Chapter 62 Textbook Bureau roll call, don't panic Huahua

Inside the villa.

Watch the situation develop to this stage.

Reba Yangmi's eyes couldn't help but look straight at Su Ming, with an extremely strange expression on her face.

"Su Ming, what kind of magic power do you have?

Can you let Lao Xue Ziqi's two seniors stand out for you like this? "

Reba couldn't help but ask the question she had been holding back for a long time.

Yang Mi on the side was also frowning, full of doubts.

Now in this situation, things have completely gotten bigger.

Don't look at the microwave on the microwave is just three people scolding and fighting.

But behind this, there are three top entertainment companies on display.

The interests involved in it must be a very large number.

Old Xue Ziqi actually did not hesitate to pay such a big price to speak up for Su Ming.

This is somewhat unreasonable.

To say that it is just talent, it seems to be a bit reluctant.

"It's... Charisma? "

Faced with this question, Su Ming smiled helplessly, showing a hint of weakness on his face.

He didn't know why the two of them would stand up for him so fiercely.

In addition to talent, the only explanation seems to be character.

And this answer.

Obviously, he got the unanimous eyes of the two daughters.


Stinky and shameless!

"Alas, with such a fuss, I'm afraid "Tomorrow's Superstar" will be lively next Saturday."

"By the way, Su Ming, this scolding war started because of you, I'll contact the public relations team to drive out a microwave for you later, and deal with this matter."

"Also, I don't know if it's my own will or the company's instructions, anyway, the ultimate goal is to use traffic to promote new songs.

is different from the last Fang Yue, Huachenyu still has at least some singing skills,

He still came up with Qu Dad's song this time, it is estimated that after Saturday, public opinion on the Internet may have to change, Su Ming, you have to be mentally prepared. "

Yang Mi exhaled heavily, shook her head, and looked helpless.

Su Ming, this is too good at making things, 06.

Every day, the head of the public relations team is almost bald.

Hearing this, Su Ming seemed to be a little crying and laughing.

What else is there to do with public relations, this has completely torn the face.

Just do it and you're done!

It's not that the grades speak, then the grades speak.

However, Yang Mi obviously thinks that Su Ming's song may not be as good as Huachenyu's new song, and then public opinion will reverse or something.

This concern is understandable.

After all, although Hua Chenyu is an archmage, he will scream in a high pitch from time to time, but his singing skills are indeed okay, anyway, it is no problem to crush Fang Yue.

In addition, this is a song written by Wang Quan, who has made great achievements in the music world immediately, and Wang Qu's father.

The quality of this lyrics and songs is definitely playable.

Good singing skills plus Qu Dad's song.

It's hard to say that there are too many chances of winning with this combination.

Of course, this is just Yang Mi's concern.

Su Ming didn't have the slightest pressure at all, singing a little bit of golden songs, crushing a flower dust Wang Quan, isn't it casual?

"Sister Mi, you don't need to contact the company's public relations, I'll just send it myself."

Su Ming waved his hand at Yang Mi at this time and said with a smile.

It's better for him to scold this kind of trivial matter.

As soon as these words came out.

was immediately rejected by Yang Mireba, and even hurriedly wanted to snatch Su Ming's mobile phone.

With their understanding of Su Ming.

Doesn't that make things bigger?

"Ahem, Sister Mi, Reba, don't come here!

The sun doesn't come out today, so it's perfect for birds."

Seeing that the second daughter was about to rob it.

Su Ming immediately took a few steps back, holding his mobile phone in one hand and holding the hem of his skirt in the other hand to make an upward gesture, revealing an extremely sunny smile at the two.


"Stinky rascal!"

The second girl's face turned red at once, and she was too ashamed to step forward.

Especially Yang Mi, as soon as Su Ming said this, she couldn't help but think of the picture on yesterday night.

Well...... That's a Kunpeng!

And without the second daughter's block.

Su Ming also immediately initiated the microwave.

Su Ming himself:

[I was woken up early in the morning by a dog barking outside, it's really unlucky, turn on the microwave, it's weird, why is there a dog singer on the microwave]

[I said who it was, it turned out to be the stinky fish and rotten shrimp that I scolded last time,

I just went to the music software with the attitude of giving it a try and listened to the singing of this stinky fish and rotten shrimp, and my stomach suddenly rolled, and I could only feel like I ran to the toilet.

