Chapter 63, please turn on the microphone to communicate and give Lao Xue a song "Ugly Eight Monsters"

Let's talk about Su Ming.

Su Ming seemed to be paying attention to the real-time dynamics of Huachenyu in real time at the moment, ready to line up at any time.

But I waited for a few minutes, but I didn't wait for Hua Chenyu's reply

On the contrary, I saw Hua Chenyu frantically deleting microwaves.

See this scene.

Su Ming frowned, what is the situation?

The other party coaxed?

Immediately, Su Ming tentatively sent another microwave.

[Su Ming himself]: "Singer Huachenyu, stinky Shabi, why are you so cowardly?" Please turn on the microphone to communicate! "

As soon as the microwave is emitted.

The comment area also followed instantly, and the blink of an eye was as high as tens of thousands of comments.

"Hahahaha, Su Ming is awesome! The archmage couldn't help it, he was stunned, and now he actually started to delete the microwaves! "

"Singer Hua Chenyu, what about the energy just now, why did you start to delete the microwave, and there won't be another apology statement later, right?"

"Singer Huachenyu, there is a kind of opening the comment area, don't hide behind the screen and be silent, I know you're watching!"

"Poof! I'm laughing to death! God turn on the microphone to communicate! "

"Singer Huachenyu, please turn on the microphone to communicate!"

"Singer Huachenyu, please turn on the microphone to communicate!"

"Singer Huachenyu, please turn on the microphone to communicate!"

"Singer Huachenyu, please turn on the microphone to communicate!"


At this moment, following Su Ming's lead charge, it can be said that the comment area is devastating, and public opinion is down.

Many people even directly paraphrase Su Ming's microwave quotes.

For a while, the hot word [please turn on the microphone to communicate] has climbed to the end of the hot search.

Soon, though.

With the fermentation of public opinion.

The microwave of the Textbook Bureau suddenly rushed to the top of the hot search at a very fast speed!

[The textbook decided to include Su Ming's "Listen to Mother's Words" in the primary school music textbook]

Look at the entry.

All the traffic about this scolding war is pouring into the comment area of the microwave of the Textbook Bureau.

In less than ten minutes, the comments are already close to the million level.

"! it! it! "

"! What's the situation? The Textbook Bureau actually included Su Ming's song in the textbook? "

"Damn! It's unprecedented! "

"Am I right? Or is it that the Textbook Bureau sent it wrongly! My dam, this is outrageous! "

"Mom, Lao Tzu has witnessed history! This is the first non-main theme song to be included in a music textbook, right?! "

"My dam, this is too good! Su Ming is awesome! "

"The song "Listen to Mom" is indeed very suitable for children to learn, and Su Ming deserves it!"

"I'll go! Who would dare to say that Su Ming's song is not good? Singer Huachenyu, come in and be beaten! "

"Huachenyu, can't you just say "Listen to Mom"? There's a kind of you who also write a song to use in the textbook! "

"The last sentence is eye-catching, who is scolded by the word moaning without disease, I don't say the singer's flower dust language!"

"Singer Huachenyu, hurry up and turn on the microphone to communicate!"


"The song written in ten minutes was directly selected into the textbook, and I asked, "Who ??? it?"

"As a fan of Su Ming, I feel like I have a good card!"

"Yes, yes, I will have to go to Su Ming's microwave super talk every day to check in in the future, and when my fan brand is higher, maybe there will be a chance to be drawn! When the time comes, when we meet, I will go directly to Su Ming to ask for a child! "

"Sisters are so brave!"

"Damn, Su Ming is our male fan! But to be honest, boys really have to protect themselves outside, and there are more and more female hooligans! "

"This comment has more than 100,000 likes, I put on a mask and went to the playground to run on the playground, and at the same time shouted ten sentences Su Ming is awesome! Word! "

"I lost! I ordered! Empower every dream! "

"Empower every dream!"

"Empower every dream!"

"Empower every dream!"


Such a big event.

not only shook melon-eating netizens, but also shook most of the entertainment industry.

Su Ming is the first non-main theme singer who has a song that can be selected into the textbook, and at this moment, many bigwigs in the circle are even doubting the identity behind Su Ming.

