Chapter 59 Yang Mi: You put on my clothes first to make do!

[How good is the star pancake technique]

[Is the magic capital Jiangnan Doll Factory really bankrupt?

[The master is in the folk, "Dispel Sorrow" is suspected of stealing a certain folk singer with kidney deficiency]

[Su Ming's new song, listen to my mother's words]

[It's so good to cry when you listen to your mother]

[On how old Su Ming is]

[Ziqi Lao Xue personally asked Su Ming to write a song]


Look at the entries on this hot search.

Su Ming is simply stupid.

Not only are there more entries than before, but there are also various headlines flying around.

He didn't want to be high-profile at all.

If he is on the hot search every day, then wouldn't he really be popular?!

If it is completely popular, then how can you quietly smoke fans to play on the street, which must not be recognized and blocked by passers-by?

Then the only way left for him at that time is to go to the show?

It's really tiring to be on the show.

Thinking of this, Su Ming's head was big.

Those who usually like to buy hot searches of small fresh meat, you should buy it, it's best to squeeze all his hot searches!

But how would Su Ming know.

It's not that the little fresh meat didn't buy it, but not long after they bought it, they were immediately topped by a new hot search about Su Ming, which was a loss.

The ghost knows if there will be any new entries behind Su Ming.

They simply didn't buy it en masse.

Wait for Su Ming's gust of wind to pass.

And let's talk about the hot search at this time, the comment is simply blown up.

"If you don't understand, just ask, why did this guy named Su Ming go to set up a stall, I heard that he is not a star? Shouldn't it be another headline party hype? "

"I also wondered, is this Su Ming a new little fresh meat, why are there so many hot searches?"

"What the hell is Jiangnan Doll Factory? This star named Su Ming can't be illegally reselling that kind of doll! Depend on! I don't share the same days with gambling and drugs! "

"It's really fake, if it's really that kind of doll, where is his morality? Where is the conscience? Where is the address? And where is the purchase link? Buy a doll and give a CD away? "



"Holy! This star is really awesome, this pancake stall is like acrobatics! "

"Not really! And one thing to say, he is really a favorite fan, and he actually went directly to 430 to help fans set up stalls, which made me, who is not a star chaser, want to be his fan! "

"Awesome! Is he really a star? It's the same as rap! I suspect he did it at the farmer's market! "

"Don't be embarrassed, as a person who worked at the farmer's market, he shouted something very new!"

"Hahahahaha, what kind of rap! I'm going to die laughing! "

"The original price is more than one hundred, two hundred, more than three hundred... Burst! It's so special! If those with goods were sold like this, I would have placed an order without a brain! "

"Poof, absolutely! My mom asked me to help her copy this rap, and she will use it another day to sell vegetables! "

"I'm numb, this is really not called rap! Obviously shouting Mai! I'm a raper, and I want to diss him in person! Ruined my reputation in the rap world! "

"What are you shouting at Mai, don't throw us this away, okay? This is clearly rap! skr! skr! "

"Hahaha, this is called Su Ming's live broadcast? The live broadcast of the thief is interesting, where can I watch it, kneel and beg for an address! "


"I'll go, Su Ming, what's the situation? Is "Sorrow" stolen? "

"Poof! No one really believes the title! "

"Hahahaha, Su Ming is really talented, he can write a song for selling, it's too magical!"

"Holy! Finally saw Su Ming singing by himself! Listen to my mother, this lyric is too well written! "

"What kind of fairy song is "Listen to Mom", I blow it up! Listen to me cry! No, I'll have to call my mom! "

"I'm a bit similar to this singing brother's experience, Su Ming's song is simply written to my heart, is this song really written by Su Ming in ten minutes?"

"Listen to my mother, don't let her get hurt~, brothers, I'm in tears!"