[If you want me to say, this stinky fish and rotten shrimp must not have listened carefully to my song "Listen to Mom", otherwise it would be impossible to bite the singer Huachen in the microwave early in the morning]

[Quality is indeed not something that everyone has, and the most unqualified may be around you, such as when you look in the mirror now and the singer Huachen Yu]


[Some people's faces are more plastic surgery, and the ugly ones are like a collision case, you say yes, singer Huachenyu]

[Damn, stinky shabi! Singer Flower Dust Language]

More than a dozen microwaves were released in a row.

From the work to the quality of the character, and finally to the appearance.

All in all, the whole body, from the inside out, scolded Hua Chenyu over and over again.

Since Hua Chenyu wants to rub traffic so much, he still rubs it in this slanderous way.

Then it should be reasonable for him to scold a few words, right?

And with Su Ming's small microwave.

In less than ten minutes, he directly waited for the forefront of the hot search.

The comments at the bottom are up to hundreds of thousands at the speed of light!

"I'll go! The deity responded! "

"It's coming, it's coming, the main one has finally spoken, it's really a big scene today! I'm almost numb to this melon! "

"Poof! It has to be Su Ming, this yin and yang weird, hahahaha! "

"Hahahaha, a dog outside, a dog in the microwave, good poetry! What a poem! "

"Is it okay to listen to the chant? It's also true, every song this archmage sings as if he is singing, and he wants to vomit when he listens to it. "

"Poof, it's ugly like an unjust case, this Nima is too apt to describe it, right?!"

"It's not, it's a piece of that sings, and the face is also neat, the big man runs to make a girl chirping, looking really infiltrating, Su Ming's words are really good, it just says my heart, it's so good to scold!"

"That's it, I actually said that "Listen to Mother" is not good, I think Su Ming is not wrong, the archmage specified that he didn't listen to his mother!"

"Old Xue Ziqi, hurry up and learn to scold! Hahahaha! "

"Poof! Su Ming's scolding is too good, how do you feel that you still have the breath of a writer? Of course, the last sentence doesn't count. "

"Hahahaha! The last sentence is the finishing touch, okay? This stinky sand is so cool to watch! You still have to look at Su Ming! "

"That's not it, this level of intimidation, I haven't practiced for two and a half years, I can't say it!"

"Su Ming, you are my drop god!"



A large number of melon-eating people gathered under Su Ming's microwave comments, and the direction of public opinion was even more one-sided.

Nowadays, with the terrifying traffic impact, there are occasionally a few brainless fans who speak in the dust, and they are immediately rushed to delete their comments and run away.

The other end.

Looking at the scene of Su Ming's microwave killing indiscriminately, Old Xue Ziqi was already stupid.

Su Ming is too good to say.

At this time, Hua Chenyu seemed to be stupid, and his whole popularity almost fainted.

"Grass! This Su Ming really gave him face! (If you read violent novels, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Hua Chenyu looked at Su Mingfa's microwave tightly, and her face turned green.

"Flowey, be sensible!"

The agent on the side hurriedly opened his mouth to persuade.

"Sanity? What reason do you want me to take? Su Ming hacked me like this, what kind of reason do you let me take? "

"Seeing Su Ming scolding me with blood, I'm still sitting idly by, is this called sanity?"

Hua Chenyu's emotions were completely out of control, and he scolded directly.

Let's talk about it.

Picking up your phone is posting a microwave

[Singer Huachen Language]: "Su Ming himself, I listen to your mother!" If you write a few garbage songs, you dare to scold your seniors, right, heads-up! It's kind of a heads-up! "

And quickly.

The next second.

He saw Su Ming's response in the microwave.

[Su Ming himself]: "Demon Capital Palace Security Bureau, police uncle, there is a senior who wants to fight with me on the Internet, I am so afraid, but in order to avoid being secretly hired by him to beat me, I still decided to take the initiative to deal with this matter, and when the time comes, there will be a wave of self-defense." "

"Singer Huachenyu, okay Shabi, let's send the position, I'll fight with you first, and then I'll take you to tea with the police uncle."

"Forget it, I'd better call an ambulance again, I'm afraid you won't be able to stand up, after all, the mage has low armor and thin blood."

After posting, Su Ming also attached an emoji that pressed Erha to the ground with his bare hands and beat him severely.