There is such an opportunity.

Must you have grown up in a hospital?


The Office of the President of Sea Fish Entertainment.

"Fuck, who hid Su Mingxue in the first place? Get me the person in charge now! "

The president of Haiyu looked at the entries on the hot search, and was shocked, but couldn't help but scold directly, his face was gloomy to the extreme.

The more I thought about it, the more angry I became.

How good would it have been if Su Ming had been praised at the beginning?

With Su Ming's potential.

Don't hang ten or twenty square months?!


Old Xue Ziqi was also stunned.

They knew that Su Ming was talented and good at singing.

But this can actually be included in the music textbook by the Textbook Bureau.

It's incredible, isn't it?

In a way, this is even more awesome than winning the Golden Melody Award!

When the new textbooks are popularized, Su Mingke really wants to realize the sentence in this song, "Everyone sings songs that I wrote!" "

I knew that the Textbook Bureau would take action.

Both of them came forward to talk to the flowers.

Just sit and watch Huachen talk as a clown.


The other end.

Su Ming also saw the microwave of this textbook bureau at this moment.

The whole person was suddenly stunned.

No wonder Hua Chenyu was cowardly over there.

It is estimated that someone in the bureau has put pressure on it.

But one thing to say, this microwave is really a coincidence, just caught up with this wave of scolding.

And since the game is shot.

Naturally, he didn't feel good about continuing to scold.

At the same time, it didn't take long for the bureau to quickly contact Su Ming's side, hoping to hide the scolding microwave first.

Su Ming obviously understands this approach.

After all, this incident is too big, and as a public figure, the impact of leaving so many scolding microwaves is not very good.

And his songs have also been selected into the teaching materials, so he naturally has to give the public some positive images.

So, for a face in the selling game, Su Ming only kept the last "Please turn on the microphone to communicate", and everything else was hidden.

In addition, including Lao Xue, Ziqi is the same, and the relevant microwaves are asked to hide.

And it didn't take long.

Hua Chenyu's apology microwave was also sent immediately.

[In this public opinion turmoil, I have been deeply aware of my mistakes.

Therefore, I sincerely apologize to the three of Su Ming's original deity and old Xue Ziqi

As an artist, I should not take the lead in posting excessively inflammatory, insulting words, and I will focus more on my work in the future. 】

The comment area of this microwave is still not open.


Naturally, I didn't dare to open it.

Once opened, it will be washed away!

And such an official apology statement is written by the public relations team at first glance.

Hua Chenyu himself doesn't admit that he made a mistake, he is probably going to jump in anger, right?

But all in all.

This scolding war.

It was Su Ming who defeated Grand Master Hua with an overwhelming attitude! (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

"It's comfortable."

Putting down the phone, Su Ming couldn't help but stretch.

Before I finished breakfast, I was forced to spray people on the Internet, which is really unlucky.

The result is good, and the spray wins!

At this time, Reba and Yang Mi on the side were stunned, staring straight at Su Ming.

Obviously, the two are already stupid.

The two of them are the two people who really eat melons in real time.

I have to say that Su Ming's mouth is too powerful!

is obviously such a big rhythm, but public opinion is firmly controlled by Su Ming's mouth.

If you want to talk about scaring people, I'm afraid that the ten people in the public relations department together can't scare Su Ming!

In the end, the microwave of the Textbook Bureau, which was like a stroke of genius, directly destroyed the withering and decaying, and completely stepped on the flower dust language.

"What are you looking at me for? Eating a meal... Bah! Eat. "

Su Ming smiled when he saw the stupid appearance of the two, and immediately rewarded one of them with a brain collapse.

Although the strength is not great, the two of them grinned in pain.

Normally, if the second daughter suffers such "bullying", she will definitely greet Su Ming back.

But after this round of online scolding battles, the second daughter was a little shocked by the momentum revealed by Su Ming.

At this moment, he can only be like two little sheep, not daring to squeak, and leaving Su Ming at his mercy.

While eating.

Su Ming looked at his prestige on the side.

Obviously, many people are concerned about him.

For example, Chi Xiaoyun, an old fan like Sister Chaoyue, needless to say.

Old Xue Ziqi also sent him a lot of messages.