"From now on, Su Ming is the king in my heart! This talent is invincible! I've been a fan of him all my life! "

"What's the situation? Lao Xue and Ziqi also went to Su Ming to write songs in person? "

"Holy! Is! The most important thing is that Su Ming seems to have really written! I still wrote it to them directly on the spot, Su Ming's Nima is too prolific! An old sow in the world of composition? "

"I'm really curious what song Su Ming wrote for Lao Xue Ziqi, I don't know if "Tomorrow's Superstar" will be sung when it restarts?"


Looking at these dense comments, Su Ming was really speechless for a while.

It's a big deal, isn't it just to set up a stall and sing a few songs?

Why did so many netizens post crazy comments.

Especially under the entries about "Jiangnan Doll Factory" and "Listen to Mother", the comments are directly as high as hundreds of thousands!

The more he looked, the bigger Su Ming's head became.

Su Ming simply didn't look at it.

And when he just turned off the microwave.

Yang Mi suddenly sent several messages at this time.

[Su Ming, come to my house later, I have something to discuss!] 】

[Your song "Listen to Mom" will be recorded at work the day after tomorrow, now the popularity is too hot, and it is designated to be on the new song list! ] 】

[By the way, there is another very important thing, you give me an answer now, someone from the Textbook Bureau has come to contact, and I want to enter your song "Listen to Mother's Words" into the music textbook for primary school students, let me ask you what you mean! ] 】

Look at these few messages.

Su Ming frowned, he was almost sleepy now, and he had to go to Yang Mi's house later, which was too tiring.

However, after seeing the last message, Su Ming couldn't help but be a little surprised.

The Textbook Bureau wants to use his songs?

This is quite surprising.

But think about it too.

This song "Listen to Mother" is still very suitable for children, the melody is brisk, catchy, and can also subtly make children feel the greatness of maternal love.


Su Ming didn't hesitate at all, and directly agreed.

After replying to Yang Mi's message.

Su Ming leaned back on the seat and fell asleep.

When he was woken up by the driver, he had already come to the door of his community.

But I can't go back to this home, and I have to go to Yang Mi.

"I'm so sleepy!"

Su Ming yawned and slowly walked towards the villa area where Yang Mi was on the other side.

The biological clock is really magical.

If he had stayed up all night before, he would have nothing to do all night, but now he really can't do it as soon as he arrives.

And just as Su Ming was yawning and walking slowly.

He suddenly felt the soles of his feet slip.

The whole person directly lost his center of gravity, and fell into the small puddle in front of him with a bang.

"Oops, hey!"

"Who the threw a banana peel!"

This fall directly wiped out Su Ming's sleepiness.

And looking at the banana peel under his feet, Su Ming's face turned green.

Who is so unqualified!

Littering everywhere?! (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Fortunately, he was agile, but he fell into the muddy water and did not hurt his muscles and bones.

If this is really an old man, the next person who understands the car emperor!

"Oh, Xiao Ming, Xiao Ming, are you okay?!"

"It's all my grandson's fault! Fugui, come over to me! Apologize to your brother Su Ming! "

When I turned my head, it was Uncle Zhao and his grandson Fugui!

Looking at the banana in Fugui's hand, and (agfj) Uncle Zhao's upcoming big move.

The murderer is already needless to say.

Seeing that it was an old acquaintance or Uncle Zhao who had a good chat with him, Su Ming's anger disappeared a lot at once.

But his eldest grandson, Fugui, is a little naughty.

"Uncle Zhao, it's okay, it's okay, it's normal for children to accidentally throw garbage everywhere, Fugui definitely didn't mean it."

Su Ming got up and shook off the muddy water on his body slightly, and said with a smile.

"But there is one thing, I have to talk to Uncle Zhao, Fugui's age is the most rebellious time in adolescence, and many places are still ignorant."

"I've often seen Fugui playing games with three or four girls at the same time in the game recently, and it's different every time, Uncle Zhao, you have to prevent him from dating online."

"Those girls on the Internet are very bad."

"I've heard that many people end up bankrupt and leave the house because of online dating."