Under this scolding.

Hua Chenyu's face became greener.

And netizens are also directly happy.

"Poof, Su Ming is too good at doing things! Is it okay to call a police uncle? "

"Damn, Su Ming understands the law at a glance, and he doesn't seem to be blamed for being forced to defend himself and then fight back."

"I lost! No one really believes that they will go to offline live PK, right?

By the way, the online appointment, the reality is really up, they are all responsible, Su Ming's words should be deliberately angry! "

"I can't fight, but Su Ming's emoji is too substitutional, right?! Hahahaha! "

"Poofhahahaha, the god's special mage has low armor and thin blood!"

"Su Ming's online game is here?"

"Laughing numbly, why can he be so funny?"

"Worthy of being my fan's idol! It's a textbook scary! "


Hua Chenyu's whole body was already trembling with anger at this moment.

He knew that he didn't have Su Mingliu in his mouth, so he couldn't be scared at all.

This makes him angry.

"No, this bad breath must come out!"

"Sister Liu, you go to the public relations department to find a few unqualified people to help me microwave and scold! If you win the scolding, I'll give him 50,000 yuan! "

Hua Chenyu gritted her teeth and suddenly looked at the agent on the side.

The broker is undoubtedly a big head at this time.

What does it mean to find a few people who are not qualified?

Do you say that about your colleagues in your company?

Moreover, there was no instruction from the company, so she didn't dare to do this kind of thing easily.

"Why are you still stunned? Hurry up! "

Seeing that the agent was indifferent, Hua Chen was so anxious that he almost jumped up.

Seeing that Hua Chen's words were anxious, the agent Sister Liu was a little at a loss.

A message came from her mobile phone, and suddenly her face became extremely solemn.

It turned out to be a message from the vice president.

[The Textbook Bureau included Su Ming's "Listen to Mother's Words" into the teaching 063 material, and pointed out the Huachen language, you asked him to quickly delete the microwave that scolded people today, and then let the public relations department send an apology statement! ] 】

[Hurry up, be quick!] 】

"Textbook Bureau!"

Just seeing this prefix, Sister Liu felt dizzy.

What's going on, why did you still alarm the Textbook Bureau?!

That's the department in Xia Guo's leadership system.

It's not something they can afford to provoke with a small Tianle entertainment.

After she saw the content clearly, she almost fell into it.

"Listen to Mom" was actually included in the textbook?!

What kind of magical story is this?

It seems that since the history of Xia Kingdom, no pop singer's works have been included in the textbook, right?

"Sister Liu, are you listening to me?"

"Don't you want to do it?"

Hua Chenyu saw that Sister Liu was still not moving, and directly gave an ultimatum.

At this time, Sister Liu directly took the message just sent by the vice president to Hua Chenyu: "See for yourself!" "

Hua Chenyu was angry and confused.

What to watch?

And when he saw the content of the message clearly.

Hua Chenyu didn't stand firmly, and just fell to the ground, his face full of disbelief.

"This song, by virtue of... Why?! "

Hua Chenyu shook his head, he really couldn't accept it.

He didn't think "Listen to Mom" was such a good song at all, and even sprayed this song directly on the microwave.

As a result, the Textbook Bureau suddenly intervened and swollen his face.

"Okay, hurry up and follow the instructions of the vice president, otherwise the Textbook Bureau will probably name it!"

The agent, Sister Liu, looked at Hua Chenyu's appearance, and hurriedly urged.

As soon as he heard this, Hua Chenyu also reacted immediately, and directly began to delete the microwave.

But every time he deleted it, his heart couldn't help but hurt once.

He's not reconciled!

And on the other end.

At this time, the official blog of the Textbook Bureau was updated with the latest microwave.

[I am very happy to cooperate with Su Ming to include "Listen to Mom" in the latest edition of primary school music textbooks]

[The lyrics of the song are excellent, the melody is relaxed, and the melody is full of childlike fun, which is very conducive to children to understand the greatness of maternal love. 】

[Here, thank you again Su Ming for bringing us such a meaningful song,

I hope that in the future, there will be more and more excellent musicians like Su Ming, as well as excellent songs like "Listen to Mom"]

[Finally, I want to say that a good singer can make pop songs meaningful, and a not-so-good singer may only be able to stay at the stage of moaning without disease. 】。

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