Chapter 66: There Are Pigs! Fans take off their fans on the spot!

Magic City, Saturday, the weather is slightly gloomy.

Today is the time for tomorrow's superstars to start broadcasting.

It is also the day when Hua Chenyu Su Ming draws fans to play together.

Early in the morning, Hua Chenyu was woken up by her agent Sister Liu and pulled to the company.

"The driver and the restaurant where to eat have been arranged."

"The fan also pulled out yesterday night, and the driver will take you to pick her up later."

"Because you are eating alone with your fans, so in the live broadcast room, you have to take it yourself first.

The bodyguards will send a car to follow you, hiding in the shadows, and if there is an emergency, they will rush out in time

The rest of the characters that the company needs you to perform can be seen by yourself, and they are all written in it

If there is anything else that needs to be changed flexibly, you can mention


Listening to the agent Sister Liu tell about the plan given by the planning department yesterday evening.

Huachen yawned.

I was woken up before I woke up, which was really uncomfortable.

But when he thought that today was the day to release a new song and take revenge on Su Ming, his whole person immediately became energetic.

Of course.

Before that, he had to live stream and eat with his fans.

In fact, thinking of this, he already regretted sending that microwave a little.

At that time, I really didn't control it, and I was angry with Su Ming.

It's okay to smoke what fans are playing?

Isn't this a pure waste of time?

The leader scolded him yesterday!

But now it's useless to regret more, the wood is already in the boat, and you can only bite the bullet.

And the character that the company created for him does not need to be as down-to-earth as Su Ming.

After all, this thing, Huachen Yu really can't be performed.

Therefore, his only character today is to be good to his fans, just spoil his fans!

Stretching her waist, Hua Chenyu slowly took the planning plan in Sister Liu's hand and looked at it.

Immediately after that, several areas that needed to be improved were proposed.

"603" "Change this restaurant, change it to a better one, I remember that there is a Western restaurant next to it that is very good." "

"Bodyguards, remember to follow closely, I'm afraid that I won't be blocked by some inexplicable crowds at that time."

"Otherwise, that's it for now, I'll go put on makeup now."

"The flowers you prepared should have been prepared, right?"


Huachen can't talk anything else, but she still can.

In his opinion, isn't pet fan just the same as picking up girls?

So this time it's all about going on a date with a female fan, and dating, naturally, is to dress up well and prepare something.

If the quality of the female fans this time is really top.

Maybe you can make an appointment to play two-player poker or something in private in the future.

Of course, don't come to the door when you have children.

Sowing seeds, reaping fruits, that's what farmers do.

He's a star, he doesn't do it!

Tianle's makeup artists are very efficient.

After a while, Hua Chenyu's makeup was already painted, and the whole person also changed into a fashionable outfit.

Not to mention, in the pile, it is really more conspicuous than others.

Handsome, but not the normal kind of handsome, feminine and handsome.

When everything is ready.

Hua Chenyu got into the Alpha business car and went to the position of the fan.


It was not long after he got into the car, and a roar came out of Huachenyu's mouth.

"What is this smoking?"

At this moment, Hua Chenyu looked at the fan photos sent to him by her agent Sister Liu, and her face was full of horror.

This thing can't weigh 200 pounds?

is different from Su Ming, after Su Ming draws fans, he usually adds fan prestige in person.

But Hua Chenyu didn't have the time to spare, so it was all handed over to the broker.

This is the first time he has seen a photo of this fan.

This is too much worse than the female fans he expected!

The first time I saw it, I almost didn't throw it up!

"Sister Liu, don't you know how to change it? Where did you find such a big baby?

It's really not okay to spend some money, buy her microwave account, and then change someone to the top, pretending to be a fan of me! "

Hua Chenyu roared at Sister Liu, the agent on the other end of the phone, and was extremely emotional.

How do you rush this thing... Bah! How to spoil it?

He also dressed up seriously, and even prepared a bouquet of flowers!

What the hell!

"Oh, you're going to do it."

"After this girl was drawn yesterday, she sent a microwave as soon as possible, and she also had a photo in her microwave, and she couldn't change it if she wanted to."

"And to be honest, this girl is really the kind of fan who likes you very much, the fan card is almost 200 levels, and you have bought all kinds of peripherals, and you are on the list every time, and people regard you as a believer."

"And yesterday evening, the master was still in the comment area to help you scare black fans for most of the day."

"You should do well, and have a meal with someone."


Sister Liu was also a little helpless, and hurriedly persuaded her.

The company actually considered whether to change people, such as buying the other party's account and stealing the pillars.

But this female fan is so outrageous, she sent a microwave as soon as she was drawn, or she sent it in Huachenyu's super talk, and the fans all saw it.

This completely didn't give them time to react.