"But of course, I must believe Fugui, Fugui is such a well-behaved child, how can he be in online dating, you say, Fugui?"

"By the way, that Uncle Zhao, Fugui, I still have something to do, I'll leave first, and you continue to walk."

Su Ming smiled and looked at the two of them earnestly.

After finishing speaking, he continued to go to Yang Mi's house.

At this time, Uncle Zhao and Fugui's faces were obviously wrong.

"Fugui! Didn't you say you deleted the game?! "

"I still want to be in online dating, right? Don't learn well at a young age! "

"Grandpa, grandpa, I really don't have online dating, I'm all reality... No, I don't have a love for me! "

"Stinky boy, you're still in early love! See if I don't kill you! "

"Grandpa, stop playing, I'm not going to play games anymore, I... I'm going to break up! "

"I'm going to kill you! Can't you learn from someone as good as your brother Su Ming? I know all day long that I don't learn well! "


One old and one young, laughing and mingling.

The neighbors all poked their heads out, knocking melon seeds while quietly observing.

"What's wrong with this kid Fugui again?"

"Oh, where did this banana peel come from, look at the blessing of the gift."


Let's talk about Su Ming.

Su Ming had already come to the door of Yang Mi's house at this time.

The doorbell rang shortly after.

The door opened.

Look up.

Yang Mi was wearing a silk pink nightgown at this time, with a mask on her face, full of homely feeling.

Of course, because Yang Mi's figure is really good.

This home outfit immediately becomes less homely, but it gives people a strong feeling of wanting to stay at home, and then at home for a long time, and it can't come out.

"Sister Mi, I'm here."


The two of them looked at each other.

It directly started with Yang Mi's scream.

At this time, his face and clothes were all muddy water.

If it weren't for Su Ming's handsome facial features being too recognizable, Yang Mi would almost not recognize it.

"Su Ming? What's wrong with you, we're like this? "

"Harm, don't mention it, I accidentally fell."

"Let's talk about things first, and I'll go back and wash after that."

Hearing Su Ming's explanation, Yang Mi was really a little crying and laughing.

There aren't any hills and mud pools around here, so how can you still wrestle on the ground?

As soon as Su Ming entered the door, Yang Mi pinched the corner of Su Ming's clothes that was not covered by muddy water with a little disgust with her small hand.

"Wait, you are muddy, don't stain my house, and your clothes are also wet, and you are prone to colds."

"You'd better go to the bathroom and wash up first, this matter won't be finished in a while."

"Wash here?"

"Or else?"

"OK, then I'll go, Sister Mi, you wait for me."

"By the way, Sister Mi, don't you have other towels, I don't have to use you."


"Sister Mi, you seem to have two towels, I'll pick one at random."

"Wait! There's one you can't use! "

"Huh? Why? "

"If you can't say you can't, don't ask more about girls!"


Su Ming and Yang Mi are very familiar.

Yang Mi asked him to wash here, but he naturally had nothing to see, so he went directly to the bathroom.

And one thing to say, this muddy body is really uncomfortable to wear.

Su Ming was washing in the bathroom.

Yang Mi continued to look at a series of things to be dealt with from the company in the living room.

The ratio of shares with Su Ming has not yet been determined, and it will have to be finalized later.

There is also the company's future plan, and I will have to discuss it with Su Ming later.

Just when Yang Mi was looking at it seriously.

Su Ming's voice suddenly came from the bathroom.

"By the way, Sister Mi, I don't seem to have changed my clothes!"

Su Ming stood under the shower at this time, his brows furrowed.

He had forgotten about it.

I knew I had to go back and wash it.

Yang Mi also frowned at this time, how can she do this without changing clothes.

She doesn't have any men's clothes here.

There are bathrobes, but they are women's, too small, and Su Ming specified that they can't be worn.

"It's okay, you wash it first, I'll find a few of my clothes for you to make do with it later."

Yang Mi shouted in a small milk voice, and then a slightly funny smile appeared on her face.

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