Chapter 64 Happy Twist? Does Shen Teng have a daughter?

In the blink of an eye.

It's Thursday.

Four days have passed since the previous scolding battle between Su Ming, Lao Xue and others and Hua Chenyu.

Four days of precipitation.

Now there are not too many traces of this scolding war on the hot search.

is about Su Ming's song "Listen to Mother" being selected into the textbook, which is still hanging on the hot search.

Of course.

This calm state of affairs is only scratching the surface.

There is still an undercurrent underneath.

Huachenyu is going to release a song recently, and the lyrics and songs are Wang Quan, Wang Qu's father.

Lao Xue Ziqi also wants to send a song, and the lyrics are Su Ming.

Because of that scolding battle, all three have to rush to the new song list.

So indirectly.

To some extent, this will be a competition between Su Ming and Qu Dad!

Just hearing this gimmick is enough to make countless netizens look forward to it.

According to the information currently held by melon-eating netizens.

Lao Xue Ziqi should release a new song on Saturday, that is, when "Tomorrow's Superstar" is rebroadcast.

As for Hua Chenyu, he said next week on his own microwave, but the specific time is still not clear.

If the three of them can sing at the same time, the comparison will obviously be more intuitive.

And quickly.

The microwave just released by the "Tomorrow's Superstar" program group is a great way to make this idea come true.

At the same time, an even more explosive news was also announced.

[Tomorrow's Superstar Official Microwave]: "Due to special reasons, the premiere of the program was forced to be interrupted, and after the adjustment of the program team, the position of the judge Fang Yue will be replaced by singer Hua Chenyu, and the other judges will remain unchanged." "

"In addition, there is also a special guest in the show who will also appear on the stage, and that is Su Ming himself!"

"Super nice show, Saturday at 2pm, please lock the toilet on time!!"

This microwave is a shot.

It was the hot search list that had been calm for four days that it set off huge waves in an instant!

Less than half an hour has passed. 790

This microwave is rushing to the first place on the hot search list!

The reviews are even more direct fryers.

"I'm rubbing! Big scene! Is this the real big picture? "

"My eyes don't send, are they, are these people going to get together to do a show?"

"Poof! Su Ming's old Xue Ziqi, there is also a flower dust language, the program team is crazy about things! "

"What the hell? This can't be fought?! "

"That means that the new songs of Lao Xue Ziqi and Huachenyu will be released on this show? What about Su Ming, does Su Ming sing or not? "

"What's the situation? Is Su Ming going to be on the show too? I'm dripping mom! This wave is really a big rhythm! "

"Hahahaha! I watched the show, and I really wanted to see Su Ming angry at the archmage on the spot! Isn't that exciting?! "

"It's really exciting! I watched Su Ming scold two days ago, but I haven't seen it yet! This time, I came directly to the live-action offline version! It would be even more exciting if you could start playing! "

"Poof! What do you think, since they are all on the show, the program team must have coordinated, if you want me to say, let's pay more attention to the works, I want to see which one is awesome between Su Ming and Wang Quan! "

"Of course it's Su Ming! Songs have been included in the textbook! "

"That can't be said, Su will only be a genius tomorrow, but Wang Quan is Qu Dad, who has experienced more than ten years of hard work and has written a lot of awesome songs, which is stronger or weaker, it is really not certain."

"Wang Quan's song is to Huachenyu, I feel like I have to pounce! I don't care, vote for Su Ming first! "

"I have a question, Su Ming is a special guest, so is he a judge or going to sing? The program team didn't say this, if Su Ming himself has a new song to sing, wouldn't it be more lively? "

"Don't believe rumors, don't spread rumors, Su Ming has sent a lottery microwave, Su Ming is going to play with fans on Saturday, the program team must have made a mistake!"

"I lost! Big oolong? I also saw the lottery microwave posted by Su Ming yesterday, and he accompanied the fans on Saturday, how could he have time to record (agda) programs? "

"Compared to the show, I want to watch Su Ming play with fans live!"



"Tomorrow's superstar official microwave, explain it quickly!"



Regarding the fact that the four of them want to go to "Tomorrow's Superstar" at the same time, it has caused a violent response from netizens.

Four days ago, the four of them almost collapsed the hot search.

Now, the four of them can actually get together in the same show.

This is undoubtedly a magical and extremely explosive news!

And let's talk about the four parties at this time.

Hua Chenyu, Old Xue Ziqi, almost all of the three of them spent the past four days in the singing room.

Needless to say, Old Xue Ziqi couldn't sleep with excitement when she encountered such a song that suited her, so she naturally had to practice more.

And this song was written with the help of Su Ming, and they didn't want to cause the perception of the song to decline because of their singing skills.

As for Huachenyu, it was naturally holding his stomach.

In the past four days, he didn't even dare to open the microwave and any social platform software.

Because everywhere he was scolded!

Now, he's pointing to this song and raising his eyebrows!

Wang Quan's song has a lot of treble parts.

And treble is his forte.

It is no exaggeration to say that this song may be the most suitable song for him in recent years.

Therefore, he must make good use of this opportunity!

Next week's new song chart is number one, and he must win it!

Let's talk about Su Ming.

Compared to the efforts of the trio.

Su Ming is like no one else, every day is still the same as usual, playing games in the company and touching the fish, occasionally teasing Yang Mireba's sister Chaoyue and other female colleagues.