And listen to this voice of persuasion.

Hua Chenyu's face was really getting more and more ugly.

Isn't this just trying to persuade him to give her once?

It's too damn so... Vomit!


Huachen's tone was directly a slap in the face.

Then he punched the handful of flowers that were ready to be given to fans.

He regretted it!

Why were you so impulsive yesterday?

As a result, I really pulled out a tank 300, no, this is 500 at least!

How is this petted?

Take the head pet?

"Flowey, calm down."

"I'm calm down you mother!!"

The driver in the front seat was trying to comfort him, but he was so scared by Hua Chen's words that he didn't dare to say anything more.

At this moment, Hua Chenyu beat his chest, tears were about to flow out, and he couldn't wait to jump out of the car now.

Originally, he had an average impression of his fans, just treating them as leeks.

Now after randomly drawing one, the impression is directly worse.

It's really the same as what the black fans said, one by one.

This thinks of Su Ming's female fans, who are all good-looking with small faces.

His back molars are about to crush!

I was full of breath for more than half an hour.

Hua Chenyu slowly eased up.

The female fans who smoked by themselves have to finish this meal with tears in their eyes!

Hua Chenyu worked hard to adjust his breathing, and seriously began to go in the direction of how good this fan was to him, thinking about how much money this fan had spent on him, gave him a list, and helped him blacken fans.

Yes, help him get black powder!

Hua Chenyu hurriedly turned on the microwave and found the microwave of this female fan.

Maybe seeing this female fan defending his remarks, he can feel a little relieved.

But when I saw the comments inside

"What's so good about it? I'm fucking you!! "

"It's still 300,000? Grass! "

Hua Chenyu burst into foul language again, and he couldn't control his emotions at all.

My fans can really comfort themselves!

The most important thing is that looking at this female fan's speech, she seems to really believe it!

Isn't there a mirror at home, big sister?

If it weren't for his female fan, he would really want to scare people directly!

And soon, the agent Sister Liu pushed the prestige of this female fan to Hua Chenyu.

This acting is naturally a full set, if you don't even add prestige to female fans, then the favorite fan character will naturally not be able to hold up.

I can't wait for the prestige chat record, and after sending the microwave, I will block it directly tomorrow.

[Huahua, is it really you? My name is Liu Cuicui, you can call me Cuicui! 】

Coupled with the first sentence of prestige, the other party directly sent a greeting, and by the way, it was accompanied by a shy and cute expression.

This almost didn't make the flower dust talk vomit.

But in order to maintain the character of a good fan as much as possible, he had to reply to the past very friendly.

And after chatting with this female fan named Liu Cuicui for half an hour.

It's almost time to meet the place.

And so.

After Hua Chenyu posted a microwave of the broadcast, he directly started the live broadcast with a comic sound. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

This one is on the air.

Many netizens and fans who had been waiting to watch the live broadcast for a long time immediately poured in.

In less than ten minutes.

The number of people in the live broadcast room has already rushed to more than 100,000.

"Flowey is so handsome today!"

"It's so handsome! It's worthy of the idol I picked! "

"Huahua, we will always support you!"

"It's so hard to dress up so exquisitely! At first glance, it's good for our fans, and I'm really envious of being that car... Bah! The sister who was drawn! "

"Poof, brother in the front row, you're showing your chicken feet!"

"Hahahaha, have any brothers seen the microwave photo of that female fan? That's not an exaggeration at all, it's the right word! "

"You guys, do you know how good that sister is? Put this aside, can you afford the 300,000 bride price? Brothers, did I learn like this time? "

"Tut-tut, I'll tell you the truth, if the archmage can really treat this female fan, like Su Ming did to Xiaoyun Chaoyue, I will turn black to fan!"

"Su Ming hasn't started broadcasting yet, I'll come and see the archmage first! Ooh! So many brothers are there? "


Hua Chenyu looked at the barrage.

A large area is covered in black powder.

Originally, he wanted to reluctantly broadcast live with a smile, but he couldn't laugh anymore this time.

Especially after seeing the words "car" and "bottom", he couldn't laugh at all.

Simply, Huachenyu just doesn't watch the barrage.


is about to meet fans, Hua Chenyu couldn't help but exhale deeply, and kept repeating two words in his mind to do a good job of psychological construction for himself.

Pet the fans! Pet the fans! Pet the fans!

No matter what happens today, this character must not jump!

There are enough black fans, and these true love fans must not be lost!

Today it's a fan.

He's going to have to hold on.

"Huahua, the location is here, but I don't see her, why don't you get out of the car and take a look?"

The driver parked the car on the side of the road at this time, looked around, and couldn't help but turn his head and frown to look at Huachen Yu 0...

Hua Chenyu opened the car window and looked around.

