Chapter 58 Singing Brother: The Sixth Brother is by My Side!

As soon as Su Ming's words came out.

Ziqi Lao Xue glanced at each other, scratched his head, and immediately couldn't pretend.

However, the two of them hurriedly signaled Su Ming to be quiet.

They are different from Su Ming.

Su Ming has faded out of the entertainment industry for three years, and he has basically never appeared on the big screen.

Although he's been quite popular lately,

But the recognition is too different from that of old Xue Ziqi, who has been in the entertainment industry for ten or eight years, and there is still hype every year, and he brushes his face on various shows.

There are so many people in the square now, if they are recognized, it is estimated that people from the nearby streets will rush over.

At that time, I am afraid that it will cause public security problems.

Su Ming naturally knew this, so he was very cooperative and did not make a noise.

"That, let's not affect you and people for a photo, let's talk later."

Old Xue Ziqi smiled at Su Ming at this time, and then walked to the side and waited.

And the other end.

At this time, the barrage was also discovered.

"Poof, these two fans are too enthusiastic! Why are there so many problems? "

"It's a bit too fanatical, indeed."

"Oh, that's not right! These two voices are a little familiar! "

"Old Xue and Ziqi?"

"! It's kind of like that! "

"Old Xue Ziqi, are you two still watching the live broadcast? There are two people here who seem to be you! "

"[Lao Xue]: It's me, hehe, I didn't expect it!"

"[Ziqi]: Shhh

"Holy! It's really the two of them! "

"Old Xue Ziqi, you two actually went to find Su Ming, are you looking for Su Ming to write a song?!"

"Old Xue Ziqi, comment on Su Ming's song just now!"

"[Ziqi]: Perfect!"

"[Lao Xue]: Awesome!"

"Hahahaha, this time it's really "Tomorrow's Superstar" reincarnation!"

"This live broadcast is really getting more and more interesting!"


Now that they were seen by the barrage, Lao Xue Ziqi and the others naturally didn't plan to pretend.

simply chatted with netizens directly on the barrage.

even sneaked in front of the camera to say hello to the live broadcast room.


The barrage is undoubtedly boiling again.

That's it.

It's not an exaggeration to say that you're watching a first-line top variety show!

Let's talk about Su Ming.

For the arrival of old Xue Ziqi, Su Ming was obviously very surprised.

He had a good impression of both of them, so he didn't resist anything.

But if you want to talk about how much you pay attention to it, it seems that it is like that.

Now all he cares about is those old fans who have always supported him.

About five or six minutes passed.

This is the end of the group photo session.

Su Ming also walked towards the singing brother at this time, "Brother, how is this song, you should be satisfied." "

"Satisfied, satisfied! Thank you so much! "

"If my old mother hears me sing this song to her, she shouldn't have any regrets before she sees it."

"By the way, little brother, do you see that you have time,

I want to ask you and your husband to have a string of things together, so that I can repay this kindness. "

The singing brother was full of gratitude.

How could he not be satisfied, he was so satisfied!

"It's okay, it's just a gesture, but forget it, we still have something to go."

Su Ming waved his hand and declined his brother's kindness,

He and Sister Chaoyue went to eat skewers, but they couldn't put Lao Xue Ziqi here, plus dozens of paparazzi to hang aside, right?

The old brother doesn't seem to be a wealthy man.

Inviting so many people at once, he was really afraid that his brother would not be able to stand it.

And seeing Su Ming's refusal, the old brother naturally didn't want to say anything.

"Chaoyue, let..."

Su Ming saw that there was nothing to do here, so he planned to leave first.

However, just as he was about to leave.

Seven or eight children walked towards Su Ming with all kinds of small gifts.

Behind them was their mother.

"Young man, that singing just now is very good, we all like it very much!"

"I heard that you and your wife were cheated by the boss named Huang He, and we have nothing to help with here, it's a little meaning, please accept it."

One of the mothers looked at Su Ming and the Chaoyue sister on the side and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Su Ming couldn't help but cry and laugh a little.

He really wanted to confess that he hadn't been cheated.

But looking at the innocent eyes of the children, he was reluctant to refuse.

"Thank you for the gift."

"But since you give your brother a gift, can my brother also give you some gifts?"