Even the paparazzi are in the group and fight for him.

There are a few bloody and even black materials that say they want to go to the explosion of dust!

Seeing this, Su Ming was really a little crying and laughing, but at the same time he was quite moved.

The paparazzi are still angry.

However, he did not agree with the paparazzi's practice of using their own names to break the black news.

There is capital behind Huachenyu, as long as it is not principled black material, it will basically be suppressed.

And the paparazzi are just ordinary employees of the company that broke the news, and the boss will give up when he says he will give up, and they still have to support their families.

For Su Ming's sake, there is really no need.

Of course, the most important thing is that Su Ming won the quarrel alone.

You don't need help at all!

And when it comes to old Xue Ziqi.

In fact, he really didn't expect that the two would stand up and speak for him for the first time.

Su Ming's current impression of these two people can be said to be really good.

These two friends can be made!

In that case, let's write another song for the two of them.

"'Sister Mi, do you have paper and pen at home?'

"What do you want this for?"

"Write songs to make money!"


A song "Ugly Eight Monsters"

A song "Light Years Away"

It appeared in Su Ming's pen.

In such a scene, Yang Mireba would definitely be shocked if it was before, but now, they are already a little numb.

Songs written in 10 minutes can be included in textbooks.

What else Su Ming can't do?

After eating.

Su Ming changed his clothes and went home directly.

I haven't completed the daily 100 kills task set for myself today.

Gotta get on the number now!

And with Su Ming's departure.

Yang Mireba seems to have recovered after a long time at this moment.

Reba was the first to open the conversation at this time:

"Sister Mi, Su Ming was really manly when he was scared of people, but seriously, Sister Mi, Su Ming really didn't treat you yesterday night?"

Yang Mi: "Get out!" That's what you're going to do! "

"Tut-tut, it's really elm, with such a big beauty here, is there any movement at all?"

"Reba, you"

"Hehe, I'm playing with you, look at Sister Mi, you're excited, hey, hey, hey, won't I be right? You won't wait ten months for you to suddenly give birth to a baby, right? "

"Dead girl, you're looking for a fight!"


In the afternoon.

After Su Ming completed the task of one hundred kills, he communicated with Lao Xue Ziqi and handed over the two songs to both parties.

And after that.

Su Ming began to write the script.

After thinking about it for a long time, the TV series has a long shooting cycle, and it is not suitable for the current Jiahang for the time being.

So it's better to write a movie.

Think about it carefully, the low-cost and high-yield movies "Charlotte's Troubles", "Blooming", "I Am Not the God of Medicine"... It's just too much!

I don't know which one to choose, so I'll just write it all out first.

As for the start of filming, it seems that few of the protagonists of these movies are famous now.

Most likely, they are in Hengdian or a small theater, and they are staying in an art school

If you have time in the future, you can consider going to Hengdian to try your luck first, there are many actors there.


Let's talk about the other end.

At this moment, I received a new song written by Su Ming.

Old Xue Ziqi is simply crazy.

Originally, they were already very satisfied with "Actor" and "Bubble".

Unexpectedly, "The Ugly Eight" and "Light Years Away" surprised them again!

That's just right.

A new song PK that can be used as a live and flower dust language next Saturday!

A song that can be used as the finale of the last issue of tomorrow's superstar!

And Lao Xue after receiving this "Ugly Eight Monsters".

I immediately decided to use this song on the new song PK next Saturday!

The title of this song is so suitable for swearing!

He even felt that Su Ming had deliberately written this kind of song for him.

But it doesn't matter, he can't get used to Hua Chenyu.

Even if Su Ming doesn't give a song, he plans to write a song himself.


Toilet counter building.

Tomorrow's Superstar Project Team Meeting Room.

"Hahahaha, this time we can save on publicity costs."

"But it's not, if you want me to say, Su Ming's appearance fee is really worth it!"

"Okay, big guy, let's go and contact the guest company now, don't let these people pinch the bow again on the show."

“OK! Go now! "



As the biggest winner except for Su Ming, the Tomorrow Superstar project team is already laughing.

All the protagonists of this wave of scolding will gather in the superstar project team next Saturday.

When the traffic is not allowed to explode?

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