It seems that this show and the rhythm of the previous days have nothing to do with him!

But that's exactly what happened.

Su Ming really didn't take the show seriously, what storms and waves he hadn't experienced in his previous life?

This little rhythm in front of me is not a problem at all.

The only thing he still has some entanglement with this show for the time being is that he is thinking about which golden song he should sing on stage at that time.

I thought about it.

Otherwise, it's up to the fans to decide.

Anyway, he will bring fans to the scene when the time comes.

To see what type of songs the fans wanted to listen to this time, he just picked one from the library of songs in his mind.

"The lottery results should have come out."

Su Ming turned on the microwave at this time and looked at the microwave of the lottery.

"Hey, it's out!"

Su Ming looked at it.

It's still a girl this time. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Come to think of it, 99% of his old fans are female fans.

Subsequently, Su Ming immediately obtained the prestige of this lucky female fan by means of microwave private messages.

[I'll go!] Brother Su Ming, is it really you? I was actually drawn?! 】

Just added the first sentence of prestige, and the female fan came to a classic fan speech.


After some chatting, Su Ming learned about this female fan.

The female fan's name is Shen Xingxing, a senior high school girl who is preparing for the art exam, her father partnered with Bei and opened a media company together, called Happy Twist, and her mother is a teacher, and her family background can be said to be pretty good.

When Su Ming noticed the name of the female fan's father's company.

His eyes widened immediately.

Happy twist?

Plus Shen Xingxing's surname is Shen.

Could it be that this Shen Xingxing's father is called Shen Teng?

Su Ming didn't dare to ask directly, in case it was.

I suddenly said the name of the other party's father, which was too terrifying

But he clearly remembered that the founder of Happy Twist in his previous life was not Shen Teng, and Shen Teng did not have a daughter?

"Parallel worlds! Look at my brain! "

Su Ming's thoughts lasted for a while before he reacted.

This is not the world of the previous life, and it is normal for many places to have a way out.

But whether this is Shen Teng in his previous life or not, I have to go and see for myself!

And after talking about this.

Su Ming also chatted with Shen Xingxing about tomorrow's superstar.

Shen Xingxing was a little surprised by accompanying Su Ming to record the show, but he didn't resist very much.

It can be seen from Shen Xingxing's words.

She really wanted to watch Su Ming beat Huachen with her talent on the spot!

Obviously, a few days ago, she probably followed Su Ming to charge together, scolding Huachen together.

As for what type of song he hoped Su Ming would sing at that time, Shen Xingxing really couldn't think of it for a while.

Su Ming was not in a hurry.

Anyway, the show only started on Saturday afternoon, and he can still walk around with Shen Xingxing in the morning, and he can make an impromptu decision when the time comes.

And roughly after the conversation.

Su Ming immediately planned to improve the script of "Charlotte's Troubles", which had just been written halfway.

Although it is still not certain whether this happy twist is the happy twist in the previous life.

But since there's a chance, it's always good to have the script ready in advance.

In the previous life, this movie used a cost of more than 20 million yuan and laid a box office of more than 1.4 billion.

If Jiahang can make this movie, it will definitely be a very good start!


And time flies.

It's Friday.

It's only one day away from the start of "Tomorrow's Superstar"!

Tianle Entertainment Company.

In a singing room.

"Yes! This time it was perfect! "

The vocal music teacher listened to Hua Chenyu just finished singing at this time, and couldn't help but applaud.

Looking at the vocal teacher in front of him with a flattering gesture full of praise, Hua Chenyu couldn't help but smile.

Five days of hard work.

He felt like he had mastered the song completely.

Such perfect singing skills, coupled with such perfect lyrics and songs.

If this song doesn't make it to the top of the new song list.

He directly turned upside down and chopped Kun!

"Teacher Wang Quan, are you still satisfied this time?"

Hua Chenyu looked at Qu Dad Wang Quan on the side at this time, wanting to see what the original author thought.

Wang Quan frowned slightly at this time, but he also nodded.

How to say it, basically everything that should be sung in this song has been sung.

But there is always a taste of exclusivity and flower dust.

This makes the song so incongruous.

But overall, it's okay.

The last new song chart was No. 1, and it should be very stable.

"Su Ming, you wait for me."

"I'm going to let you hear what the highest treble in the world looks like!"

With the approval of Qu Dad Wang Quan, Hua Chenyu's confidence was undoubtedly doubly bursting, and his eyes narrowed slightly at this time.

He could even imagine the shocked, frightened, and overwhelmed look on Su Ming's face after hearing him sing this song out!

The other end.

Lao Xue Ziqi has also finished practicing new songs.

It's the same as Huachen language.

The two are also full of confidence at the moment.

Not surprisingly, tomorrow afternoon, it will be the time for them to correct Su Ming's name!

This new song is number one, and they are bound to win!

Let's talk about Su Ming.

Su Ming on Friday was unusually relaxed.

At the moment, he is working with a few paparazzi online to open the black and kill indiscriminately in the canyon.

Wait for the game to open in between.

Su Ming also sent a microwave by the way.

Su Ming himself:

[Given that tomorrow afternoon is going to tomorrow superstar to sing a song,

So I changed the meeting time with my fans to the morning, and the live stream will still start at that time

Old fans who want to watch the live broadcast, remember not to forget. 】。

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