Su Ming squatted down and accepted the gifts in the children's hands one by one, with a smile on his face.

As soon as the children heard that they could get gifts, they immediately shouted for them.

Seeing this, the children's mothers were not happy.

How can this still be used to recycle gifts?

However, he couldn't bear Su Ming's strong request, and the children also wanted it, so they could only agree.


After telling Sister Chaoyue not to let the children go, Su Ming immediately went to the supermarket not far away.

"Little girl, you really found a good husband."

The singing brother looked at Su Ming's back in the distance.

While packing up his equipment, he smiled at this super moon sister.

Hearing this, Sister Chaoyue's face blushed again.

This one is a husband, and she doesn't really want to explain it.

And one thing to say, the way Su Ming sang just now was really handsome!

If only Su Ming were really her husband!

"Hey! What the hell are you two sneaking around! "

"You want to steal, huh?!"

"How daring!"

Suddenly, at this time, the singing brother noticed the old Xue Ziqi who had been dangling in front of Su Ming's live broadcast room.

immediately rushed up, took the mobile phone in the live broadcast room, and looked at the two of them vigilantly.

Obviously, the outfit of Lao Xue Ziqi and the others made them mistake them for thieves.

Sister Chaoyue also immediately ran over at this time, her face full of vigilance.

She hadn't paid any attention to these two sneaky people.

"No, no, no, you're mistaken."

"Yes, we are not thieves, we are Su Ming's friends."

Old Xue Ziqi saw that he was about to be wronged, so he hurriedly explained.

The singing brother didn't believe this set of rhetoric, and pointed to the two of them and asked:

"Come less, look at the way you guys look like you're not good people!"

"Still friends? How can you prove that you are Sue...??? "

"What do you call him? Su Ming?! "

Halfway through his words, he was directly stunned.

Immediately after, he immediately looked at the live broadcast room!

Directly, the account number is written with the word Su Ming.


Ten hundred thousand... Thirty-three million people are watching at the same time!

What's the situation?

Look at the barrage again.

"Poof! Did the dude finally find out?! "

"My brother is so vigilant, Old Xue Ziqi was almost recognized as a thief!"

"Hahahaha, hello brother!"

"Brother, are you surprised, are you surprised?"

"Don't panic, brother, we're all robots!"

"Don't do it, everyone, my brother is very good, what about the big filial son, we can't hear Su Ming's song without him."

"Indeed, my brother just likes to brag, and his kidneys are not so strong..."

"Poof, what kind of expression is this brother, I'm going to die laughing!"

...... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )


The singing brother suddenly felt dizzy, like being struck by lightning.

Now I want to find a crack in the ground and get into it, and never come out again.

He bragged before, and he actually blew it to the main owner!

But the key is that Su Ming didn't say anything at that time, and kept chatting with him.

I remember that he was almost hallucinated at that time, and it was the first time he met Su Ming so easy to deceive.

Unexpectedly, Su Ming has been performing with him!

Is this kidding him?!


There are only dozens of people in the live broadcast room?!

Damn it! This old six!

Thinking of this, my brother's face turned a little green.

He brags about those cows and kidney deficiency, is it going to be on the hot search now"

Although Su Ming wrote a song for him, he was very grateful, but one yard is one yard.

Damn, this is a real six!

At the same time, he also noticed at this time that some people in the barrage said that Ziqi Lao Xue or something.

Think carefully about the voices of the two people in front of you just now.

The elder brother reacted immediately and looked straight at the two in front of him.

Old Xue Ziqi saw that the elder brother should have recognized it, and directly made a "shhhhh

This moment.

The old brother's mentality seems to be a little collapsed.

His idol and "little brother" Lao Xue is actually here!

It's too much to die!

"Ahem, that, little girl, this phone is for you, I have something to do, so I'll go first."

"Thank you Su Ming for me, the sixth child... Division! "

The singing brother realized the seriousness of the problem, and immediately handed the mobile phone to Sister Chaoyue.

Then I hurriedly packed up my equipment and ran away.

Looking at the back of the elder brother in the distance, Sister Chaoyue stood in place, a little messy, and she couldn't figure out the situation at all.

And before Sister Chaoyue could react.