"Could it be that you didn't come?"

Hua Chenyu was happy in her heart, if she didn't come and find an excuse to turn off the broadcast, wouldn't it be cool?

"The fans don't seem to be here, so they won't release my pigeons, right?"

Hua Chenyu hurriedly took the live broadcast room, looked around at random, and deliberately said to the live broadcast room.

If I hadn't come, I'd have escaped a catastrophe.


He didn't find out.

At this time, behind a big tree not far away, a huge figure who had hidden, but only barely hid behind the big tree, was looking at Hua Chenyu with a sly smile.

"Oh, the fans actually let me pigeon, I'm so uncomfortable."

Hua Chenyu saw that there was really no one, so he immediately followed the words.

But just when he was about to go back to the car, he was going to find a reason to go off the air.

A brutal female voice suddenly sounded from a distance.

"Flowey! Surprised?! "


This is the huge figure, that is, the female fan of Huachenyu, Liu Cuicui!

From a rough point of view, Liu Cuicui is about 1.5 meters tall and weighs 189.

At this time, Liu Cuicui was wearing a floral skirt and carrying a delicate pink bag, driving towards Huachenyu at great speed, with a little flexibility in her sluggishness, and a smile on her face.

If you look closely, she has heavy makeup on her face, and it is obvious that she attaches great importance to this meeting.

It's just that the force is too strong.

That's right, the reason why I didn't come out just now was to surprise the idol.

However, the surprise turned into a fright.

Hua Chenyu was startled by Liu Cuicui, who suddenly came out, and her face changed greatly.

I almost fell down with the live broadcast room, and hurried towards the SUV behind me.

"Bodyguard! Bodyguard! "

"Stop me! There is a pig!! "


Five or six big men rushed out of the SUV in a hurry.

Less than a minute.

Liu Cuicui was pressed to the ground.

At this time, Liu Cuicui was really confused, a little doubtful of life.

How can you still bring bodyguards with this?

What about eating alone?

"Huahua, it's me, Cuicui, we talked about prestige."

Liu Cuicui hurriedly spoke loudly.

As soon as this remark came out.

Hua Chenyu's face changed, and he hurriedly opened his mobile phone and looked at the photos that Sister Liu had given him before.

After a closer look, it was the same person!

But this photo is too outrageous, at first glance, you can't tell it's the same person at all!

Be aware of the severity of the problem.

Hua Chenyu hurriedly rushed over, signaling the bodyguard to let go, and at the same time signaling to help Liu Cuicui up.

"Let go!"

"Cuicui, hurry up!"

"I was startled just now, I didn't look closely, I thought it was paparazzi or black fans."

"You know, I've been a lot of black fans lately."

Hua Chenyu hurriedly opened his mouth to explain, his tone was extremely unnatural, and his face was full of embarrassment.

However, Liu Cuicui's face is obviously not as bright as before.

Before they started to get along, they were directly pressed to the ground by the bodyguards who suddenly jumped out and doubted their lives.

Didn't you talk about it before, eat alone and play together, is it like Su Ming's 3.8 to fans?

Why did you bring bodyguards here?

It can't really be a defense against her, right?

If so, she would be disappointed.

And just now, she also clearly heard Hua Chen's words: "There is a pig? "

The more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she became, Liu Cuicui said directly: "Huahua, do you think I'm ugly?" Are you afraid that I will cause you any danger? You even brought a bodyguard? So I'll go? "

As soon as this remark came out.

Hua Chenyu hesitated directly, he really wanted to answer yes, but obviously he couldn't say that.

But before he could speak, Liu Cuicui saw Hua Chen's hesitant appearance, and suddenly understood in her heart.

"Flower Dust Language! I get it! Just treat it as a pink brute! "

"Su Ming scolded you, you really scolded right!"

Liu Cuicui shouted, tears flowed out, and then threw out a large box of paper stars with "Love Huahua's Xth Day" from her bag and fell to the ground.

Let's talk about it.

Without looking back, he ran into the distance.

Happy to meet the idol.

As a result, idols treat me like a pig?

And saw that the other party actually threw himself face.

Huachen's temper also came up, and he shouted in the direction of Liu Cuicui's departure:


"I'm really used to you, there are no more fans, and there are no less than you!"

But soon he realized that he was still broadcasting.

Then I quickly turned off the live broadcast.

However, this broadcast is off, but the picture can be seen in the live broadcast room.


The audience who just watched the live broadcast were all stupid.

This is compared to Su Ming.

Huachen language, this is too outrageous!

Fans take off their fans directly in person!

Of course, this dumbfounded is dumbfounded, the scene just now is so happy to watch!

For a while, the audience who recorded the screen uploaded the video to the microwave.

In a very short period of time, this video directly rushed to the hot search!.

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