at the door made them disperse immediately. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

This man is none other than him.

It's the flower dust language.

Hua Chenyu is now Tianle's first-line singer, he is very famous, his family is rich, and if he has a temper, he is naturally famous for pretending, and they don't dare to provoke him.

At this moment, several people did not dare to turn their heads.

What they just said, Huachen won't hear it, right?

And apparently, they guessed correctly.

Huachen heard it clearly.

However, when Hua Chenyu was about to get angry, he happened to be called by the agent on the side.

"Huahua, let's go, the head of the operation department and the company leaders are waiting."

After Hua Chen's words answered, his eyes looked at the artists who had just been discussing again.

"You're waiting for me!"

Drop such a sentence.

Huachenyu went to the operation department.

Su Ming is the center of traffic now, and he naturally won't be unrecognizable.

As for being scolded by Su Ming's microwave, he didn't want to mention it at all now.

If the company hadn't been blocking him, he would have gone back!

Maybe in the eyes of others, Su Ming's song is still like that, but in his eyes, it is simply a piece of.

Not even a high note, is this a song?

"Listen to Mom" he also listened to it just now.

The song is well written.

But there's no treble!

This is simply a big failure of this song!

In his opinion, if he sings this song, he will definitely be able to raise the level of the song to a higher level!


Come to Operations.

Lu Qiang, the head of the operation department of Tianle Entertainment, and a leader of the company, as well as the company's Wang Qu father and Wang Quan, have been waiting for a long time.

"Huahua is here, then let's start the meeting."

"We have a meeting this time, mainly about the release of Mr. Wang's new song, as well as the hype of "Tomorrow's Superstar" on Huahua."

"At present, the meaning of our operation department and planning department is mainly to put the breakthrough on Su Ming."

"Now Su Ming's popularity is very high, we must rub this traffic!"

"And judging from the current news, Su Ming may also go to "Tomorrow's Superstar".

"The specific proposed action plan is mainly divided into the following three steps..."

"Learn the lesson of Fang Yue's embroidered pillow next door,

We have Huahua your singing skills as a guarantee this time, as well as Mr. Wang Quan's song support, there is a high probability that we will not get rid of it. "

"When Huahua takes Teacher Wang Quan's new song to the top and tops the new song list, Huahua will naturally become the top of the powerful faction."


At the end of the meeting, Hua Chenyu, who was originally full of anger, now had a smile on his face.

If only the plan could be steady step by step.

If nothing else, Su Ming will become a stepping stone for him to become a top-notch player!

The company's Wang Qu father spent more than half a year of hard work, and he thought that he was born to write the best song.

He didn't believe that Su Ming's so-called talent could pose any threat to him!

He's always been a grudge-bearer.

Didn't Su Ming scold him for stinky fish and rotten shrimp.

Then wait and see!


And back to the small square.

Su 033 Ming's singing has come to an end.

The atmosphere of the scene also reached its peak at this moment.

As Su Ming's last sentence fell.

The scene immediately burst into thunderous applause.

"The young man sings so well!"

"Yes, young man, what's the name of this song, I'll buy it now!"

"I burst into tears when I listened to this song."

"I didn't expect the young man to not only be able to rap, but also to sing serious songs!"

"It's true, but it's a pity, such an excellent young man is actually owed wages, Huang He is really not human!"

"That's it! But if you want me to say, the young man should be a star, he is handsome, and he sings well! "

"Young man, can I take a picture with you?"

"I want it too! The young man feels that the future is promising! In the future, it is designated to become a big star and a big singer! "


The scene seemed to be full of rave reviews.

Even many people rushed over to take a photo with Su Ming.

Looking at the smiles on everyone's faces, Su Ming himself was also in a good mood.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that he hasn't sung seriously for a long time, and this time he can barely sing well.

As for group photos.

Su Mingna naturally has no resistance at all, and those who come will not refuse!

And the people waiting for the group photo basically dispersed.

Two people wearing fisherman's hats, big sunglasses, and big masks rushed over, apparently also to take a group photo.

The two of them dressed up like this, obviously completely out of place with the others.

And compared to others, these two are also extraordinarily enthusiastic.

And who else could this be, Ziqi and Lao Xue.

"We're going to take a picture too!"

"yes, can you sign us again?"

"The two of us are your fans!"

"By the way, did you really write that song on the spot? It's so well written! "

"You seem to write a song very casually, can you write one for us too?"

"yes, can you write us one? We can give money! "

The two of them squeezed Su Ming in the middle, and they were extremely emotional when they said a word.

For the unexpected enthusiasm of the two, Su Ming really couldn't cry.

But when he listened, he sensed something was wrong.

How did the voices of these two sound so familiar?

"Old Xue, Ziqi?"

Su Ming frowned, looked at the two of them hesitantly, and asked tentatively.

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