Su Ming had already run over from the supermarket with a bunch of things.

"Huh? So how did the old brother go? "

Su Ming looked at the singing brother who left only a back in the distance at this time.

Sister Chaoyue was a little helpless, "I don't know, it should be something at home." "

"Whew, that's right."

Su Ming nodded, I originally wanted to invite my brother to go with me, but I didn't expect to leave beforehand.

Brother idol Lao Xue Ke is here, if the brother sees the idol, he will definitely be very happy.

It's a pity.


Su Ming's eyes looked at the children who had been waiting for a long time, and divided all the gifts.

"'Come, children, the gift has arrived, keep you waiting!'"

"You should all be in kindergarten by now.

Brother, this gift you will definitely need in the future! "


Looking at the gifts Su Ming bought, Old Xue Ziqi, Sister Chaoyue, and the children's mothers couldn't help but be stunned.

"Primary School Mathematics Learning Problem Collection"!

"Big brother, what's written on this? That's a lot of numbers! "

"This is a martial arts cheat, as long as you learn this, when you go to elementary school, there will be absolutely no one in the class who is your opponent!"

"Really? Then I must learn! "

"Big brother, I want a few more of these martial arts cheats!"

"Okay, good, don't rob, don't rob, everyone has a share!"


Half an hour later.

Nearby, there is a large food stall in a large box.

Sister Chaoyue, Su Ming and a group of paparazzi ordered a large table of dishes and meat skewers, and drank a bottle of Da Wusu for each person.

The old Xue Ziqi on the side was a little uncomfortable at first, and she had never eaten with so many paparazzi like this.

can wait for Su Ming to gradually drive the atmosphere.

The two of them also completely lost their fight, and they mingled with everyone.

And drank until I was happy.

Old Xue Ziqi has not forgotten the purpose of this trip.

To sing!

In the face of the sincere request of the two, Su Ming was not stingy.

directly agreed.

Of course, it's not for nothing, and the dividends that should be received are still needed.

After all, now Jiahang is doing it alone, and it is still very necessary to have a sufficient capital chain.


With a hint of drunkenness, Su Mingyang sprinkled with enthusiasm, a song "Bubble" and a song "Actor" were presented in front of the two.

Looking at Su Ming's creation without hesitation.

Lao Xue and Ziqi really looked stupid.

Su Ming, what kind of monster is this?!

That's too fast!

And when Old Xue Ziqi saw the two songs that Su Ming wrote for them.

The two of them turned pale (Zhao Zhao Zhao) and were stunned.

Then they all got up and bowed to Su Ming.

They were right!

And they really think that Su Ming is a monster now!

And looking at the old Xue Ziqi to behave like this.

really looked at everyone in the live broadcast room stupidly.

It's hard to do that.

Su Ming wrote two more good songs?!

However, Lao Xue Ziqi didn't sing for the time being, they could only rely on guessing.


Three rounds of drinking.

It was already about ten o'clock in the evening.

Su Ming's biological species couldn't bear it either.

So the table slowly dispersed.

After sending Sister Chaoyue home, Su Ming closed the live broadcast room and took a taxi to the house.

It is worth mentioning.

Under Su Ming's persuasion, Sister Chaoyue had already agreed to sign a contract with Jiahang.

"What a fulfilling day!"

"Tomorrow, I can consider helping Jiahang plan and plan the blueprint for the future."

In the taxi, Su Ming looked out the window at the receding tall buildings, and couldn't help but say to himself.

This is hanging out with fans and paparazzi like this.

It's really much happier than recording a show or something.

Of course, this time it was a coincidence, and the fan happened to be Chaoyue, an old acquaintance of his previous life.

I don't know what the fans will be like next time.

He was already looking forward to it.

Let's talk about Jia Hang.

Now, as a shareholder of Jiahang, he has to contribute to Jiahang.

Tomorrow happens to be a holiday.

I can just write a few movie scripts, and the scripts of the TV series will be filmed by the director of the company.

After making a plan.

Su Ming swiped his mobile phone.

As soon as the microwave was turned on, Su Ming's brows furrowed suddenly, and he subconsciously burst into a foul mouth.

“giao! Why am I still on the hot search! "。

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